Cowboys Break

Football #178

Live from The Star each weekday during the season, Cowboys Break brings you the latest Cowboys news as it happens, while also taking questions and input from the fans!

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  • michyleo8373
    I love this show, I didn’t mind Ambar. But the kid in the background is not what I tune in for at all. I understand life comes up but that was not professional at all. Would rather have her miss the episode than bring the kid to work day.
  • Andyvnmsu
    Not What Once Was
    The Break used to be THE Dallas Cowboys podcast to listen to. David Helman and Nick Eatman who provided honest and witty insight are both greatly missed. This season’s team is just not very good- no other way to put it. Soooo boring hearing stat lines and early 2000s scouting nowadays. I will give the podcast another shot at Training Camp next season when Derek shakes up the staff.
  • Earlpheus
    I appreciate this show... huge fan of Nick Eatman. *EDIT* PLEASE BRING BACK NICK
  • jonclendenin
    Change for no reason
    Why “fix” what’s not broken?!? I get Nick deserves his own show, but I tune in to hear Nick and Bryan. I don’t have time to listen to 12 different shows per day, so I guess I just won’t listen at all. Terrible move. Fix it or lose listeners!
  • Mermaid lover forever
    the break
    by far still the best cowboys podcast, and i’ve listened to them all!
  • Roger*72
    Tone it down
    Please Tell Heckma to toneit down his volume is way to loud can’t understand what he says or anybody else says when he starts cutting up. Thank you.
  • Woody-in-MO
    Get Some Tech Help
    You’re the freaking Dallas Cowboys and you have several in house podcasts. Please hire someone who can figure out how to make it possible for shows to automatically download.
  • SB five
    No new episode
    I have not received any new episodes since September… Thanks
  • Antny511
    No new episodes?
    Last episode was September 22? Where are the new episodes?
  • Mjay31
    No new episodes I haven’t got a new episode since September 22
    September 22
  • Leihokutiger
    Thought I was the only one
    I also haven’t gotten any new episodes. No one else noticed from Dallas
  • pope111
    No new episodes
    Are they not putting no new episodes up
  • lando804
    Broaddus is back!
    I had to check out after the split but here I am right back. P.S. - love Dave and still following all his content too
  • archnagel
    Been listening to the show since the beginning. I have grown up with nick and Derek as a cowboys fan. Of all The DC shows this and the Draft show are the only ones that make my podcast rotation…. A decade of listening and never felt the need to write a review until Thursday 26 May 22 show when the team discussed gun violence after uvlade. Nick, Derek and Dave always felt like family as a US servicemember traveling near constantly for the last 5 years it has always be a comfort to me to hear them in my air pods no matter the situation. But now I feel the need to thank them. They opened their hearts to us and I am sure we have heard it before but this time it felt a little more raw. God bless, stay safe and go cowboys!!!!! P.s. Derek don’t fire nick over the language it was warranted !!! Billy Blue
  • y_dlin
    Great show for keeping up with the Cowboys.
    Love the show. Been listening for a while now, through several different staff/host combinations. This is one of the shows I listened to regularly throughout my time in the military overseas. Helped me stay and feel connected. Nick just needs to do a better job of keeping up with the season/episode count lol.
  • the plain brown rapper
    No regard for Ambar
    Ambar was giving her SB picks and they cut her off , rambled and never went back to her. She was the only one right about Bengals. So Ambar, did u have rams or niners?
  • Kwasi Goldman
    Good solid and creative content! Good chemistry
  • Jason Tabanan
    My favorite Cowboys podcast
    The Break and the Draft Show are my favorite podcasts. I wish it was an hour long like it used to be. 45 min isn’t enough time.
  • Mrktanarchist
    My Go To
    Not sure what Ambar really brings to the table. However this is my go to Cowboys podcast. Definitely the best of the shows.
  • cowboysalltheway7
    Longtime listener first time reviewer
    I listen to all the shows (wife thinks I’m obsessed with “football news”). But always listen to this show first. Love Dave, Nick and Derek. Just wish Amber would organize her thought before trying to give a take. A little too rambling. Maybe it’s a 2nd language think. Certainly don’t mean to offend. I miss Kelsey Charles and Taylor Steven really grew into the spot too at one time. Hoping Amber does as well because I love her passion for the team.
  • Cindy SS0809
    Ambar needs to go
    Love you guys, but Ambar needs to go. It is very difficult to listen to her as an educated fan but also her radio voice is subpar. Sounds like she has something in her throat, constantly.
  • Mhizzle4shizzle
    I can’t listen to Ambar Garcia anymore….
    The majority of this show is GREAT!! Ambar Garcia ruins it. She’s unintelligent when it comes to football (which she openly admits), she awkwardly laughs at everything she says, and she rarely provides any insight to the Cowboys organization. It was a nice “Break” having her away on maternity leave…..unsubscribe 🤷🏼‍♂️
  • JohnnyCulbreth
    By FAR my favorite ‘Boys podcast BUT…
    I am ALL for a female voice and perspective on the show but could we at least get someone who has something to add to the conversation or someone who, at minimum, has football knowledge? These last few months of this show were so refreshing! 5 out of 5 stars… now, meh. Maybe Taylor S is available?
  • Bada_Fett
    Great show, great cast
    Been listening for years, great variety of opinions, fun sidebar discussions. Great lineup with Nick, Derek, and Derek. If your a cowboys fan this is a must listen.
  • Nutt27
    Good but not great
    Really need to make sure everyone on the podcast is knowledgeable....there is one person in particular that really brings the podcast down. She doesn’t add anything to the show. It feels like she would be better suited elsewhere.
  • Zwise12
    Best Cowboys podcast for insightfulness
    Look, no shade to other podcast but this is the best Cowboys podcast for actual information…other shows get off topic way to often, but the break is informative, insightful, and really helps the hardcore fans understand what’s going on on a day to day basis
  • Sphinx07
    Still No 2021 Episodes Posted
    Why do I still have to go strictly to YouTube for new episodes? This is just being lazy now.
  • Lil Rock9
    One of the worse podcast ever. If you are a blind homer. This is for you. 2 Idiots say dak is top 5 in the league. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! Deleted instantly.....
  • stickykreusen
    If you are a hard core Cowboys fan, this podcast is so close to being a go-to pod for thoughtful, smart and insightful analysis. What keeps it from being 5 stars is the inclusion of Ambar Garcia. She is clearly talented, smart and charismatic, but it is so annoying to hear from someone who is unashamedly ignorant of football on a podcast where the rest of the analysts are’s like the program can’t decide what it wants to be. Ambar belongs on another show where they are appealing to newer or more casual fans (maybe more like “Talkin Cowboys”), but if someone values hearing from Nick Eatman (great on Cowboys history/perspective, interesting hot takes) or Dave Hellman (draft expert, solid film study) and more recently Bucky Brooks (who is excellent and offers Athletic-level insights), hearing Ambar ramble for 90 seconds at a time feels like a waste of time and totally at odds with what the Break would otherwise be. Fortunately 3 taps on you fast forward button almost always clears her take out (she rarely speaks for less than 60 seconds).
  • Jrgoldenboy
    Big Thumbs Down
    These guys are obviously in Jerry’s pocket and feed you pipe dreams about this team!!!! Use to be a longer after 20+ years of misery......misery loves company and this group is at the front line stirring Jerry’s kool aid!!!!! Don’t drink it folks, find a better team and find a better podcast, your health will thank you
  • Danny20RR
    Where y’all at? The season has started and the most recent episode I have is June! Come on guys let’s go!
  • caseykeith23
    Stop drinking so loud!
    This used to be my favorite Cowboys Podcast. I am seriously thinking about unsubscribing because Jesse drinks so loud on air. No one wants hear him gulping they entire show.
  • big blue d 21
    big cowboy21
    i really enjoy all the in your face Cowboys talk, keep it 100% i’ll will be listening
  • mholmes76
    Cowboy Analysts - 5 Stars; Ambar - 0 Stars
    I debated whether to round down.
  • Saryan17
    Get rid of Ambar
    Jesus. Listening to her stupid commentary hurts my brain and my fingers, I have to fast forward until the nails on chalk board stop. Dump her, she knows nothing!
  • bigbadRandy
    Most racist people there is. They support the rioting and murder of policemen. I’m ready when you get your civil war.
  • just a cowboys fan
    You guys do a great job to begin with... add Bucky to the cast. He has an immense amount of knowledge with his time as a player and in the front office. He’s also very smooth in how he reports his info. Jerry throw a stack of cash at him to take him away from NFL network
  • Big G in Cville
    Bar Am”bar”
    Unsubscribing until Amber is replaced. I actually like having a female point of view, but she is on the panel because she’s female, not because she knows anything about DC football. She’s nails on a chalkboard and I’m choosing to unsubscribe because of her. I honestly believe she steals her questions from panelists on other shows or refers to her Journalism 101 notes for generic questions to ask. Ugh.
  • Terryd.
    It truly saddens me, that I can longer listen to my favorite radio show. I’ve tried over and over again, but Ambar is the worst. I get the female representation, but there are a lot of females that understand football, and Ambar is not one of them. I loved Dia, and Blair.
  • megcoffey05
    Intelligent show
    By far the best Cowboys-focused podcast if you like intelligent conversation from people with some character. I’d vote for Eagleton to be president. If you want a more traditional sports hype-building low analysis conversation go with Hangin with the boys. If you want old school grumpy men talking about games they remember from 1963, complaining about refs, and/or blaming injuries along with a fair amount of weather-talk go with Talkin Cowboys .
    Get Ambar and Jessie off
    I understand the marketing play for trying to bring on a female analyst. However, Ambar does not understand football and rarely has any contribution worth listening to. She’s really annoying. Jessie needs his own show as he tries to dominate every conversation. He is too egocentric and immature to be a likable co-host.
  • Haydenyou are
    Merge cowboys break and talking cowboys
    I’m giving 5 stars because I really like Dave and Nick. With Broaddus gone Talking Cowboys is just not the same. So why not merge the two podcasts into one. Dave, Nick, and Rob Phillips would be great as a group with Derek hosting. C’mon Derek- hanging with the boys is good- the other two need a major shake-up.
  • Not a's a Lifestyle!
    Ambar needs to go!!
    Just deleted your Talking Cowboys podcast. Ambar is terrible and we have other Cowboys shows to listen to!! Goodbye!
  • imaaron
    A Better Version of Talkin Cowboys
    Not the best show from the Dallas Cowboys - that would be Hangin With The Boys - but pretty good and vital for the avid fan. Dave and Ambar are great. Nick is good, but a little stuck in early 2000s la-la land. Derek is the school principal not letting the show go where Nate and Jesse take HWTB. Dave is worth the listen and Ambar is really coming along with consistent great takes.
  • Molly Vegas
    Love this show
    Love the podcast. Love all the informative info you all bring us. Definitely my favorite of all the official Dallas Cowboys podcast. Nick, Derek & Dave are great. Love Ambar repping us girls. Keep up the great job all.
  • RBSummers
    Best DC podcast
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for 4+ years. It is hands down the best Dallas Cowboys podcast. Nick is just the man! Tiny Jim has maybe the most grounded and hilarious points in every stretch of the imagination. Screw the haters! Ambar I love your voice, and your insights of the Cowboys are what we fans want to say but wouldn’t have the balls to say on air. And Derek keeps everyone from not going in the ditch, and makes it a point to say the episode number at the beginning of every show(love it). Keep it up guys!
  • gordowash
    Ambar must go!
    Really good, informative show but please replace Ambar.
  • barstooljoel
    Great show
    Great insight by the guys. Started listing to this show after I couldn’t stomach Mickey any longer on the other show.
  • MC-1019
    Less of Ambar!
    Ambar is very hard to listen to. The rest of the podcast is great!
  • Jeffvlbc
    Good but not great
    Long time listener and would love to give them five stars but there is one glaring issue, which I will get to. Derek leads the show well and says just enough but puts his talent in the right situations to shine. Nick is probably my fav, endless knowledge and is funny a lot of times without even trying. Dave has been a great addition and has proved he is top 3 of all their on air personalities. Ambar however, does not bring anything to the table. I’ve tried to give her a chance and get past all of the giggling and fact that she was new to this. But she’s still terrible, I cannot seriously believe they cannot find someone better. I get that she brings in a new demographic with women and Latinos but cmon now..Bring in Dani or Chuck to replace her full time and this show is a 5
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