Focus on the Family with Jim Daly


Become a champion for your family in the time it takes to enjoy a cup of coffee! Every episode of the Focus on the Family Christian podcast helps you confidently guide your loved ones through the unique challenges faced by today’s Christian families. With over 40 years of trusted, compassionate stories of redemption, hosts Jim Daly and John Fuller connect you to biblically sound marriage and parenting help that is relatable, practical, and interesting. Listen/Learn/Apply/ThriveInChrist!

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Recent Reviews
  • KRice2021
    I’m so thankful for this resource. I’m in a season of leaning more into Jesus for every aspect of my life and Focus on the Family provides Bible based support for me daily. Praying that others will be positively impacted by the work you’re doing for God’s kingdom. God bless you all🙏🏾🙏🏾
    Great Daily Christian Podcast With Practical Advice and Applications for Christian Living
    I have been a long time listener to Focus on the Family from way back in the James Dobson days. Jim Daly and his co-host John Fuller have done a great job continuing to carry the torch of what Dr. Dobson began, providing timely and practical advice for Christian living with their daily interviews of Christian experts in a wide variety of fields. Thank you Jim and John for providing a much-needed daily dose of salt and light to your listening audience.
  • That random guy on the drums
    Not happy about the Kathy Koch speech.
    I love focus on the family. It’s an awesome podcast about God and is a very wholesome thing to listen to, considering the things people listen to today. I however have one problem, and that is the Kathy Koch speech. Kathy Koch is not someone I would air on the podcast, since he is a trans gender. If the message is truly about being who God made you, then why air a person who biologically changed them from what God made them? It doesn’t sit right with me hearing a message saying to not be the very person relying the message. As a Christian I can’t agree with that. Maybe this is just a one time, slip through the cracks, but you gotta address this. I shouldn’t have to be saying this about a Christian podcast. Not happy.
  • Lankyrighty
    Very helpful podcast that I listen to on a regular basis. I appreciate the subject matter and the biblical, logical perspective. Stay the course!
  • ggfjfggi CNN lg ok g
    Just a kid!
    I am only a kid, but I listen to this a lot! It’s really good. It answers many of my questions, and strengthens my faith. There are many Different topics and people, but there all really great! Thank you so much! Keep up the good work! We need it!
  • Steward4Him
    Life-changing consistent quality material
    I grew up listening to Focus on the Family and my mom’s kitchen as I got breakfast before school. Now I’m 39-year-old dad of three young boys seven and under. And I thank God every day for ministries like focus on the family that provide amazing content for me to be a better husband and a better dad do yourself a favor and listen to at least one or two of these episodes every week if you’re serious about your role in the home.
  • Bmh8595
    I won’t be listening anymore
    I enjoy listening to the guests that come on the podcast. I learn a lot from what they have to say. Unfortunately I won’t be listening to this podcast anymore because of Jim Daly’s constant need to stereotype men and women. Broad generalizations don’t typically help the individual and more often than not can be detrimental to one’s mental health. This podcast is often talking about mental health so it is a bit counterintuitive to have a host who doesn’t seem to understand it very well. If the producers are reading this….maybe it would be helpful for Jim to take a course in cultural humility/diversity? I gave this podcast two stars because the content and guests are very helpful and knowledgeable. If it was just one or two episodes of stereotypical talk I would move on and keeping listening. But it’s almost every single episode.
  • giddyslick
    Right timing!
    WHILE listening to “moms and anger”, my kids got into a fight and I yelled and got angry at them. Oh talk about convicting!!! They then reminded me in the podcast to turn it back to God. Thank you!
  • Winman91
    I have struggled with health problems for the last four years when my career as a doctor ended and I thought I can count on my friends but they all seem have disappeared. But this podcast gives me hope everyday as I try to seek God’s plan for me and my family Thank you for the wonderful podcast
  • Farmer K
    Life changing!
    So many relevant and crucial topics! Thank you!
  • Monica Parada
    Practical help
    Thank you to this program for addressing so many different topics, helping share truth, and being easy to listen to.
  • sue from kalamazoo
    Podcast photo…
    Is focus on the family Jim Daly?? I thought I was contributing to an organization that concerns the family…
  • rodsworth77
    Great podcast
    Hi, Rod here from the Millennial Mustard seed podcast dropping in to show support. Love this platform and all you do for spreading Truth. Let’s Go!!
  • Grrgonzola
    Inspiration at your fingertips!
    There is so much information out there on how to be a good parent or spouse this podcast pulls together the BEST advice and insight through the people who are either professionals or experienced humans who can shine a light on truth, and how to be a better human full of Love and compassion!
  • Cindywordbird
    Tim Hawkins is hilarious! Thanks for laughs!
  • michlygud
    So thankful
    As a wife of 23 years I’m so thankful for the awesome truths shared here. Juli has a gentle way of challenging you to improve many aspects of marriage, and does not shy away from difficult areas. I’m always convicted in a productive way when I listen.
  • sheilarm
    So helpful
    Wide range of helpful topics discussed by Christ loving, compassionate people.
  • suzukifast124
    Great content different topics , while focusing on God, and family, a much needed podcast for this dark times we are facing!
  • billygoat1987
    Always a good message
    Today July 3rd beautiful story and really spoke to me in a lot of ways. It’s always amazing how God speaks to us all differently through people. God bless
  • Walkerdustin1
    What I need
    Really good topics for everyday life. I’ve found many answers to prayer for wisdom on this podcast
  • Random person 10000
    The Absolute Best!
    I have listened to this program since I was born (literally). I have always loved hearing the stories of wisdom and advice even from such a young age. I honestly believe that it has helped shape me into the Christ-follower I am today. Anytime I need to hear something that is uplifting, convicting, and motivating all at the same time, I find an episode on Focus on the Family! I am so grateful for their ministry and what they have to offer!
  • Reisdeit
    Steady Stream of Good Advice
    I’m a long time listener, and the steady stream of good ideas and advice is very helpful for me to keep up a positive mindset about me, my family, and our future.
  • Sean & Collette
    Couldn’t do it without them!
    We have been regularly following Focus for over 20 years and have found them to be incredibly helpful in raising our family and helping build our marriage with a strong foundation. We are so thankful for everyone on the Focus on The Family team!!!
  • Jesusfollower9
    Family improvement
    I appreciate the humor at times and the honesty to help marriages and raising kids. Also learning about church community. Wonderful Christian help.
  • Onebighappyfamilynow
    Daily vibe
    I listen daily. It really get my day started the right way.
  • Tina-Louise Wallace
    Such a great addition to all collections!
    I have been a long time subscriber now of the focus on the family podcasts and I subscribe to quite a few podcasts related to positive parenting and parenting in general and the Focus on the Family Parenting podcasts are some of my favorite!!! There are always great topics that can relate to a lot of families. There are also great guests that are always appreciated for great insight. I also love the resources which are on their website as well as the printed copies which they always share for minimum donations that can be affordable for anyone, they are also great resources all around and I am so grateful for the amazing team at focus. Thank you!!
  • tmyers1
    Good broadcast. Too wiling to blame men for everything that goes wrong in a marriage, family, etc.
    I grew up listening to Focus. Jim Dobson was/is a great man. The program is still fantastic, but Jim Daily seems all too willing to blame men for everything that is wrong in families, marriages, and with children. As an example, in the lead up to one of the recent episodes he stated (paraphrased), "I like dad supporters. When we mess up so much, it's nice to hear a supporter." By itself this is pretty mild, but I don't recall any recent episode that focused specifically on marriage or parenting where Mr. Daily did not say something like that. It's indicative of his mind set, and unfortunately may also be indicative of his approach to counseling. This is not the Focus of my childhood. UPDATE: Tried the show again. Once againJin Daily doesn’t seem to be able to get past his own life experience. He still blames men for all the different in marriage. It’s hard to counsel those in need when you yourself need counseling and can’t let go of your own baggage.
  • anniehendx
    They overuse gender stereotypes (probably for click bait) instead of speaking to their listeners as humans who share the same, basic needs. Both genders have a need for love AND respect. Both genders have sexual needs. Both genders have emotional needs. Both genders find can fulfillment in their careers. Both genders find fulfillment can find fulfillment within the home. So instead of listening to these folks, I encourage you to research the works of the Gottman institute. They give wise relationship advice and offer a more balanced presentation of what a healthy partnership looks like. And as a future warning, if you ever see someone advertising a book/podcast/etc. that implies women’s needs are different from men’s, steer clear of it and look for more balanced advice. It’s always best to ASK your partner what he/she needs, rather than assuming they have needs that are stereotypical for their gender. Peace and God’s blessings ✌️❤️
    Eye opening.
    Thank you for these great and inspirational podcast. Very eye opening to how I should raise my 3 kids.
  • Sean38538
    Amazing Message
    You should listen to this podcast
  • annesquivel
    For your voice it’s very calming
  • octoberskies123
    Love this podcast!
    This podcast is so wonderful! I’ve learned so much just by listening to one in the shower, or while I exercise! Love it so much! Thank you, Focus on the Family for Biblical, practical teaching! ❤️
  • perfect as i am
    Garbage info
    Please don’t listen to this
  • Carlee Kimrey
    Helpful, Biblical and inspiring
    We live Focus. We utilize the family and marriage podcasts regularly to coach others as well as feed ourselves. This is a great organization!
  • firstplacehero
    Just what the Lord ordered
    Thank you so much for this podcast. Me and my family have been so blessed by each episode. It has really opened my eyes to what God has for his people if we just trust in him.
  • DaneKata
    Daily life saver.
    Sometimes this show just brings me right back when I start to fall away.
  • MikeJamesHewitt
    Focus on the family has given so much hope to our marriage and my family family. Keep up the work! Highly recommend the Daily Citizen section of Focus on the Family as well.
  • jilljillg
    Love this podcast
    I grew up listening to this show because my mom listened. I love the old replays of Patsy Clairmont, Florence Littaeur and Corrie Tin Boom. Now I’m a faithful listener and supporter. As the seasons of my life change, not every show is applicable to my life but I still listen because you never know who God will bring to your path that needs to hear. Keep being faithful Focus! Thank you!
  • BigNetV
    Evil Evangelicals
    Focus on the Family is a fraud. The leaders from top to bottom supported and continue to advocate for Donald John Trump. Their argument…no human being is perfect. Jesus Christ commands us is not to be hearers only but doers of His Word. Jesus Christ stated, Be holy because I am holy. I have one word for the entire leadership team…REPENT and stop mocking God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Bible. PS. AMERICA is NOT FREEDOM It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. - Galatians 5:1 DEMOCRACY is NOT the GOSPEL And the gospel must first be preached to all nations. -Mark 13:10 The US Flag is NOT the CROSS They made him jealous with their foreign gods and angered him with their detestable idols. -Deuteronomy 32:16 The US CONSTITUTION is NOT the BIBLE For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes ofthe heart. -Hebrews 4:12 Are evangelicals evil? Is their conduct motivated by agape love? How can you love your neighbor while supporting a person that causes hate, strife, and division? You may dupe some but you can never dupe Jesus Christ.
  • Bible Star
    Best ever please keep up God’s good work.
    Thank you!
  • lillyanne12-
    Love it
    Love this episode
  • Bexaida
    Resiliency is probably the most important character trait to developing a healthy and thriving adult
    I love the personal examples and the biblical standpoint. I am so thankful that they talk about the hard issues especially in a world that is trying to foster entitlement and feeling based society that cannot handle challenges, hearing this is a powerful affirmation! Bex Buzzie
  • Polo@29
    My Daily toolbox
    I am so thankful for Focus and their daily podcast. Each podcast is always filled with tools that I can apply daily to better my family.
  • Give Grace 2022
    Disappointed with some of the interviews
    Love the podcast, feel like some of the interviews only bring one side of the story. Not the love Jesus Christ being spread as much as political agenda.
  • Mimi00190
    Daily Dose of Encouragement & Inspiration
    I want to thank Focus on the family for all that they do. All the resources they provide, particularly the podcasts, have been instrumental in my life. The inspiring stories, words of encouragement, and biblical wisdom they share have helped me though very difficult moments. I continue to learn and grow in my faith and I am better because of it. Thank you!
  • Gizelle Mack
    Lacking Woman’s Perspective as Podcast Host
    I just listened to the Breaking Free of Eating Habits episode and recently listened to the 2 parts of Saying What You Want To Say and while the content of what the guests shared was super practical and helpful, it was painful to hear the host not fully grasp the difficulty many people (especially women) have with eating to cope with emotional stress. While many women deal with shame of this it would have been beneficial to have a woman hosting or co-hosting this episode and be able to ask better questions than the host to densely was trying to grasp the concept. I appreciate this topic and content I just wanted to offer that it could be helpful in the future to have a woman host or co-host this podcast. (I am also a new listener so if you already have a woman host that I just haven’t heard yet then please just consider who would be a helpful host in the future when topics potentially relate more to women)
  • MJRoop
    Thank You Focus in the Family
    I am so very grateful for the sound Biblical teaching of Focus on the Family. I have utilized so many of the things I have learned. It has strengthened my faith journey and my family. I am eternally grateful for this ministry.
  • Caden🏀🏀
    I listen to this podcast all the time. Love the Bible based teaching on a variety of topics. Thank you for all you do !
  • Christinew1559
    Great information and resources
  • SoniaDPQ
    Great resource!
    I appreciate the important topics that Focus on the Family tackles. They come at the right time and are a great resource!
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