This Week in Virology

Science #55

TWiV is a weekly netcast about viruses - the kind that make you sick. Professors Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Rich Condit, Kathy Spindler and science writer Alan Dove and guests deconstruct viruses, how they cause illness, and dissect the latest research.

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Recent Reviews
  • seesaw70
    These guys are so condescending. They also cling to group think. There is a strong current of refusal to consider possible ideas and theories other than their own.
  • ShawnCycle
    Excellent episode on KATALYST for Ops Leaders
    I really liked a recent episode that described Katie’s KATALYST framework for Transformational leadership. It describes 8 competencies that Operational Excellence and other Transformational leaders should aspire to get better at. Many of these I found myself agreeing with during the episode and realized that I have focused on them without crystallizing them as Katies has done. I can see using this frame work to improve myself and as a coaching mechanism for my team and leaders that I coach. Clearly I might be biased since Katie also referred to our upcoming episode together, but I really liked this episode with that reference not with standing. I’m looking forward to how Katie connects and explores this topic in future episodes. If you’re newly looking into this podcast, I would highly recommend it to anyone trying to get better as a leader.
  • ivankakushner
    Always fun
    Especially when Dickson is on the show. All his spontaneous comments, chuckles…
  • ming de merciless
    Addicting, despite being Eucational
    I really listen to hear Vincent’s puns and asides, such as when he learned that horses are closest to bats biologically he exclaimed “ you mean Pegasus was real?“. How can one not listen after that! And the science is OK too.
  • NepDoc
    Awesome Virology podcast
    I have been listening to TWiV since 2015. It helped me understand some of the basic and advanced concept in Virology on top of keeping me up to date with some of the new literature in the field. Thank you Racaniello et al!
  • Rock Creek Walker
    Wide ranging and in-depth coverage.
    This is a priceless example of people giving their time to explain a subject of increasing relevance but that is completely unsuited to summarization. Hugely informative and wide ranging discussions, a real gem. Good for people who are interested such subjects as global health, autoimmune diseases, and ecology.
  • Leyzer eynikl
    I love this show
    I’m particularly fond of episodes with the various panel experts interacting, respecting and liking one another, and discussing papers I would never read and probably wouldn’t understand if I tried. The clinical updates with Daniell Griffin are great, too. I wish he would say “go ahead and…” less often, but he’s still lovable. The extended interviews with outside experts vary, especially those with just Vincent and the interviewees. I miss the banter. Still, my podcast week revolves around this show. The rest of the MicrobeTV shows are worth a listen, too.
  • euro girl
    Thank you
    For keeping me same during the pandemic
  • Byrd00000
    Masters in molecular biology
    I received my masters in molecular pathology from Texas Tech health science, center program. A one-year masters that allows you to get ASCP (MB) certified. Combining one year of class room with one year of clinical laboratory experience running Texas techs CTNG testing.
  • Irishman2010
    Unsubscribed due to disrespectful hosts
    The most recent episode and the hosts’ outright rude dismissal of the lab leak hypothesis shows me these are nothing but zealots looking to push a narrative, instead of remaining open minded and following the data. When they dismiss lab leak by saying “The idea of Covid being transported on frozen goods to China has about as much evidence as lab leak” , you know they aren’t serious objective observers of science. How unfortunate, I liked this podcast but if they want to be pig headed, then they can remain an obscure podcast. Plenty of podcasts out there able to maintain respectable discourse. Sad.
  • Eddie from Townsend
    I love Twiv
    Hey eddy from Boston, Thanks for Dickson, 5 star. Would love to know Dicksons pick for best jazz pianist? Oh I can hear his head spinning on that one. Also Vince, Clara Schumann was arguably the best female instrumentalist and composer in the history of classical music cuz I heard your question why the females don’t have the shoutouts so I give a big shoutout to Clara Schumann.
  • gokester
    Lab leak
    Please interview Robert Redfield to put the lab leak theory to bed. The ‘Sars Co-V 2 virus came from nature’ is beginning to look like a ‘Jeffery Epstein killed himself’ story.
  • 112334566
    Stay in your lane
    I really enjoy the podcast and continue to learn, however, I feel that by becoming enmeshed in the debate over the origins of the SARS CoV 2 virus you are setting yourself up for a trap. There is more and more evidence emerging that raises doubt about the true origin and I feel that to sync your credibility on the fact that the virus occurs spontaneously in nature, as opposed to being associated with the Wuhan virology lab, could discredit you at a level beyond all of the good you were doing with education of the public.
  • urbanwife
    Science for laypeople
    I’ve been an avid listener since the beginning of the COVID pandemic and am thankful to the entire group at TWiV for continuing to educate us with science. TWiV had kept me sane when discussing the pandemic with kith and kin. The hosts all have an ease of banter and even though mostly they’re interacting via screens, the camaraderie amongst them is lovely. Thank you for continuing to proselytize the science!
  • ems phil
    Twiv hero’s
    I love everyone and they bring so much knowledge to the world of viruses to everyone. As an Emt on the front line of covid 19 and working on my bachelors degree in biology, and doing anything I can. This group is amazing and the break every concept down to the biological aspect, to the complex. Thank you guys so much, and much love from the South shore Ma…….also I can’t remember the twiV episode, but Vicent talked about hers, I will have to say you guys are my hero’s. Especially when you get the inside jokes for Vincent rack in yelling, or when you get science and politics you get “politics”, and when you get science, you get “science”..
  • Retroranch
    Absurd except for Dr. Offit!
    Updated to add: The time spent with Dr. Paul Offit is the most valuable time spent lately. He thoroughly explains his analysis of the data, critically views the bureaucracy he operates within, and lives the oath “do no harm”. I listen to every clinical update from Dr. Griffin. However, the absurdity of his comment about us “thanking” the Chinese for bringing COVID to our attention is beyond the pale.
  • jengrana
    Thank you, Professor Racaniello and the TWIV team!
    I’ve been a listener for several years and am finally getting to writing a review. I have learned so much about virology and microbiology from you. The banter between the team is also great. Please keep up the excellent work!
  • 1971Disney50
    Outstanding evidence based podcast. I look forward to the weekly clinical updates! Provides excellent clinical data in an easy to understand manner. Thanks so much and please keep up the fantastic work. This podcast helps us stay updated on the facts and to provide solid clinical advice to our patients. As a bonus, its also just fun to listen to!
  • prophetben
    The only Covid-19 podcast I listen to now
    I've listened to a lot of podcasts about Covid-19, but I've learned the most from This Week in Virology. In the last few months they've pivoted away from 100% coverage of Covid-19 news, but their discussion of the latest scientific research is fascinating and free of a lot of the culture war bias found elsewhere. The first few minutes of each episode is a bit weird as each host introduces themselves and describes current weather conditions, but it's quirks like that which make the show so relatable even if much of the content goes over my head. The clinical update they do ever Saturday is especially interesting to get a sense of what the safety tradeoffs look like for different populations.
  • zkimball1245
    Fear porn
    If you can navigate the fear porn, it’s a great podcast. I can’t believe the number of times they’ve said “over 800 kids have died”… there have, at the time of writing, less than 20 kids (aged 0-19) who have died with no comorbidity. Quit stressing people out and just report the facts.
  • followthewhat?!
    Clinical update 862
    I notice when Dr Daniel was advising a listener about giving her incredibly low risk son a booster (!) he invoked the advice of Paul Offit without mentioning that Offit advised his own son not to get boosted due to the myocarditis risk. Good for you Dr. D, keep pushing the party propaganda
  • 2Christina
    Valuable Covid-19 Info
    Thank you for your continuing episodes about Covid-19 and the still-emerging scientific data. You’ve been the best resource I’ve found for timely updates and frank discussions about what we know and still don’t know, and I’ve enjoyed hearing everyone’s thoughts on new research as so many papers have been released “into the wild”.
  • haidozo
    Elderly New York liberals mixing politics with science
    I am a left-leaning scientist and try to listen to these folks, but every. single. time. they turn me off by deviating into some partisan rant. Today I listened to their interview with Paul Offit, and it was all good and factual and fine until they went on a ten-minute rant in the middle about the horrible unvaccinated people and how they can’t possibly be rational…then the hosts went back to explaining how the push to mandate boosters is unsupported by evidence. If you can’t see the relationship between these two topics, perhaps you ought to seriously consider your biases. At the very least, stick to the science, and keep your Upper West Side political opinions to yourselves.
  • Ladydepurple
    Thank you for this wonderful podcast!
    Discovered you during the beginning of the pandemic. I’m (just) a research technician currently in pediatric immunology and autophagy in St. Louis but I’m very much enjoying relearning virology by listening to your updates and reviews! I refer everyone to listen to your podcasts. I’m unfortunately sidelined with a broken ankle from my lab (didn’t happen at work!) but I have you guys to keep me up to date! Thank you again!
  • SamsPlusMember
    Love this podcast
    Thanks so much for your hard work educating everyone! All the hosts are so fun to listen to and add so much insight. I am a primary care doc and discovered you during the pandemic and have found you all and Daniel such a great resource! I recommend all my colleagues to listen and love going back to some basic science roots and journal club (even non-covid topics!)
  • Bmiton
    Great show
    I’m a microbiologist (not a virologist) so this show is great for learning some basic and advanced virology. The host and guests do a great job providing frequent briefs on the current state of the pandemic and coronavirus biology (as well as other viruses occasionally). It’s saddening to see many negative reviews from misinformed people and “YouTube scientists” who believe they have a better grasp on the subject than the panel of experts. One negative - I have listened to many episodes and until recently listened to one with Amy. I found her to generally be disruptive and confrontational (not the normal vibe of the show). This made it much harder to listen to, harder to extract information, and would likely skip episodes with her in the future.
  • Profplus2
    Absolutely my favorite podcast.
    I wait for new episodes eagerly. As many others have said, it has helped to keep me sane for the past 20 months. I am an historian/social scientist, but gradually able to grasp more and more of your research analyses. I greatly enjoy the team’s interaction, including the banter. Can’t really say enough about you all. Thank you. Priscilla
  • asdhjlvcfyuh
    You guys are a RIOT!! Scolding me for pleading with you to stop Daniel in his poetic tracks and address reality? LOVE IT!
  • ghhjvdee
    I think Vincent should stick to Virology and not politics. I resent his arrogance as he is neither educated in or has any real world work experience in the politics and economics he is so eager to push in his podcast, especially when he is surrounded with others that also have no real experience other than the post modernist thinking of the university. If he wants to bandstand his politics in his podcast, he should have the guts to have Ben Shapiro as a guest He might just end up reevaluating his hubris in light of someone who actually can defend his stance with facts. What do you say Vince???
  • jimmythejim
    The attitude grows tiresome
    It’s a podcast by virologists that can’t resist being political, even as they complain about politics (which is… duh, being political). Solid research with little interest in exploring the more speculative areas of science and more interested in work that supports the state—which is fine, that’s what this pod does. The snarky attitude (particularly the constant “okay?!” dude) gets tiresome after awhile. But their knowledge did help me get through the first year of the pandemic and I’m grateful for that.
  • Stl Carp
    This show isJust another criminal arm of big pharma.
    How can a person tell if someone is telling the truth or not? They discuss the entire realm of the results of the jab takers. These Fauci agents never discuss the 10’s of thousands of deaths from the jabs. They never discuss the millions of serious hospitalizations from the jabs. They never discuss the disabilities caused by the jabs. They never interview Sucharit Bhakdi, John O’Looney, Geert Vanden Bossche, Michael Yeadon, Roger Hodkinson, Wolfgang Wodarg, Suneel Dhand, Peter McCullough, Magnus Burling. These people pull back the curtain of Oz & expose big pharma’s criminality.
  • Family shared - Nik
    Fantastically informative podcast
    Huge thanks to Vincent, the team and guests who put so much effort into this platform! I learn so much and find the discussion engaging. I’m a microbiologist but a bacterial specialist, but for the past decade I’ve gotten into bacteriophage research and now that’s my team’s focus (so I guess I’m a viral guy too now). I have learned a great deal from this podcast and have been led to a lot of super-informative papers by it. And gargantuan kudos for the way the podcast has addressed the COVID-19 pandemic! It’s been such an important service and I hope more and more folks are following!!
  • lmax72020
    My favourite podcast
    This is a terrific science based podcast. Very informative and the light banter is entertaining. If you want to learn about viruses and more, this it.
  • clayartist79
    One of my favs
    I appreciate the information and the multiple episodes each week. So glad I found this podcast. Thank you!
  • Skipjacker68
    Scientists should guffaw about treatments
    I don’t know why Ivermectin deserves the same ridicule that occurs on infotainment shows from serious scientists. I don’t know why serious people aren’t hoping for Ivermectin to be the drug that some people already think it is. It really seems like the hosts of this show are actively rooting against it. Scientists shouldn’t be heaping derision on the great unwashed. I shouldn’t be able to tell what jersey the hosts are wearing. When did that become acceptable? This shouldn’t be a faculty lounge conversation. Someone on the panel should be steelmanning arguments that others on the panel disagree with. If you wear their jersey and like biased science, this is the podcast for you.
  • BlackCat 620
    Lay Person
    Listen intently. Learning so much. Appreciate guys and gals like you!
  • thinking person222345
    Liars morons idiots.
  • stuwifu
    Pseudo Science
    I listened to 6-7 episodes and found highly opinionated, woke, possibly communist China funded mostly mis-information. I was really hoping for unbiased science.
    Thank you for this informative, factual, science. You have helped so many understand this pandemic. Your podcast helps us non scientists understand the science behind viruses, treatment and vaccines, and it helps to filter out so much of the noise we are hearing daily from so many contradictory sources.
  • Yiannis10
    Great podcast but full of jargon
    This podcast is very informative and can be very useful in convincing people to get vaccinated. However, it could be even better the scientists take a few moments to define the many acronyms they use (for example “PID”). The majority of the audience is not made up of virologists so this would be very helpful.
  • Jss755
    Captured by Corporate and Academic institutions
    I listened to TWIV when Covid first began and was happy with the level of expertise. However, from onset they would not even discuss the lab leak hypothesis. Not even suggest it as a possibility. These are scientists completely captured by the institutions that fund them. The clinical updates were very informative. Ultimately, how can you take a virology Podcast serious when they don’t have the freedom or maybe dare I say integrity to discuss a “controversial” theory which is most likely true….
  • Manny CR
    This is the best
    Thank you!
  • dj11256789
    Wrong on everything
    From the beginning of the pandemic they where dismissive of the virus to begin with and to not even talk about gain of function research they keep harping that we can’t make a virus like this which is true but gain of function uses the viruses natural ability to evolve itself when passed though humans tissues
  • Merrowe
    Always informative and enjoyable
    This group of researchers with varying backgrounds has taught me a lot about various aspects of virology and has been especially helpful in keeping me up to date with the latest on the Sars CoV2 pandemic. I enjoy the banter and humor as well as the various guests interviewed and while they’ve covered Covid a lot, there’s a range of topics discussed.
  • Killwaltjessie
    Lost a listener
    How sad to hear TWIV still sticking to the “lab leak is a conspiracy theory” nonsense and actually had the nerve to bring Peter Daszak on the show. How can we take anything seriously from a man who’s funding and ENTIRE LIFE WORK depends on him saying that this did not come from a Wuhan lab (oh and by the way - say it with a CCP handler standing over his shoulder.) For a year I heard you arrogantly tell your listeners that it was so disgustingly absurd to even suggest this didn't occur naturally, but I will listen no more.
  • Chunnyfoo
    Latest episode:: Was it a lab leak?
    I like your podcast, and your latest episode on the lab leak hypothesis was informative. However, I only have one real criticism. It was mentioned that you were dismayed that Facebook was not BLOCKING the lab leak “hypothesis” anymore. A word of caution. Information, no matter how crazy or antithetical to your mind should not be blocked. Good science is not made better by limiting “crazy” ideas in leu of the prevailing thought. Future scientific discovery WILL be limited by not allowing people to vocalize these thoughts. It is good to be forced to support your hypothesis with the evidence and communicate it effectively, thereby putting unlikely hypotheses to rest.
  • Gingee1974
    Yes they are scientists
    Kyle nj - really?
  • itsahoax
    Politicized propaganda podcast
    I have listen since this pandemic. I’m sorry to say that Team has lost all credibility in my opinion. For months they spewed as conspiracy theory and ludicrous the idea that the virus originated in the research lab. On more than one occasion they spent time mocking president Trump and rhetoric on the origins of Covid. In fact in one episode they stated that there’s no way it occurred as lab leak and that it makes perfect sense that it occurred from the wet market even without pt #1 or evidence to support that claim. They never deviate from any thought process that Dr. Fauci or the CDC might present as truth. All credibility is lost so if you listen to this podcast be aware of their political leanings and if you don’t know what they are before you listen, you will know when you’re done. Very disappointing and very propagandist
  • li gou
    Are there transcripts?
    For some people who have nurodivergent brains and i wish there was also a way to request transcripts for certain episodes. I want to listen to what is being said and keep having to rewind. I think it’s probably just me that my brain loses the ability to stay focused in auditory mode- but if someone is speaking with different unfamiliar accents and pausing with the uuuuugg a lot while speaking it somehow makes listening harder. I wonder if there are any other people who experience this. The content is amazing but getting through it takes forever and if transcripts were available somehow for people like me to read along while listening it would be so helpful. I am in healthcare and like to be able to talk to fellow healthcare people about what is going on- and it takes twice as long to absorb the information when A person has to keep rewinding. If there is a way to make this more accessible for individuals like me i would love to know
  • Kylenj
    CCP propaganda
    This was a supposedly good podcast on the science of COVID, until they became mouth pieces for the Chinese Communist Party (via their puppet man Peter Daszak). Don’t amplify their platform, or if you listen, be aware they are propagandist, not scientists
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