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  • HulkRocky
    Love listening to Alan,Paul,Neal,Justin and the rest of the crew. One or two complaints about all the commercials. Listen to the podcast then and all of the commercials are wiped out. Thx AAR
  • PRS6565
    Can’t listen to ALL the commercials
  • BigW Diego
    Show for American
    This show brings to light all that is good with the 2A community. But also keeps us informed on who is trying to take our rights away. Awesome show with Amazing guests
  • Vantil
    b kiIndred i s rw
  • ScottytheMenace
    insane amount of commercials
    Content is pretty good but the stupid amount of commercials you have to lisyen to aren’t worth iit. More than a third of the running time. No thanks.
  • Ctownz83
    One of the best podcasts for Anyone who loves America
    Legacy media is dead! Podcasts like AAR are the best way to get honest information in America today. Support AAR and the sponsors of the program
  • Aaaaaaattttrrreeesddfg
    Excellent 2A info
    Always enjoy the show. Especially when Paul markel, David codria and AWR Hawkins are on. Although once I start listing them all I love all the guests on the show. Especially exciting when angry mark comes outta the box lol. Keep up the good show guys.
  • Frank Acavano
    Best podcast
    God bless AAR & SAF.
  • Guessimme
    Good info. Just way too many commercials.
    There is good information on this podcast, but a radio show just doesn't translate very well into a podcast. For every10 minutes of information there is at least 5 minutes of commercials. I understand this is actually a radio show, but as a podcast, the juice just isn’t worth the squeeze. I keep tying to follow but, when they start to get in the weeds on a topic, it’s time for another break.
  • G. Cordell
    Great 2A info and conversation!
    Wish I would have found this podcast a long time ago! Great info with great advocates of the constitution with emphasis on the 2nd Amendment. These guys are defenders of American tradition, honoring our history, and stand for liberty and freedom!
  • Euro eiei eiei o
    Right wingers stroking their egos
    This isn’t a second 2nd Amendment podcast, it’s conservative talk radio with the typical biases and propaganda.
  • rickdoss
    Found this podcast about a year ago
    Wish I would have know about it sooner. The one hour was jam packed. The two hour not so much, probably because of more time so some can be wasted. It’s still an excellent podcast/ radio show. I hope it goes to three hours and the monster cast goes to five😂
  • 2panic45
    My review
    Great show, if you wan to know about the 2A world here is the best source on podcast.
  • Broker218
    The Don King of the Firearms Industry
    This show is the best 55 mins of gun related commercials on the radio and internet. Oh and yes there are some great guests that the host actually let’s talk when he is not interrupting their thoughts with his us own repetitious soliloquies and comments. Thanks to him I have been able to follow no less than 10 others who are much more knowledgeable and adept at the subjects at hand. More power to him and capitalism that allows him to make a great living 🇺🇸😂. Keep your finger on the FF button and tune in.
  • mnausa
    Great show
    Love it when the “Pimp Hand of America” is on.
  • zimm12167
    Best daily defense against tyranny
    Best show hands down especially when the pimp hand of America speaks on your show mark!! GO SOTG..... Professor Paul!! Pimp slap those socialists!!!!!!
  • Nikonblaster
    Evening Mark, Peoria Az checking in...long time listener but unable to catch you live although I listen to your podcast daily. I/we haven’t hear you mention your sidekick Seanto in a while. At last mention he and his fam were dealing with the “Beer Flu” an update would be great. Thx to you and all the AAR partners. Combatcowboy O.Clay
    Great show Mark!
    Can’t wait to see if you can get the Sarasota sheriff on the Sunday show!
  • Gerald Deas
    Stay informed
    Your go to podcast to stay up with the ever changing world of our God given right to bare arms !
  • Soopah_Troopah
    Could have less promo.
    The show is ok, has some good current info at times. Otherwise it’s just an infomercial
  • cbjoe
    Comí dormía
    FYI, On Sundays show you referred ALL Comifornians as being libs and moving to Idaho to ruin the state, I am definitely not part of that stereo type the vast majority left that he’ll hole to move back to America, there’s several FB pages that will validate their pro CONSTITUTIONAL VIEWS......So I’m asking that you not group us as pro liberal agenda it’s far from the truth 🇺🇸
  • LinuxProf.
    Just started listening. Facts check out.
    I don’t usually write reviews. After listening for a week or so I think he does a great job of giving you factual information. Ignore his ego repetitive commercials. You have to make a buck to stay on the air. Keep up the good work. I appreciate having a good place to get 2nd amendment information. I was at the gun rights policy conference. What a tremendous amount of information on our rights as Americans. Do not let the left liberal news fool you.
  • TheClaacleod
    Bad reviews. All trolls. Based on the reviews themselves
    I have been listening for a bout 6 months now. I also listen to several other 2a shows. I am also a retired Leo In one of those democrat controlled cities Los Angeles. I will tell you for a fact that what he says about gun violence in the cities is 100% true. I travel all over the country training local and federal tactical units. Mark sometimes talks too much about himself. Toot toot. Ignore that part. He just wants his show to grow. I can understand that. The challenge in this country is for certain going to hinge on the bill of rights. I’m not saying that either side is following the bill of rights to the letter. I will say that Trump has definitely been the most pro United States American president in history. If the left had something to burn him on they would’ve done it already. All they do is come up with new crap and try and make something stick. I think the vast majority of of Americans sees through that BS. As with any TV or radio show you have to cut through the pomp and circumstance. Marks radio show gives out a tremendous amount of factual information that can be verified on legitimate factual websites. Also to clarify, some of the idiots Posting Mark’s reference that everybody should carry is false. Mark is saying that everybody that is licensed to carry should carry. If more people in democrat controlled areas were carrying a lot less crime would be taking place just look at the stats in Detroit. A liberal mayor suggested all his constituents should arm themselves to take back his city. Since then crime has gone down on a huge scale. Sorry about the rant but I’m tired of people trolling and making up false information. You cannot watch the news today without their own spin on it because the American left has bread a Generation of people too stupid to think for themselves and do their own research. I blame the protesters from Vietnam. They had a legitimate gripe. But the children they bread are a bunch of thumbsucking morons and most of that generation should’ve been swallowed at birth. They have no concept of our Constitution or Bill of Rights. Just look at reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. It’s Not being done anymore. It doesn’t get any more un-American than that. I say it every day in it original form. "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." So all you lefty socialist liberals can stick all your un-American BS in your pipe and smoke it.
  • EddieBaggaDonuts
    Ego getting too big
    I've been listening to Mark for a few years now. He's getting way too cocky and condescending now that he has detached from USCCA. He's on the same path as Hannity (not financially) where it becomes more about him and how he told you this first, told you that first. "It's all about "I, I, I, I" as if he thinks his listeners don't have a clue and he is the only resource on 2A rights. He even is starting to act like that with his guests. I actually feel bad for him. The level of commercials now are insane. He likes to pass them off as helping 2A, but all it does is lines his pockets (except for Defender Coffee, they donate their profits to 2A rights organizations). There are 2A shows with hosts more popular but more humble. He's at a critical point, he can go the way of arrogance, or humility. I hope he takes the latter because it's becoming more and more difficult to listen to.
  • The Kafir
    Excellent shows, informative and timely!
  • Friendly-Libertarian
    Worth a subscription
    Very informative and interesting podcast. On point with current events and quite entertaining, five stars!!
  • informed2a
    Well informed
    Way to many commercials
  • Hamatawk
    The most informative 2A show out there
    If you want the honest truth, then you’ve found it with Armed American Radio. This show is a must for the pulse of what the issues are, and how the media and the leftists are trying to destroy the Bill of Rights, starting with the 2nd amendment.
  • SigSanDiego
    A must listen
    The negative comments here or about Mark’s show are ill-informed antiGun Democratic Socialist gun grabbing trolls spraying nonsense. AAR has it’s finger on the pulse of what’s important to keep and maintain the 2A. Knowledge is power. Keep listening, carry often. Go Mark!
  • B-Ray25
    Fudd Radio
    Fudd radio at its finest. NRA apologists and GOP parrots of bullsh gun talking points. You guys represent the gun community, not the gun culture, quit patting yourselves on the back and thinking you speak for all of us.
  • RSChapin
    I have listened to them all and would feel uninformed if not.
  • DivineTrader
    Best pro gun rights podcast.
    Mark pulls no punches and that’s why I love him. If you support liberty and the US Constitution, then this show is for you. This show is not for progressive left Communist soyboys.
  • христос-uno
    Liberal Progressives Hate This Show
    As Mark indicates the liberal tree frog lovers believe in unicorns which fart in rainbow colors and smell of peppermint dust in a utopian world. Wake up! EVIL EXISTS. Until you ban destroy evil all you’re gun control efforts only ban the Law Abiding from Guns. The criminals carry EVERYWHERE ALREADY. Wake up please. Until Christ returns evil lurks about trying to destroy you at a stone of ITS choosing.
  • treefrog1
    Foolish gun nuts
    The advice of this radio show is reckless and dangerous, namely that everyone should carry a gun as often as possible, and that all public places should have armed security. If more guns were the answer, the US would already be the safest country around, but in fact the US gun death rate is the highest of any advanced country. Guns make us less safe, in the hands of the typical person, since a gun is far more likely to be used in a suicide than for self-defense. / The "concealed carry lifestyle" is an attitude of constant fear and anxiety - that's no way to live. Mark Walters' guests are highly repetitive; usually the same people.
  • CFR-Photo
    3 Percenter
    I dig the show. The commercials are a bit long though and repetitive. I actually got a kick and enjoyed reading the 1 star reviews. Talk about throwing stones at glass houses. Lol.
  • garywreynolds
    Second Amendment defended - but Audio is marginable
    I enjoy listening to the show - up to a point. Mark Walters is definitely the sounding force to remind us Americans the right to own and bare firearms. Armed and responsible. I don’t know if it’s the cross breed holsters studio, or the microphone, but the quality of the sound is “tinny” at its very best - at times scratchy. Is Sean the sound engineer? The sound quality of the recorded commercial breaks are great. When I listen to the other podcast with AWR Hawkins - “Bullets” the sound quality is crystal-crystal clear. It’s as though Mr Hawkins was in my room talking. It makes me think it’s the microphone of Mr Walters - I hope it’s not his voice. Another thing is the endless chiming of the supporters MyPillow (Consumer Reports magazine staffers hate the pillow) war tobacco and coffee etc..). It goes on forever. It seems like 1/2 the show is commercials, supporters and of course Mr Walters barbecue cooker.
  • EssEx 69
    Merchant of Murder
    Uncritical misinformation about the second amendment, gun ownership and gun laws.
  • robsmith77
    Armed American Radio
    Another great pro Second Amendment podcast for the firearms enthusiasts!
  • R1S1R73
    Rabble rousing bunch. Breaking bread with them every day. Thanks for all you do to stop tyranny.
  • jmpomaha
    No comprimise 2A show, that is more than infotainment
    The name of the show tells you all you need to know. Most of the detractors who have posted about how bad it is have no real clue as to the nature of the program. It is called Armed American RADIO. This a podcast recording of a radio program, so by its nature it is filled with commercial breaks on regular schedules, just like on the real radio. It is a podcast second. Armed American Radio is filled with great information about the second amenment to the U.S. Constitution. It has many high quality guests who know their subject. Journalists, gun writers, activists and trainers. You can quickly surmise that the U.S. Concealed Carry Association is the main sponsor and being such they get mentioned a lot. Since my job precludes me listening to the live radio program on my local station I can catch up the next day. Since originally writing this review they have added a weekday program not yet heard in my area. Now you can get 8 hours of programming on 2A issues. I have read almost every comment about this show written here and agree with many of the comments. Yes, it is populated by commercials. Look back at that thing about "radio." Programs have to sell advertising in order to pay the bills and stay on. We get so used to instant gratification and having most opf our podcasts free that we forget this fact. Sound quality: Someone mentiomed the poor sound quality. That was an old post and I hear nothing but high quality sound. There are a few phone calls by guests where you know they are on a cell phone and the quality on their end is not as great, but most of the sound is without problems. Host: This is NOT a show for the anti-gun, gun grabber. And Mark Walters, the host does not care what you think if you hate the 2A. They are a syndicated radio program and they do not take calls. Why? They say up front, "The mainstream media has all the say they want and we don't want to waste your time listening to them here, " (on the show). If you hate the 2nd Amendment, move on. If you are open to what "the other side" thinks, then stick around as you may learn something. He promotes himself a little too much sometimes. That can be off putting to some. I just tune that out until he moves on. There is the back and forth conversation by Mark and his studio engineer, Sean, a.k.a. Seanto (think Tonto). I find that part enjoyable. Some others, not so much. Guests: Here is where the program really shines. He has top notch guests as regulars and semi-regulars who actually know what they are talking about. Self defense experts Rob Pincus and Massad Ayoob, writer David Codrea, and activist Alan Gottlieb from the Second Amendment Foundation. Off topic complaint of iTunes: My main complaint is that the automatic download appears to be delayed by iTunes to your streaming device. iTunes delay can be several days after their main "monster show" on Sundays. That should show up every Monday morning, but it can come on a Wednesday or Thursday far too often. When I first started listening the show would download early Monday morning after the Sunday night live broadcast. It is no secret that the Apple execs. hate the 2nd Amendment. I suspect something nefarious here. No, I am not some conspiracy theorist, but it makes you wonder.
  • Jason Reeve
    Love the show.
    Mark is a hard hitting freedom fighter. The show gives you insight to the battle for the right to keep and bear arms. Not politically correct which I love. It’s fun entertaining and informative. Keep up the great work.
  • jygr12
    Great show
    Proud to belong, great show, keep up the good work, but audio little strange at times?
  • dbevisjr
    AAR is all its claimed to be
    I’ve been listening for about 3 months and I look forward to this show every day. It is everything Mark promises. Education, information and entertainment. At first I was only listening to drown out the liberal whining of my co-workers but it quickly became a mainstay of my workday along with a couple other shows I enjoy. Thanks for a fine show and keep up the fight!
  • Stephano- Updated on 04/06/17
    Awesome Show! Thank you for your Service.
    I found your show through AWR Hawkins, and I am very Grateful to have found the both of you, and your Dedication to All of us 2nd Amendment Warriors.
  • Charlie From NH
    I HAVE to LAUGH....
    at all the one star reviews. Do the KNOW that this is an extension of an ON THE AIR, OVER the AIRWAVES Radio Show? I REALLY had to laugh at the one that said True wasnt for our Gun Rights (dated May 2016) Hmmm How do you feel now? Great Show and Content! God Bless America and the Constitution! Everyone is entitled to an opinion.. and can Express it.. because of it^^
  • tom tommy
    Look elsewhere...
    If you can get past the Rush Limbaugh delivery and the requests for money at every break, this podcast is for you. The intended message is diluted by an over exaggerated and indulgent utterance...shameless fear mongering at every turn. Our 2nd Amendment rights are under attack! Give us money so we can secure your rights and prevent further infringement. Reminds me of the tactics of the looney left. If you actually want to glean insight and/or tips on concealed carry, look elsewhere. I listened to one episode with a guest host on March 14. I was embarrassed for USCCA and less than impressed by the 'content.' In fact, it seemed to me that the breaks were of equal length of the segments of the show. This thing has potential, but it's overpowering and under informative. There are many more podcasts, as well as other available platforms, to get the information you seek.
  • Zigbod33
    Really disappointed
    I'm probably not the best to comment on the show as a whole, as I only listened to the 12/30/16 episode which features a guest host... however if the regular host is ok with giving that guy the reins to his show, then I won't like the show as it is. I was hoping to find a good podcast about guns which featured concealed carry issues, gun reviews, and legislation updates. What I heard was non-stop liberal bashing and terrible op-ed radio. The guest host actually had a segment blaming liberals for "caring about the greater good of the country and not the individual." I'm still struck by the shear stupidity of this narrative. He also went on to bash moderate republicans and their lack of staunch conservatism and then after his rant said that what the country needs is to unite. Clearly that means we all just need to get with his agenda. All of this while coming from an idiotic platform of hating policy "for the greater good." What I heard from him was a bunch of baseless, uninformed, one sided opinions. There was basically no talk of guns at all! It's the same, tired hard headed, and idiotic rhetoric that I am so sick and tired of hearing. Just because you are a gun owner does not mean that you have to agree and subscribe to this garbage. I want a comprehensive and fact based show about guns. This. Was. Garbage. We need Hickock45 to do a podcast... something that talks about various firearms, home defense scenarios and what certain legislation means for the daily carrier. I just beg that anyone who listens to this podcast go out and do their own research and form their own opinions, because what I heard presented in this podcast was inaccurate, uneducated, garbage.
  • Sledgehammer5093
    Armed American Radio
    Absolutely my all-time favorite podcast! Current events explained in view of the 2nd amendment. Mark Walters, a true American patriot! 6 of 5 stars, not just 5!!!!!
  • TheDuke888888883
    A lot better ones out there.
    I've tried listening to this podcast multiple times, and giving it another didn't get any better. The host drives me nuts. I listened to this show 6 months ago, then tried again a week ago. What really annoyed the crap outa me was every time he mentioned mothers demand action, he was to say, ever single time say, "what a silly name that is by the way." If you're looking for pro second amendment radio, listen to: Student of the gun, NRA news, practically tactical, gun fighter podcast, primary and secondary, or ballistic radios. I'm sure there's a lot of others but I've found those the most educational.
  • UMAppleMan
    I like this podcast...
    This is the first time I have found a PRO 2nd Amendment podcast that makes both Daily Defense and the 2nd Amendment mean something that is possible these days. With all the hate speeches against guns and the right to carry them, it is nice to hear Mark Walters and his friends talk openly about supporting our country and our rights to carry openly, our guns, or whatever a person carries to defend himself and family and friends. I love the Don't Leave Your Cave without your Club!
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