99% Invisible

Arts #3Design #1All Genres #194

Design is everywhere in our lives, perhaps most importantly in the places where we've just stopped noticing. 99% Invisible is a weekly exploration of the process and power of design and architecture. From award winning producer Roman Mars. Learn more at 99percentinvisible.org.

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Recent Reviews
  • KingStrack
    Great show
    I watched some episodes and loved it. ‘Nuff said
  • Berkelybarb
    Power broker
    A bit too much snark against lap swimmers in that episode, fellas. . . comments?
  • Andiobe
    Great show about terrible leaf blowers
    I lived in LA during the time of the leaf blower wars, and the one thing not mentioned in this excellent story is that the leaf blower advocates smeared their opponents as racists. This was my first experience of the bad-faith, leftist identitarian politics that is so dominant today.
  • SageandSorrel
    Supreme Court Episode
    I appreciate Roman extending his design interests to the subject of the US Supreme Court. This recent episode is enlightening in many ways. This should be required listening in civics and legal classes. Keep up the great work, Roman!
  • Great45742
    5 stars for any transit story podcast
    Build public transit and dense cities
  • KaseyQ
    Progressive trash
    What was once a great podcast, has become a political platform for progressive values. Cites history fact checking but then confuses open carry with concealed carry. Totally lacking self awareness and hypocritical.
  • Person4937
    The best
  • ILoveGold!
    Roman Mars uncut giggles
    Roman Mars giggling while Elliott Kalan reads the power broker is the best new edition to this podcast series. I appreciate that this show nerds out on things that people don’t care about. And once you complete the episode, you realize how much you care about that thing.
  • DJLX22
    World expanding podcast
    After an unintentional hiatus, I have recently rediscovered how wonderful 99% Invisible podcast is. Every episode takes me to an unexpected place that I would not have thought to explore otherwise. thank you for opening up my world and for sharing things I never knew I wanted to know about.
  • iuowel
    Excellent Tower of Silence story
    As one of the few Parsi’s living in the US, I wanted to say that the tower of silence episode was fantastic. I’m sharing w friends and family.
  • california wateland
    Why interview AOC?
    had to turn off auto-download, to keep mind viruses off my device!
  • Ginger_510
    I cannot stress how much I love this show. I’ve been listening to it for years and it’s just like a hug for your brain. Thank you everybody!!!!
  • JRobertBuchanan
    Fascinating Podcast About Unexpected Topics
    I’m frequently surprised by the topics covered on 99% Invisible. When I tell others about the podcast, they think I must be making these things up, but I’m not that creative (“ray cats” really? Who would make that up?). Keep surprising us!
  • RandomNickname00
    Really enjoyed 99% Invisible until the recent episode on the COVID-19 memorial. That clip from the Republican about how a memorial should stand for people who were “forced to take a vaccine that didn’t work” made me stop the episode and delete it immediately. Why play that clip? Why give a platform to stupid, ignorant bigots? Stop legitimizing idiocy and we may just be better prepared for the next pandemic. Don’t give these science deniers a platform. A podcast about design and intelligence should know better. Further, inviting an antisemite like AOC onto the program further undermines its credibility. Didn’t even listen to the hate-garbage that likely spewed from that episode.
  • person #48201
    WOKE+ too many adds
    AOC? Are you kidding me?
  • ChaiChic
    Always interesting
    The topics are always interesting. I learn something new with every episode. I could listen to Roman’s voice for hours on end.
  • Andieo1997
    99% Invisible is an absolute gem in a sea of podcasts. Roman Mars's exploration of design is not only informative but also incredibly captivating. Each episode dives into the unnoticed aspects of our surroundings, revealing the thoughtfulness behind everyday spaces. Whether you're a design enthusiast or simply curious about the world around you, this podcast is a must-listen!
  • Wine 4
    Power Broker: Brilliant, insightful, witty! With one exception
    Love it.
  • BelowGramd
    TU for The Power Broker
    Like every good New Yorker, I’ve had The Power Broker on my book shelf for years. Something I’ll bet Mr. Caro doesn’t know is that during the pandemic when all meetings were held via zoom, it was important to have the book in the background. That said, I had never opened the book. Your podcast has changed that. Reading the book is not easy, although it is beautifully written and tells a compelling story. Why? It weighs 3.5 pounds—too heavy to read in bed. The font is pretty small—one needs good light and reading glasses. I found a stand to hold it and a third impediment arose—the pages won’t lie open. I thought to buy it again in kindle format, but no! Does anyone know why there is no kindle version? I persist and I love the book anyway. So, thank you.❤️
  • elysian012
    My favorite podcast
    Been listening for years, my favorite podcast EVER. Love Roman Mars and the entire 99 team through the years. Don’t stop!
  • Crazy_Cowboy
    Listened For Many Years - No More
    Roman has a great show concept and I do find many of his topics quite interesting. Roman’s downfall is due to the fact that he lives in Oakland, California, and so he’s surrounded by far-left political leanings, most of which he seems to have adopted. That’s fine actually, I have no issues with that, but he has let it bleed over into his podcast and I feel like he’s just become a mouthpiece for those left-wing positions. Because Roman lives in an echo-chamber in Oakland, he probably thinks most of the U.S. feels the same way he does, and that’s simply not the case. In fact, he’s probably alienating at least half of his audience when those moments arise, and I quite frankly am just tired of listening to it. If he had stuck to his show and not made it political, then he’d have a winning formula, but those moments of, dare I say “activism” under the guise of a podcast about design is what has me saying, goodbye. I enjoyed the good times, but will not miss the emphasis of left-wing talking points.
  • Jer.Young
    Lost the plot
    Most episodes lately feel like their writing a story around tone deaf product placement ads. I’ve followed the work y’all do for many years now, and I get that you have to pay bills, but listening to Roman not-so-cleverly using “trusted expert” style testimony to sell me on a $65,000 vehicle was gross. Bonus you get XM radio for 3 months which is a $1 trial for everyone who didn’t just spend 65k. Luxury consumerism is one of many significant problems caused by late stage capitalism, and 99% Invisible used to provide commentary and insight into the effects of unseen institutions, economic processes, etc. Do better.
  • skinnyace
    I love Roman Mars
    I love Roman Mars he is my only reason I listen to 99% invisible-well I also love the interesting things it covers-besides that my point is Roman knows how to tell an intriguing and well thought out story. I also love how comedic he is. So if you see this Roman Mars know that your doing a fine job.
  • Harrhat
    Athens, Ga
    I enjoyed your story particularly since I attended UGA in 1970. I never did get to walk under the gate as a graduate. The 1st Women’s Garden Club was on campus. A beautiful place to study. The B 52's popular song "Love Shack" is , I understand, written about a place outside of Athens. Thanks for the memories.
  • vegan warrior hairdresser
    Here for a good and informative time
    I don't know what everyone's beef is with people providing well researched information AND good quips and giggles. I like to be an informed and have a good time. This is a good combination of the two. Mostly serious with breaks to acknowledge that some of this stuff is comical. Cheers!
  • chuckles74375
    One of the Best
    One of the best poscasts around, as long as ads-before-intro isnt a deal-breaker for ya. Me? It is. I was spoiled as an early adopter, so Ill probably go back to cherry-picking eps and fiercely mashing skip through the big ad breaks
  • sr_98_sr
    Power Broker
    I just listen to “The Power Broker” episodes but the host with the nasally voice should stop trying so hard to be funny or clever. He’s not that funny and it detracts from the quality of the discussion.
  • Grstuff
    Significantly better than average compared to other podcasts
    I just started listening to a different podcast and was not very engaged with that new one. 99% Invisible has had a number of really good episodes. I can’t name them right now because I’ve been listening to this other one, but I will say it is a standup better podcast series. I’ll try to add specifics later! Good job guys.
  • Albert Cipriani
    This long-form episode about Robert Moses is tops. I’ve been listening to your 1/2 hour episodes for years, but this format with two other guests is killer! Thanks
  • chicagoanlistener
    Stop the giggle guffaws
    Please take this seriously if you can: the constant giggling and guffaws is at best annoying but in fact diminishes the history you are trying to explain! It’s not silly circus antics that you are describing! Why are you constantly giggling? Are you wildly nervous? Stop it already, Roman Mars!
  • listening with ears
    It’s not what it used to be
    OK, so stomaching Roman Mars’s smarminess was always part of the package. Which was fine – the storytelling really did make up for it. However, shortly after the end of the “fiercely independent” era (he sold it to SiriusXM), it rapidly went downhill. More re-airings of past eps or airings of other podcasts – basically a lot of filler content. And as others have noted, the ad lengths have really gotten out of hand. There are still some fine eps – about 1 in every 3 or 4 are keepers – but it does feel like it’s being a bit phoned in at this point. It’s a shame. But, hey, Roman still retains his upper-middle class smarm – so there’s that.
  • NM Now
    Incomplete Santa Fe
    Fan of the show but super disappointed that talk of adobe architecture in Santa Fe didn’t include one word about the Pueblo architecture that “Santa Fe style” copied. Would have been so simple to acknowledge the contribution and inspiration from indigenous peoples’ unique architecture, people who lived here for thousands of years before colonization and the ‘founding’ of Santa Fe. Perhaps an Indigenous person or at least Santa Fe Native would have been a helpful tour companion.
  • LinguoDead?
    Don’t put sirens in your podcast, otherwise great
    Love the show, been listening for years. But please Christ don’t put loud sirens in your podcast when you know a huge % of people listen in their cars.
  • Candy Queen😘
    Simply the best
  • BestBillDrafter
    Yes laws are still written that way
    I love The power Broker podcast! However, in the last half of part two episode two, I found myself talking back to the broadcast. Yes, probably there aren't many people like Robert Moses writing laws from the inside to benefit themselves, but I'm sure there are some. And there are certainly many many others who have strong influences in government who are slipping in references to obscure clauses to benefit their constituents in a way that no one could readily understand. When I worked at state legislatures from the mid 80's - mid 2000s on health issues, it was a constant challenge to keep up with the slippery efforts of hospital and physician assns and insurers. I am certain it is still going on.
  • wlc825
    Power Broker!
    I love all the 99PI episodes. Engaging, informative and entertaining. The Power Broker series is incredibly fun and interesting, even though I haven’t read the book or spent much time in New York. Keep them coming!
  • internetsleuth
    Good Show
    I like Roman Mars and Roman Mars likes me
  • Todabelle
    The podcast Robert Caro deserves
    The read along to The Power Broker was a stellar surprise. It’s the best. Thanks, guys, for making the best walk and talk book club around my favorite author while we wait for LBJ #5. Listening from the Deep South.
  • CC-7-nell
    Didn’t know it could get better
    99% Invisible was already basically perfect, but The Power Broker series is everything. Love this show.
  • JJHogan240
    just ads
    I can’t believe how many ads they have now. It’s horrible.
  • Jim, ret.
    Never miss!
    I never miss an episode. These podcasts make me ask important questions about life and our world!
  • Motivated moviegoer
    Trump 2024
    99% MAGA, where’s your constitutional law podcast on Biden…
  • cloudman1
    Always an absolute joy to listen to
  • AmiableSnake
    Poor fact checking and correction
    I could no longer stomach this podcast after they aired a boldfaced fabrication about my hometown and laughed about it on the podcast. It felt humiliating. They never responded to my emails to correct the inaccuracy. If the “fact checker” had merely googled the item, the truth would have been the first result. I was no longer able to believe anything they said after such a lazy falsehood made it on air and I found out they don’t readily issue corrections.
  • What ever trudge
    Want to read listen
    It cost 50$ to listen to the book. The library has digital 25 copies. I am 127 on the wait list!! For a 50 year old book!!
  • LilLumpy
    His wife 😅😂
    Please, Roman 😂 I hope she was playing dumb and had a script for the Chicago episode. There is no way you are with a woman who is so empty minded and clueless. Please tell me that was scripted. You speak to her like she is 7 years old.
  • RoarMck
    One of my favorite podcasts ever
    This show is fantastic for anyone curious about the world around them. Understanding the design behind so many things is always interesting and exploring the stories of these things is always entertaining when presented by Roman Mars and his excellent team. I think this is one of the best podcasts out there.
  • SabawnMage
    A bit TOO excited! 😆
    In the episode about describing Chicago, Roman seemed so excited! You can feel him struggling to stay on topic. He cuts her off a lot because he just wants to get to the point. It’s obvious how much he just loves the subject! You can tell there was less editing and it was the perfect approach for that particular episode.
  • slugjake
    Spoilers in the first couple episodes of Power Broker episodes
    I was excited for “The Power Broker” episodes. I don’t know what compels someone to give away developments—even the ending!—of a 1200-page book at the beginning of the year… but I was disappointed. Power Broker episodes: 1-2 stars Rest of the episodes: 4 stars
  • mattie-h-787
    Design Podcast with HEART
    One of my all time fav podcasts. While stories typically focus on one specific architecture or design topic, the human stories surrounding that specific topic is what makes the stories really resonate. I think my all time favorite is U.T.B.A.P.H. because I can’t ever see a Pizza Hut shaped building and not point and shout: USED TO BE A PIZZA HUT!
Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork on this page are property of the podcast owner, and not endorsed by UP.audio.