Robert Wright's Nonzero

by Nonzero

Conversations with a series of people who have nothing in common except that program host Robert Wright is curious about what they’re thinking.

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  • DareBoBear
    I had some pretty high hopes for this guy, but after listening to a couple eps (including the much vaunted C. Hitchens debate) I walk away disappointed. Bob comes across to me as just one more partisan lefty in media, albeit one who is tripping over himself to show his "nuance." Most especially on Israel, where Bob is so desperate to not lose his "progressive" bona fides by even ever considering that there just MIGHT be a right & wrong on the whole Israel/"Palestine" thing. I know it's a cliche, but it happens to be a true one, Bob: If the enemies of Israel were to lay down their arms there would be peace. If Israel were to lay down her arms there would be no more Israel. On religion he's just a mess. Like most on the left who (rightly) reject religion, he can't seem to get over the "something missing" hurdle, like a true brave atheist can. So he fills this religion-sized hole with doubt, nuance, and Buddhism. And with pointless debate. It's hard to believe this guy held up his debate with Hitchens as a "clear victory." It just shows the deep bias we humans have for... ourselves! He came across as this strident sniper, trying to bring down Hitch by any means necessary. We get it Bob, he was wrong on Iraq. A lot of people were. (But even there, it's not like the 2003 Hitch was arguing in bad faith.) And the religion stuff.. my god man, you're a supposed atheist (or "secular humanist," whatever) trying to argue religion of all things with Christopher frigging Hitchens, of all people. Surely there was much more common ground than Bob wanted to let on, for whatever weird reason.
  • techno_peasant
    mostly living up to its own ethos
    bob is generally fair and clear headed on most topics but like many people he’s losing me on israel/palestine. everybody knows israel is losing the PR war globally because of the war and yet nobody is serious when it comes to thinking about their alternative path forward, bob included. a little cognitive empathy would be useful here. i give it up to bob for frequently inviting on people that disagree with him but some guests (danny bessner) veer into cynical lefty doomerism and i only listen to remind myself what not to sound like if you ever want to be taken seriously.
  • josh7854
    Huge Fan
    I don’t know of a podcaster that works to be more objective on political issues than Robert Wright. He should be hugely popular, but I guess people love partisanship.
  • Kevtao
    Earthling Unplugged
    Hey, about the year end Earthling Unplugged episode; Robert is the first person I have heard remind listeners that the Supreme (?) Court anointed W president. They have been an illegitimate organization since then at the very least. Thanks Robert. Love the work and frankly I am glad that Kaus is gone. I listen to the Friday podcasts now with the variety of people who rotate in.
  • JoboF IV
    Omar Baddar
    Bob is always great to listen to (and I am a hardcore conservative). But I thought more pushback against the October 7 attacks would have been in order.
  • Nico_laos
    parrot room day 1
    I’ve been listening for years. Since the lockdown started and dragged on, Mickey’s regular Friday night spot with Bob has been something I really look forward to.
  • SocratesForehead
    Thoughtful and Honest
    As always, Bob provides honest, thoughtful, insightful content on everything from philosophy and psychology to politics.
  • Brilliant Objective Reviewer
    Platform for dopes and mendacious anti-semites.
    Robert is mildly interesting but his choices of cohosts and guests are repulsive.
  • suavita34
    Suavita Maloney
    Robert Wright shown is the opportunity to get unbiased info. Its my goto for honest opinions.
  • TheStrongIslander
    Discovered too late, gone too soon.
    Since discovering this podcast earlier this year I’ve listened to almost every episode. Informative, fresh perspective, less the pretension of other podcasts. Episodes with Micky will be missed.
  • Quintin.Roberts
    Had to stop listening
    Is every episode like this? 2 guys making outrageous claims based on vague impressions of dimly remembered facts or reporting? I have enjoyed Robert Wright’s work in the past, but this was my first time listening to the podcast and I may have to reassess the whole oeuvre.
  • Qwertface
    Usually my fav conservative
    I LOVE you guys but Mickey how can you say Obama catalyzed the decline of race relations with his response to Trayvon Martin?!? Race relations were bad already. It would have been irresponsible for a US president to ignore the ongoing underbelly of race & classism that persists. Just because nonwhites didn’t have to confront the discussion prior doesn’t mean the problem wasn’t already there.
  • MBLenehan
    David Saks & Kennedy Jr.
    Love the show every week, but come on guys…. David Saks doing a fundraiser for Kennedy is not disloyalty to DeSantis. People with money play both sides of the aisle all the time.
  • Mukkuroni
    How do people get to air such stupid opinions?
  • YourBasicMelissa
    In this episode Robert sounded like a 97 year old who was never very bright. Coleman was unflinchingly respectful….don’t know how.
  • Richard Fliehr
    Two Old Hands
    Bob and Mickey have been around since the earliest days of podcasting, kicking around the current events of the day for at least 15 years now, with a long gap there for a while. Bob, a VIP-level member of Steve Bannon’s War Room Patreon, and Mickey, the man who can find an immigration angle to every issue or political story (I kid, I kid because I love), are old friends with genuine affection for each other even as they disagree on many issues. Even as a conservative, I enjoy getting the perspectives of people of good will who fall left of center, and these two are an enjoyable weekend ritual. 2023 Update: The invasion of Ukraine has reduced my love of this show. When Bob starts making excuses for Russia and blaming the West I just FF or turn over to RT to get a more nuanced discussion of the war.
  • mrpeterx
    I listened to the end…
    As a long time listener (and former Parrot Room follower) I can’t say this was revelatory. I don’t doubt the history but we’re also taking about a part of the world that for centuries has plumbed the depths of human ignominy. I speak from my own family’s experience with many “missing” relatives. It’s messy but we are on the necessary path to confronting Russia.
  • Aj's the name
    A Unicorn was spotted!
    The Ukraine debate was a rarity. In a media environment characterized by hosts having guests in agreement, stroking one another, this debate was vigorous, lively, and done in good faith. Both of these gentlemen articulated their point of views to the best of their ability letting the listener make up their own mind. Bravo! We need more of this!
  • A Couple in Tucson
    Respectful Disagreements
    I'm a huge fan of Bob (who I've had the honor of meeting in person). His books, The Moral Animal & Why Buddhism is True, are my most recommended books ever. I don't always agree with Bob, and neither do his guests, but the discussions are respectful. No name calling, no "ignorant" or "craven weeny" slander. Just ideas explored. Great stuff!
  • STL_Rob
    Big fan
    I first learned about Robert Wright through his Buddhism book- and have since read NonZero. I really enjoy his perspective on both heavy topics such as philosophy, consciousness, existential threats, etc and lighter fare, such as current events and pop culture. His podcasts are lots of fun and sidekick Mickey adds a lot too.
  • MJava
    Great commentary on politics, international relations & the human condition
    Great commentary on politics, international relations & the human condition
  • not a persuadeable
    Craven weeny
    It’s hard to find a more willfully ignorant audience than the admirers of the craven weeny R. Wright.
  • grandunate fortada
    Robert >> Bret
    I came across Robert from his podcast with Bret. I have liked a lot of Bret’s work in the past so I have occasionally listed to his podcast for a while now. He is a smart guy, but after listening to the podcast with Robert I realized he has gone so far down the rabbit hole of conspiracy that he refuses to acknowledge far more plausible and realistic alternatives. The episode was terribly argumentative. Robert sounded irritated, and Bret sounded like a narcissistic baby. After that debacle of an episode I removed my Bret subscription and looked into this podcast. Now Robert may not be a trained scientist, but he still has a lot of informed and nuanced opinions that are interesting to hear. Would recommend!
  • Tim P-Ray
    Great show for even keeled thoughtful podcast fans
    The Wright Show is such a great show with thoughtful content. I love the fact that you get to hear many sides of current events and thoughtful content that is pertinent regardless of the current headlines.
    Good job on Bret’s podcast. You were thoughtful, clear and patient. Bret was terrible. Worst podcast he’s ever done. Good job remaining patient and getting your point across. Very valid opinions. Thanks.
  • Caltheous
    Different, Honest, Truly Scietific
    Great job discussing different views on concepts of consciousness, free will, the mind, the “Self,” Buddhism, meditation, vipassana, and more. I value the diversity of ideas and the humble acceptance that we may feel like we know what is true but we may also be wrong. Being scientific involves being open to changing your view and that’s very hard. Bob is doing a great job as a host of modeling the behavior and he brings on fascinating guests who, in most cases, I haven’t heard on other interview podcasts of this type. Keep up the great quality show, Bob! Also, stop beating yourself up, if you didn’t fall short of your goals you wouldn’t be setting them high enough.
  • Casnh
    Public intellectuals ain’t what they used to be
    Mickey Kraus and Robert Wright really seem to believe their opinions deserve a wider audience. They are mistaken.
  • zenzm92
    Excellent show !!
    Great topics great guests great host !!
  • _Maggie_1234
    Five stars!
    Wonderful podcast, interesting conversations with many different view points included
  • theo york
    Great Show
    Robert Wright gives A take on foreign policy you don’t get on the major news sites. Bobs shows with Mickey Kaus are entertaining
  • Dmed303
    Must Listen
    Robert Wright Non Zero is the most important podcast I listen to. I just discovered Robert after he was a guest on another podcast that I listen to a few months ago. Intelligent and objective conversation by people seeking truth.
  • evsweep
    Excellent all-around show
    Bob holds great interviews/conversations with all kinds of guests. The major themes he’s interested in (eg cognitive empathy) are always eye opening. The weekly shows with Mickey Kaus are a must-listen. Informative, accessible, funny…I think history will look back favorably at Bob and his work.
  • PF Duke
    Great podcast. Very fair to all sides. Everyone should listen! That would make the world a better place.
  • jaatlas
    Great Podcast
    Such a great podcast, always enjoy hearing Mickey and Bob’s banter. God do I disagree with Mickey on immigration and Bob on FP, but that’s part of the show’s charm.
  • BrockJarrett
    Love Robert Wright
    Started following his work since reading Why Buddhism is True, love most of what he puts out. Very thoughtful and subtle on most topics.
  • pdxjk
    NATO’s fault? Really?
    Came for the nuanced discussion of complex issues, left for the continued framing of NATO as the reason for Russia’s invasion.
  • Morre71
    Excellent show.
    Bob interviews many interesting thinkers that I have not heard on other podcasts. Also he brings a consistent worldview to each topic. He does not just react. He thinks.
  • Angry about "Album Only"
    I am here for Mickey Kaus…
    Listening to Bob has become harder and harder since the invasion of Ukraine. Did the west make mistakes in the post-cold war era with Russia? Perhaps they did but his empathy is extending too far in the face of a ruthlessly bloody invasion.But for the chuckles Mickey kaus provides once a week, I wouid have already unsubscribed.
  • cf Tim jur
    Outstanding show that is intelligent and non-stupid.
  • timrnolan
    Bob is “a god among men”
    Thé Wright Show is a gem. He is insightful, funny and addresses a wide range of issues. Please subscribe
  • Gianni JM
    Robert's resentment
    The Ukraine conflict has revealed that Robert Wright's resentment of western elites structures his entire thought. This has made the podcast more a study in personal grievance than an illuminating look at current events
  • ilishe
    Empathy semantics
    The linguistically parallel word for emotional empathy is mental empathy. Cognitive is certainly a more complex and elegant word than mental, I personally like it better, but mental is simple and clear thus so is it’s meaning. Tel empathy is far too complicated. Also…I cancelled my brief patreon subscription out of distaste for the excess profanity, Mickey’s distorted view of teenage girls and alcohol/sex, and too much drug-talk. I’ll stick with the free intelligent version. Still love you, Bob 😊
  • Lowrey
    Snot for me
    Holy crap, ask Ben Burgis to blow his nose, then record the episode again. Doh whad I bead?
  • 👳
    Great free-thinking podcast
    I really love listening to this podcast. Robert is curious and smart, yet willing to concede his point when he learns something new about a topic that changes his mind. He debates guests with respect and humility and I always learn so much, either from Robert or his guests.
  • JV greetings
    A show you need in your podcast rotation.
    Bob is an incisive, non-tribal thinker and curious, funny interlocutor - much needed in these weird times
  • elpcreek326566swdw
    Andrew sends me
    Andrew Sullivan sends me here for wright v kause. Nice one. Like the angle and entertainment.
  • Dipyorwick
    Bloggingheads tv
    Always engaging
  • lost_in__california
    Force of nature
    Love the podcast!
  • jbennetthall
    Long-time fan of Bob Wright
    I would like to think I have been listening to the Wright Show since before it was cool, but I’m sure there are listeners who beat me to it. Best podcast on the web by far. I am perplexed that it is not regularly in the top 10, which probably says more about me than the podcast itself. Nobody covers such a wide range of topics as skillfully. Furthermore, I challenge anyone to come up with a better odd couple than Bob and Mickey.
  • Johnny_Lemonhead
    One of my favorites
    Robert Wright is a super-charming and super-intelligent guy who is into lots of different interesting topics. If you are into intellectual discussions (with a focus on philiosophy and current events) this is a must listen.
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