Rebel Force Radio: Star Wars Podcast

TV & Film #143After Shows #21

Long-running, award-winning STAR WARS program hosted by podcasting veterans Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac, Rebel Force Radio provides STAR WARS information and entertainment. From the Classic Trilogy to the Prequels... From THE FORCE AWAKENS to ROGUE ONE to SOLO...Rebel Force Radio puts you on the front lines of fandom. Plus, plenty of CLONE WARS and REBELS too! Featuring celebrity guests, news, opinions, comedy, reviews, contests, and more.

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Recent Reviews
  • mchristensen16
    Top Notch!
    Rebel Force Radio is a preofessional honest and well produced podcast covering the world of Star Wars. I listen to RFR along with a hand full of smaller podcasts in the galaxy far, far away. ALL have their place in the Star Wars discussion. Thanks RFR for a great podcast, and community.
  • MetzFest
    Loyal Honest Star Wars Fans!
    I love this show so much it help me get through stressful days at work and I love the talk, discussion, & engagement with fans and the stories both Jason and Jimmy share. His brother doing the puppet Lando voice makes me cry laughing (On Point) ignore the negative reviews on this podcast they are just upset because we longtime fans can see when execution doesn’t always land with Disney shows a la Acolyte. Not a fan of Acolyte either still (waiting 💸) for something to happen. Open to debate’s & theories not these other toxic fans who wanna hate just cause you don’t like a show and they also wanna call these nice men racist for no reason. (Isn’t that the message nowadays) Love this podcast! Love you guys! -Tyler Metz
  • Ice Tsar
    A worthy podcast
    I am a little taken aback by some of the negative reviews. These guys focus almost exclusively on the stories for each offering and do a fine job delving in. They put all the noise from online haters aside and focus on the content. That’s what I appreciate. The other listeners also add great perspective to these stories. I think this is a worthy podcast to listen to if you are into Star Wars. If you just want fawning, look elsewhere. I do wish that Jimmy Mack would enter with his eponymous Motown song, but I will continue to just sing that to myself as I commute.
  • 2coolmusic
    Boring, no genuine engagement with the franchise
    I tried to give the show the benefit of the doubt, but this is the toxic part of the fanbase at its worst. I could barely get past the first few minutes of the episode to realize they had nothing positive to say about the show, no engagement with the narrative. They are completely off base with their assessment of The Acolyte. Would’ve appreciated something of substance rather than just petty complaints and uncomfortable jokes.
  • treeeyyssoonnggzzz
    Sat next to these guys at a premiere of the acolyte and they talked the whole time
    Pretty much that, mixed with the racism and sexism this show prides itself on. There are 100 better Star Wars podcasts. Don’t waste your time
  • _silly_goose
    Great Podcast!
    I discovered this podcast earlier in the year and it’s spectacular! Their theories seem credible and well-based, and the production is great, with good intros and sound effects. Interviews with people like Dee Bradley Baker are super! They seem to have a well balanced opinion on films and shows- if they’re not a fan of it, they’ll say that, and if they like it, they’ll say that too. It seems to be genuine opinions that seem well based. Very fun to listen to while driving or doing weekend chores! Kudos to y’all!
  • Star Wars After Party
    My Favorite Star Wars Podcast
    Love listening to these two. I’m a little bit younger in comparison and really appreciate hearing their perspectives and experiences growing up with the OT. Best production of probably any podcast I listen to (kudos Jimmy Mac) and Jason is an incredible host. The prime example of two people who are great coming together and making some spectacular. Appreciate y’all!
  • CoffeeAndChess
    The BEST
    I’ve been listening to these guys for over 10 years. They have absolutely, hands down THE BEST Star Wars podcast out there. What I really love about this show is their ability to stick to the subjects at hand and not talk about subjects unknown to the listener like other podcasts where it just seems like a bunch of dude bros hanging out. These guys are professional and fun. Listening to them genuinely grows my love for Star Wars which is mind numbing considering I’ve been a fan since the 80’s and was even named after Star Wars. If you look at all the bad ratings for this show they all seem to have one thing in common; “they bash on the sequel trilogy”. No, they don’t bash on it. They just call it like it is. A good movie deserves good praise. A bad movie does not. It’s that simple.
  • It’s Just Nat
    I became a fan of Star Wars later in life than most fans and have since caught up on all the shows and cartoons. These guys are the BEST Star Wars podcast I’ve come across. Their theories are well reasoned. They’re always up to date and have their finger on the pulse of the fandom. I catch myself talking out loud as I’m listening to them because I enjoy their conversation so much. The shows have become the highlight of my week. I highly recommend this podcast to any Star Wars fans I run into. They’re truly my source for the force!
  • wyatt!!!!!!
    get a grip buddy
  • Timekillerb
    One of the best Star Wars pod cast ever! I love these guys! Talk about the best stuff. No fan boys. No hate. Just the love of the WARS!!!! :)
  • Solojazz_
    Limited substance and unique opinions
    Used to listen to this show all the time but over time tapered off. Realized the hosts opinions are heavily based off the general fans consensus of the films. Go back and listen to their first discussions episodes of the sequel trilogies. They are overwhelmingly positive and defend the movies. Now they have totally swung 180 and are full on sequel bashers. I’m ok with changing your opinion but they never openly stated why their opinions changed and it seems they are mostly just following the trend of the average Star Wars fan. Overall the podcast seems to lack unique ideas/opinions and the hosts seem disingenuous. The hosts don’t even seem to enjoy Star Wars anymore which is fine but probably a sign to end the podcast.
  • HenryLOVER
    Real, Fun and Quite Honestly the Best Show Going!
    Been listening for years and have always….like, every single episode….always have felt apart of the Star Wars family! What’s better than that? Thank you Jason and Jimmy Mac!
  • falconidae
    Swank: the last straw
    Update: Swanks recent rant pushing back against women in the directors chair and supporting the star wars INCEL culture was the last straw that made me unfollow. Swank has become more and more insufferable, he’s so aggressive and negative. He thinks he’s on right wing talk radio or something. I have fun with a lot of the interviews and stuff but Swank has been on a negative trajectory. Especially with Ashoka, he comes out swinging with complaints. I really enjoyed the first two episodes. I’m surprised he’s not more satisfied with his IP given now that Star Wars is in a much better place than some of the other IPs like MCU. I wonder if Jimmy Mac will be able to bring him back from the corruption of the dark side?
  • Nick Bush Tex
    Pakistan is not in the Middle East
    You have some good thoughts and I appreciate you sharing them and your analysis. For next time, yes Pakistan is a majority Muslim country. It’s not in the Middle East. It’s considered South Asian. You repeated it a few times and are influential people who can help Americans be wiser and the world, so I thought I would share. :-)
  • AllenS!
    What use to be.
    This show use to be a joy to listen to but in the last several years it has become intolerable. The hosts just complain incessantly about the sequel trilogy like it has personally destroyed them. If you disagree with them or their butt kissing followers on their FB page they will delete your posts. They seem to have issues with women and inject their beliefs into the show. Like I said it use to be a really enjoyable show but no more. Their are other podcasts out there that are more tolerable and inclusive.
  • Jeff Cope
    OG SW fan, new RFR listener
    I’m a SW fan since May’77 (lost my last baby tooth on a Milk Dud during my first viewing) and I just recently discovered RFR. I’m pretty picky about the podcasts I listen to. But I’m really enjoying RFR. It’s a great informative and entertaining show! If you call yourself a SW fan in any capacity you owe it to yourself to check out RFR!
  • shehajajaj
    Best Star Wars Podcast
    I’ve been listening to these two since 2016 and have loved every second I’ve listened to. Incredibly knowledgeable, passionate and talented hosts. Also, you won’t find a better Kathleen Kennedy impression out there, Jason’s got it down! RFR FTW!
  • TheBinApt22322
    The pandering
    Call it what Star Wars is… female only entertainment for privileged untalented executives. They hate men, hate luke, and Disney Star Wars is misandrist cosplay of Star Wars . This podcast has turned into a joke as well and anything Disney Star Wars is banned from here on out. It’s done, dead since last Jedi. Fans of last Jedi belong in Guantanamo
  • Herugrim
    They have lost “the way”…
    With each show, it feels more like discussing what they hate over just enjoying Star Wars. They claim balanced discussion… but it’s just moaning, complaining, rants and attacking any listener who disagrees with them… especially from Swank. The only reason I come back is for Jimmy-Mac, who at least had shards of a love for Star Wars. I was a Patron, but I just can’t pay for this anymore, it’s not fun, not enjoyable. And all of that said, I want to like them! 😩
  • MikeFrom5_to_7
    What’s the point of this show if it’s not fun?
    Why would I listen to a podcast that is more negative than it is fun? I’m looking for a show that is about having fun with SW and nerding out…. not two grown men who want the franchise to be something it isn’t. There’s a way to discuss this stuff where you can state your grievances and still be a fun show. Judging from the majority of recent reviews here, it seems this is a common sentiment amongst their listeners.
  • Vote4Dawson
    Turned a community against what it once loved
    I began listening to RFR in 2021, and as time went on, aftershow after aftershow, episode after episode, these guys would put down Star Wars rather than try to find the positives in it. Even ignoring it would be better than these two manchildren bringing it up just to complain about it. Jason has little-man syndrome and Jimmy is just a second-rate Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons trying to push his views on all of the listeners as fact, and if you disagree, he’ll publicly put you on blast rather than having a conversation. It’s hard to listen to a show that used to praise the movies just to jump on the “anti-Disney, all other YouTubers are shills because they get preview screeners and we don’t” bandwagon. This was a show that talked all things Star Wars, and WAS a warm and inviting place to come listen, but after following the negativity trend online, they’re just another deleted podcast that’ll most likely fade into obsolescence. It’s a shame, they had potential to grow wider than just their Facebook group echo chamber. Maybe someday I’ll hear good things about the boys, but until then, I’ll be listening to more positive/non-destructive podcasts. I do miss Puppet Lando and the Jedi Guru though. Maybe you guys could take a lesson from him and look for the light in the franchise you claim to love.
  • AnakinTano92
    Stop bashing the sequels
    Not 20 mins into an Ahsoka review and we are bashing the sequels. It’s known the hosts don’t care for them; but stop pretending everyone unanimously hates them or discrediting someone’s fandom of Star Wars because they connected to the stories told in the sequel trilogy.
  • Triciaktso
    I used to love this show in its early days after being a fan of the Force Cast. Over time, I noticed it became more and more negative and blatantly misogynistic.
  • Nivekokbar
    The Best in Star Wars Podcasting!!!
    Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac Are the best podcasting hosts I have come across! They have over a half decade of experience together hosting their previous shows an are a wealth of information about all things Star Wars! Listening to Jimmy Mac and Jason is like hanging out with two of your closest friends and talking about Star Wars. I never tire of listening to them and they have a motto of not leaving any fan behind. I really appreciate their sense of humor an the professionalism they take to a topic that most podcasters and even mainstream media types don't ever reach! If you are looking for something new to listen to, trying to learn more about anything new coming to Star Wars, (ie. that new movie in 2015) and of course the Clone Wars! You have come to the right place! Jimmy Mac and Jason are well connected at Lucasfilm and beyond and are able to get insights direct from people like Dave Filoni who oversaw the making of the Clone Wars as well as many of the actors from that series! They have also done after shows on all the Disney series and movies. Jason and Jimmy Mac are relentlessly seeking new information and insights into the mythos and pop culture of Star Wars all while making it very enjoyable to the listeners! They also are connected with FJ Desanto, Kyle Newman and the amazing Blake and many, many more! If you really can’t get enough RFR add Patreon for even more… SUBSCRIBE NOW!!! This is the Podcast your looking for. May the force be with you, always.
  • Justin Minor
    Worst Fanbase in Pop Culture?
    and savior Dave Filoni. The host Jimmy made a poll and riled their entire fanbase to attack me and boot from their little club because I didn't simp for Disney and posted memes that made them cry. I defended these guys when they went to war with Star Wars Action news. I got calls at my work harrassing me. Never thought I'd be attacked because a bunch of sad incels who still watch baby cartoons got mad at me on an internet forum. ah well. I will cancel my patreon membership and unsubscribe from them since they made up a rule of "dont annoy the host." Dont worry. your little enterprise has been failing for a while. I should have known to jump off when Lucasfilm put you on their active "DO NOT TALK TO LIST." Dave Filoni used to be your buddy but Lucasfilm has blacklisted you and now I know why. Pity. You were great. But you let the mobs take you to a dark place. We were deceived by a lie. Keep knocking those homeruns outta the park disney!
  • Brandon Bones
    Shut up. Really.
    Christ these two are a couple of pearl clutchers who couldn’t analyze they’re way out of a bag. Unsubscribe these hacks.
  • Devo8010
    Even the dark side has fun
    8 years of listening, Jason has become so negative it’s becoming hard to listen. Which is sad because Jimmy Mac’s passion shines over Jason’s negativity and snide comments. We all have different experiences and connections with the franchise. But as Jimmy Mac once so eloquently said just have fun with Star Wars.
  • Minnietron
    Negative and obnoxious
    These guys are the know-it-all fools who spew mostly negative junk and make talking about Star Wars un-fun. I’d rather listen to people who don’t make fun of every other person they discuss.
  • Doctor Who221B
    Your source for the force
    I have listened to RFR for years now. I’m not even sure how long it’s been, but they do great a great Star Wars podcast. Sometimes I don’t always agree with the guys, but the discussion is what it’s all about! Keep on putting out great content guys! 5 stars and chut chut !
  • Star wars vs. Destiny
    I just heard of this podcast, but turns out it’s been a while, but it was so refreshing to listen to a cast that didn’t just blindly love everything that has the starwars label. This show cares about the quality of what we get in starwars, and isn’t going to blindly love everything Disney gives us. I appreciate that the same issues I have (Mortis, sequel trilogy, mando season 3 just to name a few) also doesn’t live up to the standards you guys have set. Appreciate this podcast and looking forward to listening in the future!
  • Dani RN
    This is about the 5th Star Wars podcast I've listened to and I was just slapped upside the head with the sexism. Talking over your female caller, asking if Haden is dreamy looking, talking about an actress's body, assuming the sound crew are all guys. It makes me sad because women are fans too. I had the original Kenner Luke Skywalker doll at about 6. I raised my 3 kids with Star Wars. I was just at a loss listening. Please do better.
  • Blue cat 54
    Why Ahsoka is training Sabine
    On and on about why Sabine is training her, but didn’t Kanan start training her in Rebels in addition to Ezra? So Ahsoka just continued what he started.
  • $cary Bu$ey
    Great content, fun and professional presentation! Congrats on 17 years guys. Here’s to 17 more! RFR#1
  • Tape Doctor
    White Boys Talkin’ Star Wars Don’t Think Otherwise
    There’s an increasingly simple relationship between Star Wars IP and many fans including these guys. The more women and people of color in front and behind the camera the more white fanboys don’t like it. A lot of white Southern males always seem to make it thru the call screen. Coincidence? Nah… Get your own $4.2B idea/franchise then you can critique it all y’all want.
  • Ben11420
    Great show — shades negative
    Great and deep Star wars pod. Don’t expect much happy cheerleading for the IP, but these guys care a lot and fill a nice niche. If you have complaints about stat wars, this is a good way to validate them.
  • Unfated
    Always a great listen! A
    I’ve been listening since it was the Forecast and it was Jason Swank and Pete Nadle. I rarely miss an episode. Jason and Jimmy tell it like it is. Keep it going guys!!
  • Darth dipshit
    Love it …. Wife hates it lol
    I love this podcast. This is Star Wars and they represent the fandom so well , even with the crotchety Jimmy Mac doing his old man “get off my lawn” type rants ever so often lol. They do a really solid job at bringing fresh information and solid opinions. Their connections in the industry offer a solid avenue of experienced takes that are refreshing and that you can tell they really care about not only Star Wars but their community as well. Also , my wife hates listening to the podcast when I’m driving and have control over what it’s played in the car lol.
  • SanSooJedi
    Just stupid
    With a lot of lame Star Wars Pod Casts out there, I was hoping this one would be good, but when you starting ripping on Organized Labor, I knew you were just as lame.
  • OuterJohn
    Knowledgeable but flawed
    I’ve listened to every Star Wars podcast out there, and there’s no denying that Rebel Force Radio has quality production values. Moreover, Star Wars fans everywhere owe RFR a debt of gratitude for their promotion of the Clone Wars TV series back when it was just starting out and being ignored by adult fans. And that’s what makes their current relationship to Lucasfilm so unfortunate. We get it: you guys had a falling out with and hated the sequel trilogy. However, constantly expressing negativity toward key people in and around Lucasfilm is surely sabotaging RFR’s opportunities and access. And, more broadly, these guys both need to be a lot more open to Star Wars evolving as a saga while maintaining the core messages. Unfortunately, most new Star Wars content is guilty-until-proven-innocent w/ Jason and Jimmy. It was clear Jimmy hadn’t even watched Star Wars Visions Part 2 before writing it off as “not really Star Wars.” 2/5 stars because sometimes it’s alright and not wall-to-wall confusion and complaints from the host.
  • UteFam
    Fun Podcast!
    These guys have great chemistry, they’re funny, and knowledgeable. Absolutely LOVE this podcast!
  • DarksIayer
    “Make Em Good”
    Been listening to these guys since 2009. They are the absolute best. They really understand Star Wars and the fanbase. Thanks Jason, and thanks Jimmy Mac!
  • salcedopanda
    The beaker spear was melted down
    The armorer said that beskar weapons aren’t made because they Pierce beskar armor
  • sullivan
    This is NOT the way
    Imagine two people who complain more about something they love than actually enjoy it. Well you found the show for you. This show was good when it was strictly clone wars but now it’s descended into two men complaining week in and out. This week in particular you see how fragile they are when Mac had to rant for the beginning of the show about being called out for people not agreeing on the voicing of Paz. Swank is that guy who’s never dived in beyond the surface level of the films and shows and yet complains and complains. It’s almost comical to listen to these two yesteryear hosts complain. Listening to Swank so hopelessly try and say Lloyds performance was somehow any better than Lizzo shows how much of a disease he is to this show. Save your time and find a different podcast. How are you gonna call it stunt casting at one point and then say we didn’t hear any promotion of him being cast in Star Wars till the episode aired at another.
  • zanders zandy
    bad bach
    # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies # Tech never dies
  • forgotten and frustrated
    Best in the Galaxy
    They never disappoint. Always on target. A delight to listen to. Great after shows!
  • Ramsrule31
    Best Star Wars Podcast
    Best Star Wars podcast out there
  • BlytheSurvived
    They love Star Wars
    Jason and Jimmy love the Star Wars community. Their episodes “Declassified” breaking each Clone Wars and Rebels episode are superb. They are insightful and welcome superb guests. What makes this podcast perfect is that they are not and they don’t claim to be. If you want to hear both sides of the TLJ debate discussed civilly then this is for you. Which isn’t to say they won’t rant or let others do so. They do and will, and that’s ok. If you want to explore the news, movies, shows, and toys, then these guys make you feel like you’re 12 again visiting a friends house talking about Star Wars.
  • jrock8735
    This is an essential podcast for any Star Wars fan . I listen weekly and couldn’t be more satisfied after shows are great, weekly topics and guest broaden everyone’s understanding of Star Wars.
  • AdmiralAckbar1983
    (One of the) best podcast(‘s) out there
    Look, I love RFR. I really do. I’ve been listening throughout the last four calendar years - and I’ve never missed a show. I really, really, really love this podcast. I swear!!! But recently Jason and Jimmy (hey, I love you guys) have sounded artificial and fake. The analysis is still there. But it just seems artificial. I’ll still listen to every episode. Don’t worry about me. But something’s different, man. Get back on the pony guys. Stop phoning it in.
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