The Overwhelmed Brain


Get to the root of emotional issues and learn the best way to relate to yourself and others by honoring your personal boundaries and making decisions that are in alignment with what's most important to you.

This is not a "common-sense" personal growth and development show. You won't be told to think positively or create affirmations. The Overwhelmed Brain is about accessing that deeper mental and emotional strength inside you so that you can decrease or even eliminate old fears and evolve into the person you want to be.

Learn what your parents or caretakers never taught you about emotional wellness and creating strong, non-toxic bonds with others.

If you want the exact instructions that will help improve your life, you're in the right place.

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  • LSE686
    Practical tools to help you navigate life’s challenges
    One of my favorite podcasts! This is one of those rare shows that offers practical tools to help you navigate life’s complexities. I find myself listening to episodes more than once because they’re chock-full of thoughtful guidance that leads to healing and growth. Paul is authentic and isn’t afraid to delve into uncomfortable topics, while speaking with empathy and understanding. He has given me tools to overcome many challenging situations in my life with family, friendships and the relationship with myself. Thank you, Paul! Highly recommend this podcast.
  • Bravouser1234
    Love the new format!
    I’m a longtime listener and I love the new format! it was a great day to introduce it!
  • MR And Tye Fan
    About 3 years ago I started listening to this podcast. It changed my life. I gained strength I’ve never known… I use to allow anxiety to terrorize me. I still experience anxiety but I am able to manage it differently and better. I am also better able to take responsibility for my part in conflict. Thank you to Paul for this awesome podcast!
  • SuperMomma02
    Perfect morning drive!
    I absolutely love this podcast, give me a lot of insights for my morning drive to set up my day in good spirits. Thank you for your advice and your honesty. I enjoy listening to this on the way to work every morning and even at work with my earbud in this show rocks 🙏
  • Uniquely Me!
    Essential & Empowering!
    For years, I found myself always cowering in my marital relationship (& other relationships, to an extent) in the face of verbal challenges, not saying ‘no’ when necessary, or remaining true to my belief system. I constantly second-guessed myself and so remained a stepping block and was constantly walked over & unappreciated. I knew there was more to me & the value that I knew I deserved. After coming across this Podcast about 3 years ago now, my personal growth journey changed dramatically! The content has not only encouraged & empowered me, but also evoked accountability, especially surrounding old coping habit (from childhood & life experiences), as well as blind spots I was unaware of. I am more poised, confident and hopeful than I could have imagined. I have greater courage & balance speaking up &/or advocating for myself. I’m just so grateful for Paul sharing this Podcast and helping his listeners to grasp that despite the hurdles we face, indeed, we are amazing! Listen & challenge yourself to change & growth!
  • InspectorTwelve
    Overwhelming delivery
    Take note, if you are sensitive to this sort of thing: Paul is wordy. There is no editing for repetitive or redundant or less useful content. In one episode, he even said, “I know I am dancing around…” So it’s a conscious decision. If you don’t mind, as Paul does not, all good. If you have a short commute, or other things to be listened to in your queue, take heed.
  • Hcaryn
    Great helpful tips!
    Love the tips and Paul your voice is very soothing! You reference your podcasts and programs in your show. It would be great to see links in the show notes to your resources! Thank you!
  • patricia micaela bessa
    Great show
    I really enjoy listening to this podcast and Paul’s insights- sometimes I fall asleep because it’s also relaxing! So clear and helpful I am going thru a beak up after 7 years in a codependent relationship where I am the highly functioning giver - I am sad bc I felt again in my childhood trap it’s time to refocus my energies
  • kenandsilvia
    First impressions
    I’m at a pivotal place in my development, specifically working toward emotional maturity and a more consistent sense of overall well being. I’m deep into the hard stuff, those issues that have been there for decades. Based on the podcast description I felt like this would be start. I listened to the latest episode while out on my daily walk and found it enjoyable to listen to, easy on the ears, informative and especially personal. The content and delivery resonated with me, so much so, that I became suspicious that he had managed to spy my journals. I’m looking forward to more.
  • patrice✍🏾
    Like this show
    He sounds like my therapist. Very calm and collected.
  • Tarzan729
    Love this man!
    He has the most original tools for dealing with relationships, heartbreak and life in general. He’s saving my life! Sounds like my Dad and Jeff Goldbloom had a baby!
  • IU_SPEA_Student
    I have learned so much from you, thank you!!!
    Your podcast is such an incredible resource for the world. You’re amazing. Thank you!
  • Katiej7
    Can’t handle his lisp with his S’s
    He demonstrates a tongue thrust (or a lisp) typically produce a distorted “S” sound because his tongue pushes forward between his teeth when talking.
  • Listener0273
    Just a man talking!! No research, no expertise, no experts.
  • Hackley#2
    You’re helping me get my life back, no one else has been able to do that not even me!
  • Brooke B Chicity
    Thank you 😊
    Your episode on vulnerability was the first step I took in my journey to become a happier person, and it was really refreshing to hear someone be so okay with their insecurities. Thanks for allowing me to relate and remember I’m not alone.
  • DdCarppppp
    Great podcast
    Real and honest podcast… I can’t afford therapy so this is my therapy 💕
  • Pigsooie5
    Like a warm hug
    Such a gentle, kind and informative podcast.
  • 63MorganXK
    Great podcast!
    Great podcast!
  • Brahmsylove
    Like listening to a therapist talk to you, but for free
    Informative and cathartic
  • Zizzabet
    Support, understanding & validation
    Good to have this podcast to provide the much needed support, understanding and validation that can be helpful during the tough times. Depression is a huge battle- sometimes we don’t see the whole picture due to sinking so deeply into our own deep dark hole. I hope 49 yr old RockiV is turning the curve to a softer and more comfortable ride. This is a good podcast but not meant as a substitute for professional help.
  • Kingken210
    Great conversation
    This podcast allow me to ask myself the most important question, how can I be the best me. Thank you so much.
  • RockiVassalino
    Thank You
    I just so happen to be in the darkest season of my 49 years. I do not have the option to leave this realm as I have (grown) children and grandchildren, so I am desperately trying to heal and become a better person for my next 49 years. This podcast makes me feel less alone, less miserable, and maybe even a tiny bit hopeful. A million thanks to everyone involved.
  • Lipstickpunk777
    Peace of mind and heart.
    I have found so much clarity and peace listening to this podcast. It has really helped me so much and I want to thank you for making it! It keeps me motivated to keep going and to stop making mountains out of ant hills and to take the mountains one day at a time. Much love!
  • Merge.Lover
    One of the best mental health podcast!
    Paul has helped with through many hard parts of my life, from Suicidal thoughts to helping me through denial in my my. I am 100% sure that Paul has saves so many lives by creating thing podcast. Thank you Paul.
  • nan gm
    Love this!!!
    I got so much out of the October 16th episode, it came at the perfect time as I am discovering how who I was told I was in my childhood has effected my self perception today. Great explanation of imposter syndrome!!!! And thank you for keeping this podcast free, so generous and kind of you💗
  • Cynaminn
    Been going thru it
    I’ve really been going thru it lately. Well, most of my life. I’m in my 30s now and just realized that I’m responsible for my own healing. No one is going to heal me but me. I decided to search mental health podcasts and found The Overwhelmed Brain. I just started listening to this podcast two days ago. I’ve been listening to episode after episode since I found it. I know I have a long way to go in my healing but Paul’s episode make me so hopeful and I’ve already learned so much! Purchased his book as well. Thank you Paul for these wonderful episodes. Your podcast is truly a gift and one that I wish I opened YEARS AGO!
  • inniwinnibinni
    He saves lives.
    I’ve been listening for a while. I don’t want to make this long so all I will say is, some people just have the gift of transformation through their words. Paul’s episodes connect with me on a emotional, mental, and even spiritual level. I am very grateful to have found this podcast.
  • Conscious_Marketing_&_PR
    Great podcast!
    Great podcast with content that you can immediately apply to your life and mindset. Paul is fun and honest!
  • LaurLG22
    Hits the Nail on the Head
    Paul’s podcasts feel like he literally made them specifically for me and my situation! His is spot on with so much regarding human interaction and behaviors/feelings and it completely validates what I’m going through. Thank you, Paul!
  • Ecuachika
    Thank you !!!
    Paul, a million thank yous ! Exactly what I needed to here as an emotional abuser. I’m holding myself accountable and ready to change for the better and for myself. I’ve been listening to you for the past 3 weeks and have made great progress. My journey is barely beginning. ♥️ a 5 star 🌟 podcast !
  • pod197
    I want to like this
    Who gets married to someone who is a parent and never expects the children of the parent to visit? It’s ludicrous. discuss parenting issues prior to marriage.Or at least The podcast host could mention having these crucial discussions prior to marriage. They are life altering discussions that shouldn’t happen 10 years down the line.
  • robertensen
    The best EVER
    Paul is funny and he helps me with a lot of problems and I hope you can read this Paul if you can’t I don’t know but if you can make sure you keep doing this stuff cause I love your content.
  • Omegawolf999
    Love this podcast!
    It is so helpful and love the host, Paul. He just has the amazing voice and great advice.
  • saeujfd
    Give it a listen
    Thank you Paul for having this pod cast. It has changed my life in so many ways.
  • krist7076
    Paul is the best!!
    Thank you Paul for your podcasts, articles, workbooks etc. Everything you do has helped me immensely. You pulled me out of a severe depression. I can’t thank you enough. I also can’t get enough of your material. It’s like a life line for me. Please stay with us and keep doing what you are doing. It makes such a positive difference in this broken world. I am in the patron program and will keep giving money each month and don’t feel guilty about it! You deserve every penny and more. Just a side note…the coconut keto bars from Munk pack are the best flavor…LOL.
  • deeveecee777
    I absolutely love this podcast ! My favorite for sure
  • üöäpfgt
    This podcast helps me to focus on my true feelings
    I have an anxiety problem and this podcast helps me focus on my inner true feelings and calm down at home so I can analyze my thoughts and feelings on a certain topic. It’s very educational regarding human psychology. I’m also a person who needs podcasts from people with a calming voice and he has a great voice to just listen to and relaxed - I live by myself and hearing a soothing voice is important for me to not feel isolated - thanks !!!
  • lillaaaaahhhhh
    Love it, but there’s one huge issue
    Paul has a way of delivering solid advice in a soothing, reassuring tone, and I appreciate how relatable he is, as he shares a lot from his own experiences. I feel like I could gain and have gained a lot of valuable insight from this podcast series. I did however have to stop listening for a while because every episode is framed in the context of a romantic relationship, even the episodes that do not advertise themselves as such. This is an area I struggle in, and as a single adult in our society I already feel marginalized and invisible, so any benefit I could receive from Paul’s podcasts are immediately negated when he starts talking about how your issue affect your spouse, partner, etc. and vice versa, and he delivers all his advice in a way that suggests we are all dating, partnered, or married. There are many people, myself included, that are not seeking to repair or maintain romantic relationships, just our own behaviors and emotions. We have relationships with family, friends, coworkers, pets, even the corner bodega guy to worry about, and not always wives, husbands, children, domestic partners, etc. This also does a disservice to those who don’t desire or plan to be part of a romantic partnership, an important example being those who are asexual, aromantic, or simply not interested in romantic partnership. I’d like to see a little more inclusivity towards those whose lifestyles deviate from the norm, whether by choice or not.
  • Anonuser24
    Jumbo jumbo
    Just talks in circles, like wasted money on a therapy session. The people really struggling for self help won’t find help in this
  • kiann.b
    Moved me a lot and motivational
    I was never taught to feel much self-confidence in myself and why are people are like this, until I started listening to his podcasts.
  • Darnell1$
    Thank you
    You have helped me to get on with my life I was stuck in a very bad relationship I wanted but couldn’t fix and also dealing with my own problems with myself I’m very great full because I was seriously lost I’m no longer with my toxic mate and feel so amazing don’t stop your doing amazing work I’ve seen therapist for my issues and got no were since a year ago of listening to your pod cast I’m able to heal do you know how awesome it feels to feel healed man bug cyber hug 😌
  • Detailed Rose
    I’ve been listening to both your podcasts for over a month now & you’re definitely one of my favorites!! I love the “common sense” approach that you use. I mostly love your soothing but strong voice. (It reminds me a little of John Tesh) I appreciate all the time & transparency you have shown to your audience. I relate to a lot of your upbringing experiences(trauma), because I experienced a lot of your same story. I’m learning a lot about me & how others have treated me. I’ve got a long way to go, but I thank you, & I recommend your show to many!
  • Bitty12345
    I found the perfect podcast at the most crucial time for me. I just found it today and can’t stop listening. I’ve never related to so many episodes in a podcast ever and he is really just amazing. I love his approach and if you’re a “stressor outer” about relationships with others and get paranoid about your approach in relationships, this is so for you too! I’m so excited to continue listening.
  • Cardinalhawk1852
    Great tool
    Relevant for us CPTSD folks. Love the role playing difficult situations & scripts to use when responding to toxic people.
  • Guy Zipp
    Latest Episode
    Paul, the latest episode “Not everything is your fault” was exactly what I needed to hear! It came at the perfect time too. I’ve been struggling with a failed relationship and everything you said in this episode resonated so deeply. Thanks for your content!!!
  • Yeabuddy420
    Paul rules!
    This helped me so much understand why people are the way they are. Helped me understand relationships etc. Still helps in time of need. Love this dude.
  • sparkles45
    I really enjoyed this podcast until he became woke and brought up Trump. Then he followed that with a statement that he wasn’t going to bring up politics.
  • J E S S 🐾
    Just when I needed it
    This podcast show helped me tremendously work through some to ic family issues. It was just what I needed to hear at the time.
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