Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan

Politics #136

CBS News’ Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan is America’s premier Sunday morning public affairs program. For nearly 70 years, Face the Nation has sought to help audiences understand how current events affect their lives. Today, that mission remains the same. Hear moderator Margaret Brennan’s illuminating and informative interviews with elected officials, policy experts and foreign leaders. Face the Nation airs Sundays at 10:30 AM, ET on the CBS Television Network and at 12 PM, ET on the CBS News Streaming Network. Face the Nation is also available on Paramount+.

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Recent Reviews
  • Sarachaa✨
    Great Information
    Great podcast for catching up on the recent politics. Thanks so much!
  • Kath kea
    Katherine Baker
    Return the hostages!!! Make Hamas end the war!!!
  • Danteen 41
    Stop interrupting everyone with a conservative point of view.
    CBS News needs to stop interrupting guests with conservative point of views. Then licking the boots of the liberal guests on the show. If CBS can not control their Liberal hosts then they need to fire them or shut down their money losing news division. I will not continue watch or listen to CBS News until they can get control of their host and present a more balanced news reflecting all points of views in America not just the left.
  • La Piana
    Wrong Job
    Sorry, but you are mispositioned to be hosting Face The Nation. You would be and are fantastic when you fill in hosting for Nora.
  • /:;()&@$(:-
    The gambling ad gave me a headache. I’ve unfollowed you, sorry.
  • Matthew in NY
    Outstanding and Unbiased Reporting
    True journalism at its best! Great unbiased reporting that everyone should watch. Keep up the good work Margaret and hope the other pseudo journalists learn from you how to inform the public.
  • StopTerror
    Informative, but clearly slanted against Israel
    Very disappointed with your show regarding Israel. Stop making it sound like Israel is to blame for the slaughter of October 7th of their own people. The only reason the two-state solution never worked was because the Palestinians elect people who believe in exterminating the Jewish people as a whole. Those aren’t realistic peace partners. They just want Israel wiped off the face of the map. Abbas says it straight out so many times. And it’s stated clearly in the Hamas charter. Stop making this into a ‘cycle of violence’; it’s clearly murderous terrorists vs. peace-loving people.
  • Mallarie121
    Tenacious Reportage from Margaret Brennan
    Margaret Brennan is tenacious in her interviewing and professional in her dealings with one and all compared to Kristen Walker who speaks as if she were addressing a kindergarten class particularly when speaking to colleagues.
  • King of a
    Truth about insulin prices
    I’m 40 years type 1 diabetic, insulin dependent. What I’m telling you is a fact. I or anyone can go into Walmart pharmacy (for the last ten years) buy a vial of insulin, no prescription, no doctor, no insurance (please pay attention now) for $24. Anytime during the last 10 years. No insurance, no doctor, no prescription, voila. Thus, the hoopla about reducing insulin costs is ? Please let me know you’ve received and understand my communication, Appreciatively, Marco the tucson cowboy
  • sudokuala
    I don’t trust you
    This is the bottom line. I’d rather listen to the BBC or others not merely posing as objective journalists. A shame.
  • Djw2108
    Must listen to Sunday show
    I am a huge fan of all the Sunday shows but out of all of them, this one if my favorite for its substance, tone and the fact that it’s always there. Quick example: this past week was arguably one of the biggest weeks with a federal grand jury indicting a former president. Face the Nation had helpful perspectives, which often differed, and it also do so while providing informative analysis. The other networks couldn’t quite pull that off or didn’t event try.
  • NickKol1975
    One of the best
    Big fan of your reporting and journalism. Your most recent interview with the CIA chief was awesome. Keep up the great work and thank you for all you do.
  • rmullins0609
    Now paramount wants you to pay for these podcasts Booooooooooo
  • baker1984!
    Tilted towards the left.
    If you are tilted towards the left. You will like it, if not, not so much.
  • Honey-Lulu
    Let the guests speak!
    So annoying when Margaret interrupts and speaks over her guests.
  • In solidarity
    Regarding conversations today with Blinken concerning Israel… have you ever heard of a people called the Palestinians!?!
  • christopher noel
    Margaret Brennan is the best female anchor on TV
    She should replace Mika (somehow?). If she reads this-please do a daily show. I know it takes more time away from family but your mind is important to modern society and it proves women can be highly effective. Your speed and aggression are spectacular. Your husband is one lucky dude😂👍
  • Bleecker44
    Excellent probing
    I listen to all the network Sunday morning shows and Face the Nation is remarkable for pushing the guests to answer the questions and not just let them make speeches
  • #33Mom
    Disappointing - June 5 show
    The questions to Sen. Toomey were reasonable with appropriate follow ups. Mayor Lucas and Congressman Schiff seemed as if they were being interviewed by one of their staffers and Prof. Stevenson by one of her grad students. This obvious bias only energizes the extremes in our political discourse, both on the right and left. I would like interviews with tough but fair questions and am disappointed Face the Nation did not deliver.
  • BrianonQA
    Best Sunday morning show
    Margret is well informed, smart, tough and fair.
  • Rrakusin
    Where are the real journalists!???
    Germany, France, Sweden and Denmark have all halted Moderna vaccine for children in the past year. MARGARET: as a journalist, please stand up for us moms and ask the Moderna rep the tough questions!!! WHY was it halted? Why aren’t journalist challenging these people????
  • bd157
    Long time on and off listener
    I used to listen without fail. However, the tone during the recent change of administrations made clear a bias, as did the particular drumbeat created during COVID-19 (note the odd outsized # of appearances by Scott Gottlieb. He is a smooth talker for sure but how is it that he managed to get such a regular spot?) Ms. Brennan is a star, to be sure - best interviewer in the ecosystem of policy-centered journalists. However, being based in Washington has a negative impact on the show in addition to the positive. I wonder how the line of questioning might change if, say, Ms. Brennan lived outside of Charlotte or Houston. Yes, she has access by being DC-based, but DC is a bubble - a good one in many ways, but a bubble for sure. Now that COVID is in retreat take the show on the road. Go to the middle of the country. See what happens. You’d be surprised. (Don’t assume you know how you’d be surprised. The assumptions are your bias talking) Get out of the air-conditioned offices, out from behind the computers, and start rubbing shoulders with folks. Let go of team members who shoot the snarky remarks off camera. We know these folks exist because of the tone. It’s not a bad tone, but could serve a wider audience if it was less overtly “DC”.
  • butterbeanfish
    Thanks for holding the Biden administrations feet to the fire.
  • cxvqwe
    Screaming Ads
    What’s the purpose of significantly raising the volume for ads? You’re risking hearing loss or injury to your listeners. I hope someone is looking into the risk and harm.
  • Zoedella
    Ads way too loud
    Advertising supports your show. And yet you have still not heeded past reviews since at least July that they are way, way too loud!!! I will only listen to this podcast as last on my list for this reason. No other show has such a stark differentiation between the show and the advertising loudness levels. Pay for a professional to fix this problem.
  • Dead g-eye
    Oct 17 2021 episode - worst ever
    Worst episode ever. Is this Face the Nation? Did they change the show?
  • Prince Ernie
    Thumbs down
    Moderator does not ask tough questions of left-of-center quests.
  • Lazy Phone People
    Interview mayor Springfield Mo
    Pathetic to a joke how stayed on the air is scary never once did u aks the red neck mayor about one proven facts of safety in not geting the virus wearing mask . I’ll continue listing so I can caution people iof you’re stupid so called news and ignorance of proven medical facts . There are no minus stars for rating to bad
  • Onnanokomachi
    ads on Face the Nation podcast
    John Dickerson is doing an excellent job of filling in for Margaret Brennan but is it really necessary to blast us out of our seats by cranking up the volume on the ads? I set the volume at a level which allows me to hear the host and his guests clearly without disturbing everyone else in the house but then along comes an ad to wake up my entire family. In the case of the ads featuring “Jill Schlesinger, CBS Business Analyst” I think they also wake up some of my neighbors. It’s so irritating that, just on principle, I would never, ever buy any product or service advertised on the FTN podcast. Could that be what they are going for?
  • ctc72
    Dickerson excellent
    Very sharp; fair
  • fandangoguy777
    Unsubscribed because of how you guys treated Benjamin N Y
  • Ginagina Smith
    Michael Lewis
    Needed much more time w him!
  • Ncjay17
    Margaret is great!!! When is she going to moderate a Presidential Debate????👍👍
  • Colgray2
    I have listened to Face the Nation for years and enjoyed it. I am sad to say Margaret Brennan ‘s constant interruption of her guests is disconcerting. The guest is unable to complete a thought. It is rude and says to the guest- “that response is not what I want from you!” CBS you are losing viewers.
  • do better 123456789
    Canceling all CBS due to interview with insurrectionist
    Enjoy much of your shows will not watch any news related information due to supporting insurrectionist and giving them airtime to continue to promote violence on American people and airing that he still supports Trump not asking the right questions about that there is no voter fraud and that he’s incorrect. there was no support that the people of the United States legally voted in President Biden and he is a current President of the United States QUIT supporting propaganda that hurts Americans and supports the insurrectionists that want to do us harm
  • GFDR91
    Why all the long shots of Margaret Brennan’s body?
    You don’t see this with the make hosts!
  • BKWcbc
    Argumentative and impolite host
    I don’t like the tone of the host
  • Tete #Brownspainful addiction
    I look to Face the Nation for thoughtfulness
    Margaret and John before her pose serious focused questions to their guests. I look forward to her reporting and Face the Nation for facts coming from professionals (that don’t seem to consider themselves and their opinions part of the stories they report on). It is so important to have this kind of news reporting so our country has informed and intelligent citizens. Thank you. I’m looking forward to Facing Forward. What a refreshing concept.
  • Update100
    Margaret Brennan
    She is terrible. She Is rude to guests. She constantly interrupts them. I don’t understand why she’s allowed to interview people. She is very rude
  • Sylvestrixxx
    What’s the point anymore, just kill the show
    I don’t know what happened to this show. The original greats have retired or died, but the entire format is gone now and the interviewer is out of her depth. A waste of time. Sad.
  • k8mu
    Biased Interviewer Brennan
    Margaret Brennen doesn’t accept and answer from her guests unless it’s what she thinks. She will close an interview with her own corrections. I can’t listen to her.
  • Diane Acevedo
    Great host, great podcast
    Love this podcast! Thank you Margaret for being a strong host, taking on relevant topics and asserting your beliefs and opinions on tough subject matters. The topics you cover are always relevant to what we have all been living through the week prior. I like that your guest on your shows vary between Republicans and democratic viewpoints and that your interviews are poignant and to the point. I look forward to listening to this podcast on my Sunday hikes.
  • maxbatt
    New host seems disengaged.
    I have been disappointed with the new host. The questions are very surface-level, with little follow-up or depth to these conversations. Additionally, the host’s presentation style IMO comes off as robotic and disengaged, even bored at times. This is no longer an engaging or exciting show to watch.
  • BostonFan 2020
    Biased News
    If you are looking for an unbiased or a view from both sides Face the Nation is not the place. Even if there is a guest with a dissenting view the host aggressively w talk over & hard stops pulls her pre-conceived view as though the guest gave it to her. Went in hoping it would be balanced.
  • The Fixer 19
    Almost Too Cringe-Worthy to Listen
    Rushed interviews, unfocused questions, and awkward transitions render Margaret a less than ideal host for this once weekly must-listen appointment. John Dickerson held his own and of course iconic Bob Sheiffer before him put FTN on par with Meet, but no longer. Nothing substantive in two years.
  • Eitansays
    The ads are no joke 20 times louder than the show itself. That makes for a FANTASTIC listening experience, let me tell you! On a weekly basis, you contribute more to my hearing loss than 8 years of close quarters metal shows right in front of the amps. Your disregard is egregious. Someone should be fired.
  • BX Mike
    Terrible episode
    Terrible episode on October 11, 2020 You let the republican representatives talk over you and lie without consequence. You support I guess!
  • FilomenaMaria
    Horrible aggressive questions
    I get that we want an interviewee to ask direct assertive questions but she can’t discern between a guest avoiding answers a needs those types of questions and a non-threatening guest which leads me to believe that her interview style is 100% aggressive and I just don’t wanna listen to it anymore. There is nothing gained by this aggressive style when there are so many other news organizations or podcast that can respectfully go deep and get really good responses but aggressive interviewing questions to partisan politicians, leads to nothing. One star and I’m going to unsubscribe.
  • seemwhykay
    Poor audio engineering
    Very hard to listen to this As other reviewers have said many times, the audio levels for the content are very low. If you increase the volume to hear the interviews, you’re ears will get blasted when the ads come on. It’s not a small difference.
  • Walking & talking
    Interview on 6th September
    I always listen to the show, and I do enjoy it, but the interview by John Dickerson of David Rubenstein, author of How to Lead was so inspiring that I actually took notes!
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