Pod Save The King - Royal family news, interviews and fashion


New era, new name: Welcome to Pod Save The King, the award-winning Royal podcast from the Daily Mirror.

The Royal family is finding its way in a new era. Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, King Charles III began his reign alongside Camilla, The Queen Consort. William and Kate became Prince and Princess of Wales. As the family changes, rifts remain with Harry and Meghan across the Atlantic and Prince Andrew is still in the aftermath of the Newsnight interview. There is joy too, as Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis grow up both in and out of the public eye, and the Tindalls, Beatrice and Eugenie find their own ways.

Expect behind the scenes details, fashion, travel, causes, politics and society, plus interviews with people who can provide a particular insight into your favourite Royals, their work and their place in Britain today. “Lively discussions with a wide-ranging appeal. Refreshingly informal, totally unstuffy and a thoroughly modern take on all things royal. And it’s funny too.” - the Press Awards Judges, who named Pod Save The King Lifestyle Podcast of the Year.

Your regular companions are Host Ann Gripper and Royal Editor Russell Myers. You can join the conversation about the podcast on Instagram and Twitter for a chance to hear your comments on the show, and follow @MirrorRoyal or subscribe to our Royal Newsletter for all the latest.

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Recent Reviews
  • LGray
    Focus on real royal family
    So much of the media focuses their royal reporting on the divide and drama between the working royal family and the ones who left their jobs to reside in CA. If you prefer information on what the working royals have recently done and have upcoming this is the podcast for you. This podcast doesn’t ignore the two who resigned their jobs working for the monarchy. Rather, when relevant to the working royal family, the UK government, the media and UK citizens they succinctly discuss the effects of the Sussex’s actions and communications. The hosts include the positive and negative of what the Sussex’s are currently doing, how their past criticisms and actions influence the groups previously mentioned and their efforts to shape the narrative they are putting forward to market themselves and achieve their financial goals. The hosts clearly differentiate between fact and personal opinions. They are genuine, humorous and not afraid to share personal anecdotes and be self deprecating making the podcast credible, relatable and thoroughly enjoyable.
  • MarcoFlame
    Great show
    Love listening to his reporting and commentary! Wish it were weekly!
  • Sara Belten
    Cut the Camilla
    I would rather listen to a presentation comparing the pitch of smoke detector beeps than hear anything glorifying that duplicitous harpy. Please just stop, silence is better than any Camilla news.
  • Joan Gold
    Russell has gone Sussex squad cheerleader and RF Critic in Chief
    Russell seems to have fallen out of love with the Royal Family. Not sure why he loves H&M so much?? Not even mentioning the African Parks travesty and Harry’s inaction to help the indigenous people is terrible reporting!! Please replace Russell!
  • Fly guy 2022
    Used to be a favorite podcast….
    While I thoroughly appreciate non-biased views, I am feeling that this should be renamed something to do with the Sussexes. The episode after the latest book by Omid seemed very much to almost favor the book and its content. When you have a book written by and about people who have been proven liars to the point of committing perjury that the hosts seem to think is relevant, then that’s a problem. The Royal Family have worked endlessly to promote important causes while being constantly attacked. Their work is immensely important to the causes they choose and I have never once gotten a sense that Catherine is cold towards anyone. Perhaps she could see through the facade of Megan and didn’t buy into her fake persona. The King has always been a champion of tolerance and multiculturalism, so I don’t buy that either one of these individuals would have said anything derogatory about a child who at the time hadn’t even been thought about. Of course, this depends on which version of Harry and Megan’s story you believe. Did it happen before they were married as Harry said? Was it when Megan was pregnant as she said? It was never said that there was more than 1 person involved yet now we have 2 people. Harry blatantly said the Royal Family are not racists in his interview. I guess whatever sells books and makes them money….I will give this podcast a little more time but if it continues then it’s a non-subscribe for me. Focus on the good work being done by the Royal Family, not to mention the revenue they bring to your country as opposed to giving the irrelevant Sussexes air time.
  • Gtrgtrgt
    Harry and Meghan
    Ann, you are defending their selfish actions a bit too much. Everything they have done has been self serving. My guess is they will be rich celebrities and focus solely on building their treasure chest. You really should be more objective.
  • Lolo13419
    Can’t listen to Ann.
    It’s brutal without Russell each time.
  • grimmer59
    Great podcast bu....
    I enjoy this podcast but Ann is entirely too sympathetic to Meghan & Harry a lot of times. She doesn’t seem at all sympathetic to the Royal Family and how Harry had betrayed the family who raised him and covered for him. Reconsidering if I want to keep listening. Get a better understanding of the US if you think Meghan really has a future in politics here.
  • letsgetteal
    Best Royal Podcast By Far
    Russell brings knowledge and experience to the show. He’s not biased against or for any of the Royals because he sticks to the facts. Lots of original content! Since he left the show it has no original content. The host is a extremely soft spoken and mumbles. Sounds almost sleepy. It went from the best royal podcast to undefined and boring.
  • Huge H&M fan
    Judi James is full of it she is no more of a Royal expert nor body language pro than I am, total hog wash. Judi could not keep the disdain out of her comments when it came to The Sussexes, they can hold hands or not hold hands or other signs of affection, whenever they choose, her stupid comments was so unnecessary, how about she just stop commenting on them altogether, those back handed comments just showed her ignorance.
  • JdoLA
    Audio issues are distracting
    Interesting topics and a good amount to cover them. But the microphone issues start to become distracting. Please fix the audio. A “professional” podcast that can’t keep audio levels consistent is annoying.
  • Gratefulglonek
    Regarding the Waleses
    I believe their hands are tied. The way that Catherine has toned down her dressing and fashion and the way that their engagements are also scaled down. I really like Charles but I also think he’s jealous. He’s had his time, waiting and waiting and waiting in the second spotlight, and he certainly isn’t going to give it up for his son. I also think Prince William and Catherine are willing to sidestep for the moment because they want to raise their kids. Maybe it’s a win-win for everyone. Also- I love Anne. I like Zoe too. But I was excited for Anne to come back from maternity leave!
  • NeverAReviewer
    Changes for the worse
    I appreciated this pod for using actual royal journalists (Myers) but the audio quality, the interruptions, and tabloid-like reporting without critical analysis make it challenging to listen.
  • xcgdhhsbkcndfvkicvcjug
    Longtime listener from the US but no longer. Is Russell a republican??
  • AFriendofthePodcast
    One of my favorites
    I listen to several podcasts about them royals and this is one of my favorites! Interesting & accurate information, lively discussions, and really good interviews! Very professionally done!
  • Ben Shapiro read this
    Rule Britannia
    When Britain first, at Heaven's command Arose from out the azure main; This was the charter of the land, And guardian angels sang this strain: "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: "Britons never will be slaves." The nations, not so blest as thee, Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall; While thou shalt flourish great and free, The dread and envy of them all. "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: "Britons never will be slaves." Still more majestic shalt thou rise, More dreadful, from each foreign stroke; As the loud blast that tears the skies, Serves but to root thy native oak. "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: "Britons never will be slaves." Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame: All their attempts to bend thee down, Will but arouse thy generous flame; But work their woe, and thy renown. "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: "Britons never will be slaves." To thee belongs the rural reign; Thy cities shall with commerce shine: All thine shall be the subject main, And every shore it circles thine. "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: "Britons never will be slaves." The Muses, still with freedom found, Shall to thy happy coast repair; Blest Isle! With matchless beauty crown'd, And manly hearts to guard the fair. "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: "Britons never will be slaves."
  • chaa12
    Audio Issues
    Love the pod but am begging you to fix Anne’s audio! She sounds like she’s underwater in a tunnel and it’s so hard to follow what she’s saying.
  • Heidi_Snow
    Great podcast!!
    My go to podcast for all things Royal! Love, love, love Russell!! He brings out the best in his co hosts. Great sense of humor and very knowledgeable about all things Royal.
  • Ojukwu Enoch
    Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe
    Missing Zoe
  • Hbov
    Love Russell, miss Zoe
    The show is not as interesting without Zoe. Russell has a good understanding of Meghan and Harry, but Ann won’t say a negative word about them - even when negative words are warranted. I miss Zoe and often skip episodes since she left.
  • kurtkal
    Bring Back Zoe
    I started listening when it was GSTQ and Zoe was the co-host w/Russell. I really enjoyed them. Now it’s GSTK and Zoe is gone. The show is not as good and Ann continually interrupts Russell and is condescending. Love the royal content but you need to bring back Zoe.
  • why wont h
    Bring back Zoe and have Russell on more regularly like he used to be
    Ann sounds completely bored on every single podcast and she brings zero joy to the conversation. Please bring back Zoe.
  • Whatnow23
    Going Down Hill w/ Too Much Filler
    I have been listening to PSTQ/PSTK for a few years now beginning when it was Ann & Russell pre “Megxit”. They had fantastic chemistry, were balanced & reasonable while spilling the tea each week. Ann left for maternity leave. I preferred Ann initially, but Zoe grew on me & felt their chemistry was on par with the former. I was excited to see Ann come back & since, the podcast has really gone down hill, which doesn’t mean it’s Ann’s fault necessarily. A lot has changed in the last year and a half. Ann became a mom & Russel’s media star is on the rise. It now feels like neither of them are interested in PSTK. Russel has been gone for what seems like several weeks leaving us with “filler episodes” about things that just aren’t that interesting. In the fast moving world of Royal gossip, I don’t know why Ann can’t just carry on w/o Russell or bring in a co-host. Ann pre-recording an interview with the person that mows the lawn at Highgrove every time Russell is out is not what I’m tuning in for. I’m exaggerating but that’s what it feels like. When they are reunited, they seem to no longer dive into the juicy details and it’s become bland. They are far behind in their coverage. No judgement to either, but both sound utterly exhausted. Ann has been so congested the last couple weeks coupled with the filler interviews and material that I haven’t made it through a full episode in weeks. This was the podcast I used to look forward to each Thursday to see what happened “in the time, space continuum”. It feels like Ann would rather be at home with her baby being a mom & Russel is probably at a point in his career where it’s time to move on to bigger things. I’m still a fan, will still tune in, but like the hosts, half- heartedly for now. It might be time to pass the torch to those who have the energy, the excitement, and a dash of the old snark you both used to have to cover the new King & all the inevitable silly drama that surrounds him.
  • T53and
    Podcasts when from great to very negative! Changes need to be made. Look at the reviews
    I use to enjoy your podcast but for the last few weeks to a couple of months, something has changed! It went from a fun and informative podcast. The two doing the show sounded like they were having fun and enjoying what they do. They gave us the truth without being negative. It was a lot of fun and very enjoyable to listen to. I didn’t miss an episode. Now it’s FULL of negatives. They don’t sound like they are having fun anymore. The guy seems to undermine the ladies and wants the show for himself. Like today's show, he wanted to test her on some things and she told him no, she wasn’t going to do any test. She sounds not too happy about him trying this It use to be a place where you could learn more about what was going on with the Royals, what they were doing, where they were going, and all kinds of stuff. Now they cover it but it’s always with smart remarks. The guy seems to try to slip in negativity anywhere he can. If they don’t like covering the Royals, or if they want them gone they should not be your hosts of the podcast. Bring in at least someone who can be neutral and not let their negativity interfere with the show. It’s sad to hear how bad it’s gotten. I went from being a fan of the show and listening to every podcast to not being able to listen to a full show because it gets so negative toward the Royals. Changes need to be made. He needs to move on. I can not believe he is a royal reporter. The show needs a host who can enjoy doing a show about the royals. I think this is it for me. I’ll check back and see if it gets back to being an enjoyable show or if it stays so negative. By the way, does anyone from the podcast look at the reviews? There are a ton like mine. Saying a lot of the same things. So many people loved the show but now can hardly listen to it. Changes need to be made. Please go back to the way it was.
  • Chickamauw
    Bland without Zoe. I have to unfollow.
  • ACG@history
    Boring Without Zoe
    I used to love this podcast but since Zoe left, it’s boring. Even with guests, there is still no spark.
  • menucha6548
    Bring Back Zoe!!!
    I started listening a few months ago, and I loved this podcast. Zoe and Russell had such a great repartee, and the topics were discussed in an interesting and lively manner. I’m sorry to say but Anne is good at this, especially after listening Zoe. The difference is grating. I listen sporadically now, and it’s not as enjoyable. If there’s any way Zoe can take on the podcast again I’d be overjoyed.
  • Bulverde Girl
    Zoe, we miss you!
    This used to be such an entertaining and fun podcast UNTIL Ann Gripper returned. Now, it dull and blah- Zoe was intelligent, and, dare I say, sparkling, without being annoying. Zoe and Russell were a good match. This podcast has lost its way, unfortunately.
  • Britt G ATL
    I miss Zoe!
    Zoe gave PSTK a positive atmosphere. She seemed exited to discuss Royal events. I know Ann Gripper is the returning host but her latest episodes since Zoe’s departure have been drab. I was so excited to listen to the post coronation episode and it was an absolute let down. Hey Zoe, if you read the reviews, please consider doing your own podcast. I would gladly be your first listener!!!! Gave it 2 stars because I used to love it when Zoe and maybe there is a chance Ann could still turn it around. 🤷‍♀️
  • ThroneGirl
    Post coronation episode
    Obviously Alison has never been to a church service if the coronation was the MOST religious ceremony she has ever attended. And Ann called the service WEIRD ! Shame on both of you for disrespecting the traditions of a religion that many hold in their hearts as an anchor of faith. Please stick to fashion and family, but refrain from insulting remarks about The Church of England. Oddly, they both loved the music…..which was based on religion ! How did you acquire your journalistic occupation ? Bias personified. Expand your social circle, please.
  • mjjayne
    Depressing coverage of Coronation.
    Speaking from America.. I was so excited for the Coronation but I have been very disappointed in the coverage from PSTK. Between the protest and talk of slavery ..this last episode bordered on depressing. Bring Zoe Back with the excitement for The Royal Family.
  • Trek Mum
    Keep opinions minimal!
    Alison and her partner reviewed the ceremony as secular women. Clearly they didn’t understand the spiritual nature of the coronation. The review of the coronation service should have been done by a vicar or other clergy. It would have sounded more intelligent.
  • Dustylyric
    Poor reporting, leaning only into neg gossip
    This show used to be the only Royal podcast worth listening to, but no longer. The last 2 coronation episodes were filled with such negative gossip & d tropes that history has proven to be inaccurate. Russel frequently remembers “facts” that he has entirely gotten wrong & there’s never a correction. Also there are 4 versions of Russel; this podcast, his articles, the Lorraine show, and Royal Beat. He never says the same thing across the board, even when he’s talking on the same topic in the same week. He gives a different version of the same events with different opinions & explanations depending on the audience making it clear he has zero journalist credentials or integrity. Further, he leans far too heavily into the old tropes that the King & Queen are the ones who broke up their marriages - they were not; Diana had affairs (w/ married men) first & Andrew PB was never faithful to the Queen. The King & Queen were the victims of their adulterous spouses. Not the other way around. Russell also continues to beat this idiotic gossip story that Prince William hated his father with no evidence to back it up. He continues to quote passages from Harry’s book as if they’re fact when so much of the book is demonstrably false. Social media is not the real world, but the media plays into it as if the actual world does not matter. And Anne - in her first real episode back she declared that she refused to call HM Queen Camilla “Queen.” Excuse me? Who is Anne Gripper? Camilla is married to the King. The late Queen Elizabeth II said she wished Camilla to be Queen Consort (not that it mattered, she would have been regardless it was only the style that might have changed) & all Queen Consorts, as the late Queen was well aware, are styled HM Queen. If Anne refuses to learn or respect anything about this family & the institution then she needs to get another job. And on that note, count on your fingers how many time you ever referred to HM Queen Elizabeth II as “Elizabeth,” or the late Kind George VI or his wife Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother by their Christian names & so on. As you’d never have disrespected them so much as to refer to them by their Christian names, you should never refer to the current King or Queen by theirs. I am so tired of the media deciding that they can call people what the media wants, instead of what they’re actually called. It is rude, disrespectful & malignant. It helps spur republicanism since the people go the way of media. And that is NOT the job of the press. I will not listen to, or read articles by, anyone who can not give this family the basic curtesy of calling them by their titles. At the very least, you’re referring to people by the wrong names & if you can’t get that right we have to assume nothing else you “report” is true either. But we get it, Anne & Russell are anti monarchy now. That’s fine. But instead of pretending to be accurately reflecting the news, get another job.
  • Yorocity
    Cannot understand her :-(
    Unfortunately the new host is hard to understand and lacking enthusiasm. You’ve lost me.
  • Go Bonnies!
    I miss Zoe.
    I miss Zoe. Give Zoe her own podcast. Zoe has a very positive attitude.
  • OSRider
    Bring Back Zoe!
    Bring back Zoe! She was so dynamic and fun to listen to! The show is lacking without her!
  • Jaleana
    We will miss Zoe
    Ann could have been complimentary about Zoe’s time hosting. Zoe was terrific. Best of luck to Zoe as she moves to NYC.
  • Turkey77777
    Dressed up as fair but totally biased
    I was looking for a balanced perspective on Spare but this was pretty reflective of Prince Harry’s claims regarding the British media. Several lines were taken out of the book, stripped of context and then weaponized against him to try and make a petty point. The host claimed that they had both positive and negative reactions to share from listeners that called in but then only played the negative voicemails that supported their narrative. I’m not even a big Prince Harry fan but this podcast only added more credibility to his perspective. Disappointing coverage.
  • Shazzfoo
    More Sussex bashers
    Boo. Excuses for the terrible behavior of the monarchy. Paid schills probably.
  • Team Ridgeback
    God Save The King / God Bless England ADVANCE BRITTANIA!
  • Woodenclogs
    Hard to listen
    Russell is more balanced regarding Harry etal but it’s difficult to listen to Zoe gush over them. It’s called “Pod Save the King” and sadly, those two are attempting to tear the King down. I fast forward through all references to them. Otherwise, enjoy listening.
  • canuck333
    Anti Harry - AGAIN
    Disgusted how the deck was stacked by negative only voicemail reviews of Spare. Fed up with Myers ongoing bashing and twisting Harry words along with his usual crew of Jobson, Arbiter, Levin, Wootton. Unsubscribed after all this time. Enough is enough.
  • osmo the rat
    Meyers is so biased against the Sussexes. I’d refer a more balanced take, including some real perspective on the working royals. It feels like Meyers is in the pocket of the establishment, which gets boring.
  • Sunndawgg
    I have no idea why this is rated 3.8. I think this is a phenomenal podcast! Those are always well-prepared, funny, insightful, and are balanced. They frequently discuss both sides of the coin. Look forward to the download every Thursday! When Anne comes back, I hope we do not lose Zoe.
  • PluckyJoshua
    Bye Podsave, the negativity is ruining this podcast.
    Russell Myers has ruined what used to be my favorite Royal podcast.
  • Wilpud
    Not bad but I don’t get the neutrality toward Harry
    I’m admittedly not a fan of H&M but find it strange that the hosts are so neutral about everything those two do. You simply cannot keep giving them a pass no matter how despicably they behave; it’s absurd. Might stop listening.
  • yogagirl56
    I think too, it was very fair!
    So do I think there can be a reconciliation and peace in the family..... neither side has trust for the other and trust is very difficult to build and easy to break. I hope they can forgive and build from there, but it's going to be horribly difficult. It's so sad. I hope they don't wait until there is a major death for them all to rethink things and have the conversations that are necessary between them all. The "institution" would have to change I think before any coming together can happen.
  • deplhi
    Words matter, isn’t that journalism 101?
    These two cannot be serious calling themselves journos - no balanced reporting here - none, at all. Gripper and Meyers should know better. This podcast should be called “Pod Save all the Royals, including Prince Andrew, EXCEPT the Sussexes.” Gripper has recently been trying harder than Meyers to be more even-keeled on reporting on the Sussexes, but Meyers is on a mission it seems! IMO they should check their choice of words in their chat as most of the time they are fanning the flames of dislike against the couple by perpetuating stories that are not accurate. As far as I have seen/read the Sussexes never said they wanted privacy per se, they said they wanted accuracy and fairness and some control over what they release. Two totally different things. Right? Also, they “stepped away” from Royal life, not “stepped down” and so now let them do their thing. Can you? The Sussexes are far more interesting as a couple than other couples in the RF and if they are doing good for others through their work then just let them be and supply their work. Why don’t you focus on Prince Andrew?
  • Montana 706
    Love but do not necessarily like it
    I love listening to this podcast every week. It is a great channel to keep up to date on the goings on week to week with the royal family. Like all things in life, some things are hard to hear. I enjoy all of their conversations except for when it comes to the Sussex family. It’s very much in line with the press narrative, especially Russell, which makes sense. Zoe brings a more moderate POV, though. Aside from that bias, I really enjoy it and look forward to listening every week! It’s nice to leave the echo chamber of your own thoughts and listen to other opinions.
  • Julie Ann 2020
    Love this podcast
    I love this podcast and listen to it with another UK based one I enjoy called Royal Rota. I enjoy these royal insights from a journalism perspective the U.S. Keep up the good work!
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