
Business #17All Genres #231

Every weekday, host Kai Ryssdal helps you make sense of the day’s business and economic news — no econ degree or finance background required. “Marketplace” takes you beyond the numbers, bringing you context. Our team of reporters all over the world speak with CEOs, policymakers and regular people just trying to get by.

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Recent Reviews
  • Wylie C.
    Like all media, every story is negative. Surely there are positive stories out there Kai. Yikes! Doom and gloom. Signed, used to be faithful listener
  • Madison For Real
    Red Lake episode is Pure Gold
    Kai and team scored a grand slam with this episode. Give Marketplace the award already!
  • Milosh87
    Better in the past
    I have been listening for >15 years and have to say that the show has become more and more politicized. They do a great job of reporting on economics stories but the infusion of JEDI stories, pro union stories, and general left leaning agenda material has become annoying. I used to listen to this shows because of the unique ability to highlight of the beaten path economic stories, translation of FedSpeak, and this was all done in a completely apolitical manner. I will not give this show less than 5 stars bc I truly was a faithful listener for many years, deriving much enjoyment and insight from their style of economic reporting. This podcast was one of the few shows I have listened to faithfully. But now with the times they are a changin, I will no longer be listening.
  • AHro827
    Excellent Podcast
    I gave up on the doom and gloom “news” a while ago. Marketplace has been an excellent substitute to keep me informed but not depressed.
  • mehinflorida
    Good and Bad
    The Marketplace podcast has interesting stories but it gets to be extremely tedious for an average listener, who maybe doesn't have his livlihood depending on the ups and downs of interest rates and the stock market. The daily review of rates, and speculation about the Fed, etc seems very repetitive. The main host, Kai Ryssdal, is very knowledgable, but some of his mannerisms and attempts to be cute can get on one's nerves. The show is quite left leaning, culturally speaking. I've been listening for years, but I'm going to unsubscribe.
  • minnichds
    I have been listening to this for over 10 years. Reporting is outstanding. They find stories that may not be picked up or dissected properly by the rest of the media. Listen in for your daily stock tickers, big stories or to learn something new about the world. There’s nothing quite like Marketplace.
  • Jimmy C420
    “Don’t believe your wallet stupid American, the economy is doing great!”
    Every day, theres a new story glossing over record inflation, energy prices skyrocketing, and consumer debt at all time highs. This propaganda podcast has become a total joke. They sound like Reagan republicans, only caring about the stock market and corporate profits. As someone who’s been following politics and economics since 08, the shift has been slow yet remarkable. The only good thing this podcast has going for it at this point is I’ve found some great music from their bumpers.
  • A Must-Listen Poscast
    A Must-Listen Podcast
    Marketplace is a podcast that excels on multiple fronts. I enjoy the reporting, the interviews, and the conversational style of its host. Thank you for making the days business news entertaining!
  • New Songs New Age
    Best !!
    Best of all the best shows
  • CraigCode1010
    Gone downhill
    They used to be a good source of financial and market news. Now they report on almost nothing but climate. And it is not anything newsworthy in the area just the same stories basically being aired again and again. If they leaned anymore to one side they would fall over.
  • TenMileTrader
    Too Partisan in the Macro
    I’ve been listening for years and I like the variety of topics and views. Lately I feel like the coverage of the general economy is very partisan, and sometimes I wonder if the Biden admin signs you checks. For example saying that the influx of immigrants has helped bring down inflation. Yes wage inflation, immigration brings down wages and they stay below price inflation. This isn’t helping your audience. Nobody wants to be told they should be feeling better about getting poorer just because we have jobs.
  • Xander258
  • Douglas in Atlanta
    Doug in “Atlanta”
    I can only suppose that Kai said that ugly thing about Krispy Kreme doughnuts because his taste buds were somehow shot off while he was in the Navy. There is nothing quite as good as a Krispy Kreme doughnut, especially when they are hot. Kai, I’m sorry you don’t appreciate good things. 😉
  • Gayleg57
    Love the podcast!
    Kai and the Marketplace gang have made me savvy about economics and so much more. It’s gray to have the podcast when I miss the show.
  • MO traveler
    The sky is falling
    My favorite “the sky is falling podcast”. No matter how good the economic news is they always find a downside to highlight. Now that the economy is so great they have pivoted away to highlighting the national debt to scare people. I guess Public Radio has learned a thing or two from Fox News, fear sells!
  • eyesintheskys
    Long time listener
    It’s great to have this show on podcast so I can always listen to Kai and the team break down each day! Thanks for all the information and hard work! Long time NPR listener on KJZZ
  • Harry’s Moto Guzzi
    Holliday spending
    First, I’ve been a fan and listener since my daughter was a senior in high school and I would listen on XM, while waiting in the parking lot for her, 12 years ago. And I’m not going anywhere. But explain how you can repeatedly say that holiday spending is up 3% when inflation for the year was MORE than 3%. We bought fewer ties, shirts, toys and electronics because the dollar wouldn’t buy as much. Shopping was DOWN. I was a math major, finance and accounting guy in grad school. So, Please tell me how I’ m wrong! I still love the show, Harry
  • 0284728162940
    Listening since the mid-80’s
    I have enjoyed this show during commutes after teaching, then stirring up dinners for children, now keeping up with podcasts at my leisure. Love, love love the format, the explanation, the emphasis, the education. Thank you and keep it up, gold stars all around!!
  • BuddyHood
    It's Kai Ryssdal....
    I've been listening to Kai for 10+ years along with my oldest son who used to sit in the high chair at our table at six months old and listen to him on the radio in San Francisco. Kai understands people and how they think and explains financial matters in a way that makes it easily understandable in an interesting and lighthearted manner with a smile on his face 😁
  • midwestBlue
    per the shortage of airline pilots and i will add air traffic controllers: too bad the men who made the stupid decision <ahem> plot to do away with all train travel we conveniently had throughout the US in small, middle and large towns of the 50’s and early 60’s in order to sell more cars, i am looking at you american motor vehicle company owners. sorry to say this but typical male corporate owner making a decision for him to get richer and not how it completely ruins it downstream for the average or poor person and now we are seeing that come to fruition. passenger rail balances out air and vehicle travel and that stupid male corporate jerks is not rocket science! grrrrrr
  • AlphaRhoGamma
    Good Daily Recap
    I’m in the financial industry but I still enjoy listening to Marketplace every day. This is the most accessible podcast for those wanting to better understand the economy and markets.
  • Lemastersg
    Engaging, but out of touch?
    I listen to this show through my local NPR station on my commute home. I’ll start with the good and then go through what Kai and his team need to work on. Kai is a captivating host and makes the economic news of the week digestible and even fun sometimes. For example, I enjoyed especially the episode regarding the business aspects of role playing games like Dungeons & Dragons earlier this year. I wish however there was more content like this because it makes economics relatable… I’ve noticed a pattern recently that Marketplace discusses economics on a macro scale and notes booming business alongside inflation struggles and a very nervous consumer sector. Repetition of topics aside, I really wish Kai would take the time to focus more on the consumer (who is more than likely the person listening to the show) rather than how the Fed seems to think the economy is doing fine. As an aside, if I hear the phrase “soft landing” one more time, I might have an aneurysm! All in all, this is a really informative podcast and I’m having a good time and learning a lot while I try to stay informed. That said, I wish the topics were a little more understanding of the circumstances most Americans are facing. Definitely worth a listen!
  • prahead
    This is the one podcast I make a point to listen to every day. Love the way they tell micro stories that tie into a macro perspective.
  • artzpb
    Absolutely informed, witty and intelligent host
    I am listening for 4-5 years. Initially it sounded like another podcast. But within a month I realized the true value of it. We live in a socio-economic world. Economics always influences our daily life. The program gives you a unique perspective. Needless to say Kai is very witty and intelligent. Start listening and it becomes difficult to stop.
  • please no more corona dailies!
    The Kimberly Complains Constantly Show
    Have loved Marketplace for years but it’s devolved into one of the hosts ranting inanely about her personal and petty grievances…Every.Single.Episode.(Wow, how does she manage to make every episode about her pretentious self, her cat, and her very Specific and Important life challenges. Omg, Costco’s club model isn’t tailored to household size of 1?!?) Nobody cares, we would just like for her to stop talking already. Please let the show get back to actual meaningful economic and business NEWS and balanced coverage.
  • Fun723
    That’s Kai!?
    Just saw his picture on the app, totally not what I imagined in mind! This program has earned me serious money. The episode about bitcoin when it was at $300, glad I jumped in!
  • StanRyndin
    Propaganda for the far left
    When you call people like me “homophobes” and “transphobes” by us merely disagreeing with companies (Anheuser-Busch, Target) broadcasting lifestyles unacceptable to us, you alienate over half of the US population. Unsubscribe ✅.
  • Err meow
    Exceptionally entertaining and informative
    I happily listen to this podcasts everyday. Keep up the great work!!!!!!
  • Bad Bad Bad and more Bad
    Overall Good
    I enjoy the content and appreciate the depth with which they cover topics. I hate, Hate, HATE the lengthy, annoying and unnecessary musical interludes and transitions. They are way too long, just wasting time for no good reason.
  • Nickname 45678
    Political biased
    Carrying water for the Democratic Party.
  • Tim Le9
    Kai is AMAZING
    Awesome! Kai gives a great perspective on what’s happening in the world and peoples lives. He’s amazing!!! The debt ceiling special episode was one of their best ever
  • Big Jarl
    Entertaining, educational, relevant, highly recommend
    Fantastic show. Well produced, well written, and great subject matter. If looking for another daily news show, this is a good one to add to the circulation.
  • Rneal1994
    A great podcast marred by increasing bias
    Marketplace is a good economic po
  • Darin913
    What’s really at the heart of the debt limit debate
    I never write reviews, but I just finished listening to, “what’s at the heart of the debt limit debate.” Today’s show seemed like a mouthpiece for the Biden administration. Did the administration give talking points for the entire show and tell you to lay the groundwork for unilaterally raising the debt limit? Our founders wanted separation of powers for checks and balances and congress has the power of the purse. Congress is telling the Executive branch to cut spending. Our founders were very wise and knew that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  • vanceenelson
    Wage price spiral. WPS
    What about the PPS Profits price spiral
  • Judson K
    Very informative
    Great mix of economic stories.
  • Ein_Bier_Bitte
    Progressive propaganda
    Why is it so difficult to report news, especially economic news, right down the middle? Kai, or his script writers, need to take an objective look at the tone they set. Keep the progressive dog whistles out of the program. He must think his delivery is so smooth that nobody notices.
  • Lcoyer
    Factual and biased
    I’ve been listening for many years. I enjoyed the humor and Kai’s perfect radio voice for my daily dose of economic news. Sadly, I now feel that I must tune out for what I see as a heavy bias to the left. I want facts so that I can come to my own conclusions. Help me understand both sides of the debate, but don’t encourage me to think a certain way. I tried to return, but I just can’t take it. This is a little better than Fox News. I don’t think I’ll be coming back, I’ve been listening long enough that it feels like a breakup.
  • Brother Imhotep
    My afternoon cup of tea
    I listen to this show everyday on my afternoon drive. Great insight, humor, questions, international, national, and local economic insight. Excellent work!
  • mayorgabriel
    Those fn ads
    I love Ky and most of the reporting, but the ads recently are so revolting I cant stand litto them. I cuss like a sailor and do not get offended easily, but I am really getting sick of hearing about a guy cooking his own leg and making tacos out of it for him and his friends while i eat breakfast. I am really sick of driving my young girls to school and hearing about a girl accidentally sharing kinky sex fantasy's with her father. Can you please stop with the shock-ads???!
  • Sunshine on my shoulders...
    I also hate(d) the BDO ads!
    Omg, no BDO ads today! I noticed!! Thank *goodness*! No, thank you, producers! Please keep it up. Generally, love the show. I learn so much. As an investor, I appreciate the show’s keeping me informed about when fed meetings happen, and when unemployment numbers, earnings reports, CPI and PPI reports, etc. come out, so that I have context for the resulting ripples in the market. I personally care less about the highly localized economic stories but also begrudgingly admit that’s one of the special things Marketplace provides. I love Kai most, but the guest hosts are ok too as temporary subs.
  • hes a liar
    Government propaganda!
  • stiggysleet
    Great show
    Marketplace helps me go to sleep. It’s well made and interesting to hear.
  • Dc20009GFS
    Great show but
    Spends so long mid-show on daily movements of stock when weekly or monthly trends would more often than not be more informative.
  • TeeDeeDub
    Long-time listener says bye-bye
    While the show has always had a cancerous underbelly of politics to it, during the past few years it has metastasized into stage-four. This is a business / finance show, not a politics’ show. The person to blame is Kai as he has embraced the change to a politics-centric show. Notwithstanding, it might be palatable if it was politically balanced but it never is. Even the regular contributors to the show are leftist Kai-sycophants. And while I’m on the subject of Kai and Marketplace, I want to add a postscript about the show “Make Me Smart” that Kai does with Molly Wood. It’s a mini-version of Marketplace with the two hosts acting like lovey-dovey adolescents. I could only listen to it for a few episodes until it “Made Me Dumb.” I’m gone Kai and while I nostalgically miss the “ancient” (much less political format) Marketplace, I am happy to report that the Wondery podcasts are fabulous - I’m never looking back!
  • contormac
    Overly produced and unfocused
    I did not know that it would be possible to wokify a financial podcast. But this one has accomplished it. It seems that in every episode, they find a way to weasel in some sort of agenda-based puff piece, rather than just focusing on the financial news topics that are relevant and what I had intended to listen for.
  • N1lul
    Informative and entertaining
    This show is by far my favorite podcast and I never miss it. Kai is awesome and makes me want to learn more about the bond market. The supporting reporters are all strong and contribute to make this show great.
  • muslï
    Kai does an amazing job. The podcasts are always interesting and varied; they’re insightful and also go into a lot of detail, but always very up-to-date with a good and strong economic focus. I have been listening to this podcast for many many years and it never bores me. I always learn something new.
  • dylanman63
    You lost me
    I’d say I’m pretty reasonable and I’m fine with activism (free speech) but you lost me when your guest said the fed’s job was to combat racism and climate change. What? I mean…what?
  • ErikClayton98765
    Dated format, overly dramatic
    The show needs an overhaul to make it a more manageable length and cut the unnecessary fat. Listeners are looking for 15-20 minute shows, in my opinion, rather than this 25-30 minute format that includes too many musical interludes and unnecessary fill time. I find myself skipping the show altogether because some stories drag and the unnecessary music and chatting is a waste of my time. Pick it up, Marketplace!
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