NBC Meet the Press

News #101News Commentary #24

NBC News’ Meet the Press is the longest-running television show in history. If it’s Sunday, it’s Meet the Press with Kristen Welker.

Meet the Press NOW airs weekdays at 4PM ET on NBC News NOW.

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Recent Reviews
  • Stuwright99
    What a devolution
    It is really sad how far and how fast this previously wonderful show and overall brand has fallen. Without a doubt, it’s primarily due to the departure of Chuck Todd, who demanded and drove higher standards of journalism. Kristen is wonderful in many ways, but she has no business leading a show like this. Too many of the interviews have turned into gotcha sessions and are unnecessarily confrontational and needlessly dramatic. Meet The Press used to really stand out in the crop of Sunday morning shows, but no longer. They need to completely reassess things at NBC and reinstitute the high standards that used to drive the program. And having Kristi Noem on today (6/23/2024)? Are you serious? To what end? Get some gravitas. Rethink your panels too while you’re at it. The direction of the show is just trending more and more toward being lightweight and not adding anything to the political discourse in our country.
  • bjohns383
    Hate Mongers
    I stopped listening when, in the latest episode (6/10), the host calls the slaughter of almost 250 Palestinians “great news”
  • AussieYank
    Spare us from political analysis and sensationalism
    This would be a much better program without the endless political analysis and statistics. Instead use the time for quality and depth of important issues. And boot off anyone that is nasty and just spewing talking points. Leave the tabloid for Rupert Murdoch and his band to toxic talking heads! And with each new host, the show becomes more and more like Jerry Springer. I wonder when people will just start throwing chairs at each other. This used to be a serious program. Not anymore.
  • Aaron Disney
    Proving the biased leftist media is the enemy of the people every single Sunday
  • ABN0455
    Really ? Just Really...what a moron !! Kristen !! Really ?? JOKE !!!! Period !!!!!
  • Civil rights supporters
    Love Kristen! I believe she does ask the toughest questions holding their feet to the fire. Dumb question: What were the Palestinian people doing when Hamas was building these massive tunnels right underneath them? Did they feel safe then?
  • Tobycstephens
    Disappointed Fan
    I’ve been a little disappointed in mtp lately. It seems like the corporate masters have made Kristen have made this show more sensational than journalistic.
  • Lenmier
    “If it’s any day of the week… it’s Meet the Press” :(
    Meet the Press seemed more exceptional when it was only on on Sundays. The daily Meet the Press: Now format seems to hamper the power of the Sunday only production. I like Kirsten Welker, she resists guests talking over her, which is a pet peeve of mine. Another big plus; she points out when an interviewee is sidestepping a probing question and asks again. That’s what I come to see! (Tim Russert must be smiling down). Hopefully, the daily format is a phase, and will go the way of the Dinos (without the massive asteroid hitting the planet of course). Until then, it would be acceptable if the Meet the Press and the Meet the Press: Now podcasts were separated so listeners could download one or the other or both at their preference.
  • Danteen 41
    Bunch of Cry Babies
    Liberals unable to withstand an opposing view. You must agree totally with them or you are cancelled. I will not be listening or watching any NBC news until they can grow up and be able to present and tolerate a conservative viewpoint.
  • Redwoods cali
    Goodbye Meet The Press
    I used to get excited every Sunday for Meet the Press the way a fan can’t wait to watch their favorite team or band. Tim Russert’s curiosity was contagious and diversity of thought was celebrated. In those days Jim Carvel and Mary Madeline modeled the passion of differing options didn’t split marriages or friendships. Now meet the press is a constant stream of narrow view points wrapped in the artificial emotion of the hero’s journey. Curiosity is replaced with villianism. Honor replaced with spit. I cried real tears at the sudden announcement of Tim Russet’s death. I displayed his picture for years afterwards on my desk. Little did I know so much more would die that day than one great man. Goodbye Meet the Press. When you decided to abandon all diversity and curiosity of options today by firing a corespondent you disagreed with you destroyed the last hope I had you were truly going to risk - become curious again and allow divergent though. I will never listen or watch this show again.
  • Yeedave
    So I lean more to the right but I respected these left wing networks and I get my news from both sides until now! I didn’t really care when they hired Ronna but the fact that they fired her so abruptly and, the reaction to her hiring is so gross to me. I can’t listen to this podcast anymore.
  • Journalistic integrity matters
    Ronna McDaniel hired by NBC
    Really? Shame on you
  • Neplusultra123
    It’s getting better
    I really wasn’t a fan of Kristen after her interview with Donald Trump. However, I believe she’s gotten stronger in the role. She asks hard questions and won’t let her guests sidestep the questions with clever word play. This may not be appreciated by many listeners, but I want someone who isn’t afraid to get to the truth of the question being asked and get the guest on record. There are many instances where politicians dominate interviews and talk over the interviewer as if they are plugging a product or a new tv show. We’ve become to accustomed to that IMO. The job of a journalist is to get to the truth and hold the politician accountable. Why? Because we elected them and they need to be accountable to the people. I’m not giving a 5 star rating because I still think she’s has done work to do. And by the way, props to Chuck for calling out NBC for their hire of the ex RNC chair.
  • hgfrrtghiiigfggyjbdaaqqwd
    Most credible of the Sunday morning programs
    Kristen Welker is doing a first class job each and every week in this broadcast. Tim Russert, the Gold Standard of newsmaker interviewers, was left of center, but respected by conservatives and liberals alike because he respected them. Welker is exactly what America needs from its journalists; a moderator of our centuries long conversation rather than part of the story. Tim Russert would be proud.
  • LilRedheadedGirl7
    Kristen - please don’t speak SO SLOWLY
    Kristen is tough to listen to because she speaks so incredibly slowly. It makes her painful to listen to. I listen to Kost podcasts at 1.25 speed. But this one, I have to listen at 2.0. Does the show cut out a ton of material to accommodate Kristen’s speech?! It’s tough to listen to her.
  • Spewes
    Missing Chuck
    She asks questions that don’t get answered or have already been answered over and over. I’ve been listening to this show my whole life but the show is suffering enormously right now.
  • E.J. W
    MTP Review
    Kristen is a great fair minded host. I enjoy both her daily show as well as the regular Sunday show. Most of the negative reviews seem to just be bitter people who want MSNBC or Fox News type coverage and not a real journalistic program where everyone is asked hard questions. Keep up the good work Kristen!
  • 😉💙🙃
    1 March 2023
    Nicki Haley is merely trying to psych Trump out…
  • rGrubs
    Good Bye
    Very long time fan of this legendary tv show but I no longer can stomach the direction. It is a very professional news program that covers topics important to legacy media but the whining tone and incessant yet not always accurate pushback on conservative points while green lighting progressive positions is no longer tolerable. I’ve enjoyed Kristen’s coverage previously but this role is not suited to her or this historic program. I’ll have to stick to Face the Nation and Firing Line. Thank you for the many years of information. I will miss you.
  • misty3303
    Use to enjoy this show and really liked Kristen in her previous roles. Unfortunately she is a much better reporter (and debate moderator) than an interviewer. Her habit of asking the same question repeatedly to get to the answer she’s looking for is annoying and disrespectful of the person being interviewed, and prevents the audience from hearing the interviewee’s point of view. Her final line closing every interview, “we really appreciate it”, is sounding more and more hollow after hearing it over and over. Meet the Press won’t be the longest running show at this rate.
  • Not a fan of kw
    Love the show not KW
    Please stop interrupting and asking the same question over and over. Let the guest finish their sentences!
  • /:;()&@$(:-
    Ask once, maybe twice, but asking the same question over and over again is insulting to…me, your listener.
  • R.I Girl Dee
    Disappointed in Chuck today
    I love Chuck but I wish he would let her finish her answer it does get annoying. I noticed he has been doing that a lot lately Dee
  • dpfriedman
    Hard to listen.
    Listening to K Welker is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I prefer any other host.
  • Critime
    Kristen’s loud voice is annoying
    Why does Kristen feel the need to constantly yell - putting the exact same emphasis on every single syllable in every word in every sentence? It’s annoying.
  • D.F.A.
    Stop interrupting
    For gods sake let them answer your questions.
  • shersartwork
    Please don’t ask a question and then interrupt them before they answer
  • Kacchic
    This show is just painful since KW took over. I wish that Peter Alexander would have took over the show. KW is I’m sure a lovely person, just not a great host or interviewer. I just end up feeling uncomfortable when she is questioning people.
  • La Piana
    Chuck, get your hands off the steering wheel.
    KW, stop is trying to be exactly like Chuck. If you want to imitate someone, imitate Tim Russert. And KW, don’t interrupt your guests when they are speaking. It shows disrespect for them and your audience. Thank you for not jiggling your legs like Chuck. It was very annoying and juvenile. Also, why are you holding an unnecessary piece of paper when you are standing. It sends a clear signal that you are nervous, insecure, and not sure how to manage it. If you are running short on time, don’t ask unnecessary or pointless questions. Focus on time management, not “let’s jam as many questions into a set amount of time as possible.”
  • SmurphyPA
    Meet the press has crashed and burned
    Meet the Press is just terrible ever since Russert died. Not sure how it’s still on the air.
  • D_Chicago
    Meet the Amateurs
    50 minutes of opinion and zero serious debate or objectivity. NBC News is a political frat house and nothing more. Tim Russert is rolling in his grave.
  • Sir_Realist
    Waste of Time
    Kristen Welker was a good reporter. She is a lousy show host. Andrea Mitchell should retire. There is too much repetition and overlap by the various news casters called upon to report.
  • mettaminx
    Ummmm no
    Heaven help us, Ms. Welker is not an effective interviewer when it calls for asking the hard questions - she lets a tough guest run over her faster than a jackrabbit while she’s still gathering up her interview notes for the show. This is NOT the person for this moment - we need someone nimble who can pivot to make sure the guest doesn’t run the interview, getting free air time to take their political shots at the expense of the public. I’m losing brain cells listening.
  • Pandora#43008
    Kristen Welker
    I LOVE Kristen Welker at the helm of this show! I am a loyal Podcast listener to this show and Kristen is fearless asking tough questions of both Republicans & Democrats in a way Chuck Todd couldn’t break “Bro-Code”. I am a 53 year old Political Junkie and I am enjoying the show more than ever!! You Go Girl!!
  • Waybackward
    Getting Worse
    Amazingly, NBC succeeded in finding a worse moderator than Chuck Todd to host MTP. Kristen Welker’s belief that asking loaded leading questions designed to make a guest look foolish or jam her agenda down a guest’s throat is good journalism is really sad. Welker just cements MTP’s slide to irrelevance since Tim Russert’s death. Here is a clue Kristen. Most of your guests are way more intelligent than you are. Asking them the same question over and over again phrased slightly differently to try and trick them into giving you the answer you want doesn’t make you look smart or thorough. It makes you look like hack trying desperately to get a clip you can post to social media.
  • kathrynR28
    Love the show and love Kristin Welker. Need to continue putting both sides up for interviews so that the American People can judge for themselves.
  • Rooney33147
    Just NO with Welker
    I do not like Welker’s style of interviewing or her choices. I just can’t take her seriously. I looked forward to this show on Sundays but no longer a fan with this moderator.
  • Mallarie121
    Fantastic ???
    Will someone please tell Kristen to stop with the “fantastic”. If she wants to be complementary to try not to sound like she’s still in Junior High. This is NBC. We expect better from a flagship news show. Also- when interviewing ensure you get answers to questions. Listen to responses and don’t move on to the next question without an answer to the previous question.
  • jtdncdk
    Welker is a weak interviewer trying too hard to flatter her guests. I can hardly stand listening to her. Look at Margaret Brennan if you want an example of how it is done well.
  • Dean molien
    So the first question you are going to ask Trump is whether he would pardon himself? Are you joking? The American public doesn’t care about that, and the whole conversation was frustrating. This was a great opportunity to expose this fraud for who is by making him explain his hollow vision for this country, by getting past the rhetoric, the smoke and mirrors, and you failed.
  • LongFanxx
    Unbelievable choice of host
    No more, please. This was the worst, ever. I have watched NBC all my life and depended on its standards for interviews, opinion and educational views. However, I find it impossible to respect a network while its standards are discarded like they have done with Meet the Press. Sorry, but I can find nothing to praise in the choice of hostess, fact checks or guest choice. May NBC find its way to make a positive change of course immediately.
  • Kenosha, Wisconsin
    Mainstream media
    Mainstream media still doesn’t know how to handle Donald Trump. I expected better from Kristin Walker.
  • soccer353
    Not a good way to start
    Seriously, you believe having the disgraced ex-President as your first guest is special. It’s a terrible choice when their are so many great folks in this world trying to make life better for everyone. I have better things to do than listen to a podcast who serves it up for this selfish, broken human being.
  • NoNickMan
    New host is more partisan than chuck todd
    I was not aware we went from having a host that at many times seemed to be liberal to one that explicitly adds democratic talking points instead of allowing democrats to respond. Was not aware she speaks for the party
  • cet blaine
    Trump interview is a disgrace to our country
    Kristen walker you should be ashamed of yourself. You and NBC showcase a traitorous felon to this country so you can juice the ratings of a low rated sunday show. NEVER AGAIN WILL I WATCH OR LISTEN TO THIS SHOW. How dare you allow this thug to have a platform. How dare you allow him to spew lies. You have not learned anything from the past 8 years and you are clearly only seeing things in the short term because if he gets re-elected you and many of your colleagues could be subjected to violence and suppression. SHAME ON NBC!!
  • Meg Reynolds1983
    Stopped following
    I am done after years of listening. You are giving a platform to rapists and facists.
  • Nuts-n-Bolts
    Meet the (unim)Press(ed)
    Just this week. Showcasing someone who has been blocking the operation of our military, and another who is under inditement for attempting to block the operation of our government. I’m done. On the bright side… Keith Olbermann is back!
  • debllstl
    Trump Given Prime Airtime by NBC
    Why are you having Donald Trump, world’s biggest liar, on your new Sunday MTP? Very disappointed that you are giving this corrupt former president more attention and “status” by having him on your program. This is clearly a money making decision for NBC, but very bad for our democracy. Trump has been indicted for inciting the insurrection. We all watched and heard the evidence live, but Trump just rewrites history, gaslights and scares people every time he opens his mouth. He is currently threatening judges, Fani Willis, Jack Smith and others for doing their jobs competently. And you choose anti-democracy, misogynistic, racist Trump for the first program with your new host? Unbelievable!
  • Eli Peters
    Thank you for your service
    Dignity and grace. Always. In a time that doesn’t have much left.
    Good bye Chuck
    You will NOT be missed.
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