Start Here

News #94Daily News #17

A straightforward look at the day's top news in 20 minutes. Powered by ABC News. Hosted by Brad Mielke.

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Recent Reviews
  • USA Mknitter
    Martha Radditz’ personal experience on the “floating pier”””
    Thanks for sharing Martha Radditz’ perspective experience of attempting to stand on the floating pier in the Mediterranean off the coast of Gaza on today’s podcast (June 26, 2024). I had had strong opinions as to all of its problems (breaking apart) and appearance of being ineffective—NOW I understand why from Martha herself, and her report —as if “man can control the wind and the waves”! Thanks, again, Brad, for such a great podcast (a “must” for me each morning!). I am so glad you have been a staple part of my every day podcast-listening life!
  • PrP--
    Best on the go daily news
    Great coverage of the top stories and a little extra to start your day.
  • Mazocar
    Is anyone else surprised that Milky is married to a woman?
  • Glen719
    I listen with my boys every morning...
    And one day when we couldn't get it to load, my second-born said to me, "I want my podcasts like I want my breakfast, Mielke"
  • geocacherchic
    Not just headlines
    Not twenty minutes of headlines with no context or backstory but rather a not-rushed, in-depth, knowledgeable look at issues with a dash of Brad’s humor.
  • Kram876
    All the way in Florida
    Love these reports to point and no time wasting.
  • Shadwell von Bernstein
    Always informative and interesting
    My go to news podcast every morning. So much more enjoyable than other podcasts that are either biased or have annoying personalities. I have tried so many and this one just keeps making the grade.
  • seekingdistraction
    Puns for days
    Brad’s “I want my MTV - motion to vacate” joke this morning had me rolling. So much news breaks my heart these days; this show’s sense of humor (and Brad’s stellar delivery) are the spoonful of sugar that helps the nasty medicine go down.
  • vdiddy81
    Good info
    Good information. I listen to a lot of news radio and this one seems to get its point across without being too far left or too far right just straight reporting however, the girl from May 2, 2024 from Columbia was a complete moron and absolutely clueless made me scared for, the next generation wow I’ve never heard such ignorance
  • Ty1227
    Columbia Interview
    Overall this show is 5-stars, but the recent interview with the Columbia was incredibly disappointing. I think it’s important that these students’ voices be heard, but they should receive the same scrutiny as other witnesses. They claim the only acceptable outcome is divestment, but Brad glides past the hypocrisy of the student refusing to divest themselves from the university. He also casually glides past the fact that the students escalated this non-violent protest as soon as they broke into school property. We’re failing these students every time we allow reactionary thinking to go unchecked.
  • Chriz Again
    Political slant is showing.
    Four police officers are killed in Charlotte, NC on 4/29. Start Here does not even mention it in the 4/30 report - Students protesting and Trump trial are more important??? This just shows the slant or agenda this news organization has. God bless the fallen police officers and their families. Shame on ABC for being a thinly veiled arm of the left political party.
  • Diana1sbq
    The best
    I listen to a lot of news podcasts in the morning (okay, is 5 a lot?) and without a doubt Start here is the clearest, most easiest to understand. They get to the heart of an issue, (and yet make it fun to listen to too). If ever I am unclear about the latest bruhaha going on, I never worry, because I know by the time I listen to Start here, I will not only understand it, but will have had a chuckle about it too
  • JA in MD
    Doesn't always tell both sides of the story
    Production value is excellent but the delivery of "news" stories is biased. It's very subtle (as is often the case with mainstream media outlets) so many listeners may not be aware that they aren't actually getting the full story.
  • Wnderland
    Morning routine
    Love listening to your show every morning! You give me talking points for my day if I need any conversation starters with my clients 😊
  • Karl_from_Prairie
    Generally, good, but quality variable
    I like the generally upbeat tone to the podcast and often find it to be objective and informative. I’m disappointed at times, though, when sensationalism seems to rule the day, like with their Havana syndrome podcast which was filled with unsubstantiated claims.
  • Kiraz76
    This is how I start my morning
    I love this show. Great break down of current events. However, the story from April 2 about the over the counter drug was a miss for me. I’m so sorry that a life was lost. But if a bottle says take 2 and the person takes 15, is it the drug companies fault?! There can be some debate over how this drug affects ppl w pre existing addiction issues. But overall I wasn’t making the connection that this drug is dangerous. It sounded more to me like ppl not taking responsibility for their actions. Also, if ppl are prone to take this medicine as an anti depressant, that says more to me about mental health in this country and the lack of access many have due to insurance companies not covering it. And ppl not being able to afford the out of pocket expense from mental health services. THAT should have been the story, imo. Why are ppl turning to this drug? Why are they not seeking mental health services? They can’t afford it? Why? And how can we get law makers to FIX IT instead of trying to ban Tik Tok.
  • PYi100
    First Time Reviewer, Long Time Listener
    I am a big fan of this podcast and have been listening since 2018. Absolutely love how the news is shared to the listener in a concise but still informative format. Brad’s Dad Jokes are the cherry on top. Thanks for the great work, Team Start Here!!! PS: Does anyone else listen to the podcast until the way end to see if a sound was added (for example: the ship horn added on 4/2, or Brad’s April Fools Joke)?
  • AlexisJessica
    I look forward to listening every morning!
    It’s been in my every day routine to put Start Here on as I’m driving to work. I enjoy all the content!
  • Whollyfree
    What a Team!
    As a high school history teacher, I have listened to Start Here every morning before school/work. I use the stories for my daily feature “Happening Today, History Tomorrow” and it is THE perfect way to bring about conversation about the news of the day. Brad Milke, you are the perfect host with being completely thorough in your interviews, appropriately expressive in so many moments-your response 100% matches the situation of the story, and you totally care for us as your audience when you are required to be away (which I am sure I can speak for 99.9% of us that those are the hardest days!). Thank you for what Start Here is…I am always so happy for every award you all win! WELL DESERVED every time!
  • dxchjb ccc wsdt
    News with a smile
    I know I’m getting the top stories of the day, but it’s the odd Home Alone reference that has me coming back for more! Love Brad and the entire crew!
  • Midnight Owl Spins
    My favorite podcast!
    This is hands-down, my favorite podcast. I listen every day including when I’m on vacation or traveling for work. Keep up the great reporting!
  • Pidge0211
    Student Approved!
    I had to find a news outlet for my AP Government class and couldn't be happier my search led me here! Ill be listening long after my class ends, even if saying “Halley’s fall” a couple weeks back gave me a brief panic wondering if Halley’s Comet fell. Love you Brad!!
  • alpal114
    I <3 Brad
    Every day I wake up excited to start my day with Brad Mielke. To be very honest, I get a little sad when it is not Brad. If I hear Brad, I know I am going to have a good day. Podcast content is great too.
  • brian cassista
    So glad I found where to leave you five stars
    Actually, why does Brad call out of work so much ? Seems like this show needs a new host who actually shows up for work.
  • RebeccaBerk724
    A Staple of My Morning Routine
    Listening to Start Here is a MUST when I’m driving to work everyday. Even when I have time off I will go back and listen to previous episodes that I missed because there is always something interesting reported especially for the “One Last Thing” segment. Brad is so easy to follow and keeps the news real and brings it to a level that makes it easy to digest. I really miss Brad when he’s out because no one has compared to the way that he presents the news. It slightly throws off my day when you’re not here! Also, I appreciate that Brad lists everyone that is a part of the Start Here team each Friday. It shows the appreciation for the team and that it takes a village to bring us the news. I can tell you care about your team and that increases my respect for you. Thank you all for sharing the news on a human level that really takes me into the story versus just being told some information.
  • klopez71
    The Royals
    JC Penny…. You made my morning Karen Lopez
  • KateGaleana
    Unfollowed today due to misinformation
    I am not a Republican, however, I am absolutely appalled at the fact on today’s episode, you went ahead and misquoted Trump from his speech in Ohio. 3/18/24 He was discussing EV vehicles that China is manufacturing in Mexico, and how they want to import to the US with no taxes… he said he would tax them. But if this does go forward, it will be an “economic bloodbath”. I WATCHED IT. And if you look at the definition of bloodbath - “economic bloodbath” is listed under the definition. You totally and completely mischaracterized and missed quoted.Check out the daily wires reporting on this, every major news network has miss, reported it, and this is why you are losing trust with citizens. You should be ashamed of yourselves, I thought we did truthful journalism but clearly we don’t. so if I have to vote now between Biden or Trump, Trump now has my vote due to almost every news media outlet falsely reporting this. Disgusting.
  • no dur
    TikTok is the best social media it is so sad it probably will be gone
  • M0mof1
    News that is straight forward. He does not try to scare or intimidate you like a lot of journalists.
  • miranstanog
    A staple to my morning
    Brad, I’ve been listening to start here for almost 4 years, and I’m a huge fan. It’s essential to my morning. I gotta tell you, I’m not a fan of the special episodes. I know you’re switching it up more often and trying out some new stuff, and I want you to follow your heart and be happy, but I hope we don’t lose you 💔
  • OG2311
    Love it, love it, love it!
    My most informative & entertaining source for news! You guys are the best!
  • Gabrielfg1984
    My favorite and surprisingly great at every episode!
    I love the show and I’ve been listening daily since 2022. Brad is an amazing - even in the ads that he promotes. I loved the episode ‘The Fungus Among us’. Eye opening!
  • ipodmae
    Making Sense
    Celebrate this podcast! Breaking down complicated content to the listener, coupled with Brad’s calm inquisitive demeanor, provides a top shelf experience. Appreciate you daily!
  • Uplevelauto
    I don’t start my day without a tall glass of Mielke
    And you shouldn’t either!
  • devon0612
    Need to listen Every Day!
    The topic they choose to report on are always interesting. I enjoy the different reporters coming in and talking to Brad. And Brad does a great job of listening and asking some good questions with his own commentary. His personality comes through a little bit and I feel like I know him as a friend. Keep up the great work.
  • Big_MM
    Coffee and Start Here!
    This podcast is a must for your morning commute. You get all the most pressing headline stories of the morning. The host does a great job of story recap and asks all the right questions when guests are on the show. Thank you for your commitment every morning!
  • 022756
    I’ve been starting my day for more than five years with Start Here. Never miss it. Great job
  • That one guy Vulok
    Excellent, if you can fast forward
    A great podcast and summary of key events over the past days. However, the commercials have expanded into 2+ minute sessions including before the show starts… really? Assuming you can fast forward then highly recommended, if not then brace for the constant Zip Recruiter ads.
  • eishehwizidk
  • Marion Ros.
    Thank You
    I love your podcast, because I’m always up to date. Plus sometimes you put some humor in your podcast, which it is very entertaining. Thank you Brad, and thank you for being awesome.
  • onthewaves
    Good News, Bad Taste in Toppings
    Appreciate the unbiased look at the headlines, even if the host needs to reevaluate his choice of hot dog toppings. ;-)
  • jos1098
    Lightning News Update for the busy individual
    I have over an hour commute each way to work. I work in the Chemical Manufacturing Industry so I don't have time for casual news catch up during the day. I also don’t have the attention span to listen to a news update for an hour while driving. Start Here is the only way I stay current and able to have current affair conversations with coworkers. This is a must podcast for busy people!!!
  • Smaggersmee
    Perfect for my hectic schedule
    Start Here offers the perfect format to keep me informed despite my busy schedule.
  • Griff908
    Best morning catch up
    I’ve been listening for years now and enjoy the run down on the news. Thank you to everyone’s hard work on the podcast!
  • Casey MDL
    I listen every day
    Great perspectives on news from around the country and world. I listen every day!!
  • Rock man LN
    All shows
    Loved this podcast for yrs. Glad Brad finally explained how to give rating. Your friend in San Juan cap says hi
  • Newkittens#2
    Just enough news!
    Awesome way to know what’s going on everyday in a comfortable format. Really smooth newscasting Brad!! Thanks to the entire crew. Carol Van
  • The Real Zen Boy
    Crass and Unprofessional
    Gave this podcast another shot. Big mistake. They are repeating all the mistakes of 2016. Pretty much trying to get Trump elected “for the clicks”. It disgusting. But also, it’s just completely unprofessional. Always trying to be cute, but really just being inane. The amount of misinformation is akin to right wing sites. The only consolation is that once they get that traitor reelected, the media is one of the first groups he is coming after, and I’ll be laughing the entire time. Stupid is as stupid does.
  • JAD2000
    Simply the best
    Been listening since it started, and this is absolutely the best news podcast available. Brad has such a great witty approach to the news. It is entertaining without imposing its political view!
  • Nesserfly
    Hands down favorite news source
    Once the kids go to school I start every day with this podcast and if I miss it for some reason I will go back and listen to catch up. I’ve been listening for years and now Brad feels like a friend! I’m grateful for the work he and the whole team puts into the show daily. Thank you!
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