Who Killed JFK?

Who Killed JFK? For 60 years, we are still asking that question. In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's tragic assassination, legendary filmmaker Rob Reiner teams up with award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien to tell the history of America’s greatest murder mystery. They interview CIA officials, medical experts, Pulitzer-prize winning journalists, eyewitnesses and a former Secret Service agent who, in 2023, came forward with groundbreaking new evidence. They dig deep into the layers of the 60-year-old question ‘Who Killed JFK?’, how that question has shaped America, and why it matters that we’re still asking it today.

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Recent Reviews
  • TPK125
  • Vegas Story
    Clear and present danger
    The show not only makes the complicated connections to the guilty parties, but brings the receipts in the form of recorded interviews from the past and present, documents and Warren Commission omissions. Superb job in explaining motives as well.
  • takerfan4
    This Show Sparked Something In Me
    It wasn’t until this podcast that I began taking a much deeper dive into the JFK assassination story. It happened before I was born, but I’ve not listened to as detailed of a podcast on it as this one. It certainly ignited me to keep digging deeper and finding out more and more. I think Rob and Soledad did an outstanding job with this series, and I only wish they had done more episodes.
  • Fusion Flareeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • Kempywempy
    Rusty Shackleford is rolling in his grave
    see title
  • dj quik the best
    No LBJ or Mac Wallace
    Enjoyed the pod, but felt it was missing a large piece of the puzzle. LBJ had massive motive and Mac Wallace, his hired gun, left a fingerprint in the depository.
  • njjeff201
    This is long overdue. Instead of the Government telling the public who/how our beloved President was killed they are hiding us from the truth. Thank you Rob for bringing this to us. I’ve come to the conclusion I will never hear the truth. Wonderful presentation. Leaves me wanting more. Problem is the more I look into it it only seems to raise more questions. Dorothy Killgalens murder is never brought up in many movies. One theory I heard was JFK was put into the trunk of the car & switched with Tippit who supposedly was a ‘dead ringer’ of JFK.
  • mikelliottms86
    The Best
    Great listen - Epic and Thoroughly presented
  • raqkelley
    Best podcast I’ve ever listened to!
    Absolutely riveting and revealing. I couldn’t stop listening. SO. WELL. DONE!
    Having trouble with Oswald not pulling trigger
    I believe some of Mr. Reiner’s theories are plausible and I do believe there were at least 2 shooters, one in 6th Floor BD window and one behind picket fence on grassy knoll. But, he never addressed who could have possibly been the shooter in the BD window if it was not Oswald? I do believe Oswald was a patsy and was set up to take the fall but who else could have pulled the trigger up there and get out undetected?
  • Andelmar
    Who Killed JFK?
    Amazingly researched & engrossing presentation
  • WES JD
    Rob Reiner does fantastic job
  • Sketch prep
    If you’ve read anything meaningful about this topic, this is a slipshod review intent on making the presenters money. There’s literally no counter-evidence presented and odd things like the magic bullet and the gurney bullet are presented as Q-anon level conspiracies. Check out The Rest Is History review recently as a counterbalance to this.
  • 6thtryatanickname
    Amazing do-series series. Highly recommend.
    If you didn’t question what really happened to JFK you will after listening to this. After this series of podcast, anytime, I’m discussing countries whose leaders were overthrown by CA plots I will start with the United States before going on to Guatemala, El Salvador, and so many other countries. I would give everything I own to be able to sit down with that secret Service agent in the last episode and polygraph examiner to ask him questions. I’m 95% sure that this is just a part of everything he knows. Hopefully, he has more that’ll be exposed when he passes away.
  • genki girl maui
    Did Fed. Reserve Fund ….
    JFK was assassinated 11 months after he bypassed the Fed.Reserve and went straight to the Treasury Department…. Federal Reserve = Federal Corporation = Deep State Swap…. Would love to see some next episodes with in-depth research addressing who funded the two rogue men, the mafia and the CIA… All wars are bankers wars…..there’s a video on Rumble about this topic…
  • daily wire fan
    Do you have anything in a Carl Reiner, instead?
    Sounded like it might be good, but then Rob Reiner. Hard pass. Watch America’s Untold Stories instead.
  • drbojam
    Fantastic! Binge worthy! Well done by both narrators. No outrageous new theories that are self serving promotions. Simply laid out presentation of documents, testimony, and past covert programs and personalities of the CIA and other intelligence communities.
  • CBuk61
    If the assassination of JFK happened today, this would be censored as disinformation
    This plays like an interview of Meathead the conspiracy theorist. Some interesting stuff but too much about feelings. Of course, the Warren Commission was disinformation! Amazingly, this “never trust anyone over 30” hippy, now thinks government censorship, disinformation and election interference is a good thing.
  • Peanutlabdog
    Lazy reporting. Sensational garbage.
    There are basic, true, indisputable facts that this podcast has blatantly ignored in order to arrive at their predetermined conclusion. From the get-go, this podcast has it wrong. Paul Landis was not a Secret Service agent for President Kennedy. He was one of Mrs. Kennedy’s agents. If you can’t get this basic level of fact correct, you have no credibility. Also, this podcast conveniently chose to exclude interviewing the actual Secret Service agent who climbed on the back of the limo to save Mrs. Kennedy and try to save the President: Clint Hill, most likely because his account doesn’t feed the podcaster’s narrative. Agent Jack Ready was on the follow up vehicle on the right running board in front of Paul Landis, obstructing Paul’s view. That is not to say Mr. Landis saw nothing, but it is fact. Mr. Landis also claims that the Warren Commission didn’t interview any Secret Service agents in the follow up car and this is easily verifiable as false. True, they did not interview Mr. Landis. They did interview Clint Hill because Clint was the only one in the follow up car to best see what happened. I have great respect for Mr. Landis and his traumatic experience, but his memory is sadly compromised now.
  • Truth Seekers 5
    Reason enough to look into Jan. 6….
    Reiner is right in one aspect….the public does want the true story, not the government’s version. Why not do a deep dive into Jan. 6? You say that the government was behind Kennedy’s assassination; could it also have been behind the false narrative of the Jan. 6 march to the Capitol? I say the government had too much power in both episodes.
  • Jackie MS1990
    5 stars!
    So good! Totally worth the listen.
  • K. Sugg McDonald
    Well-researched & utterly convincing
    I thought I knew a lot and yet there were so many new discoveries in the last couple years that really brought some threads together. Whether you love history, conspiracies, interesting characters, or a good who-done-it, this podcast will really entertain AND blow your mind. My two big takeaways from this podcast are that Oswald and his young family were treated wretchedly; and that JFK was incredibly courageous. As a nation, we lost so much in not uncovering and airing the truth as it happened and bringing those responsible to justice. It’s revolting to think how a such a small collection of people, bound together by paranoia, anger, and trauma, could change the trajectory of global consciousness so deeply dark. I hope each one came to see how vile their actions were, and felt the profound weight of it every minute of every day for the remainder of their lives. Further, I hope all young folks get to know a true statesman, and learn how much we must MISTRUST and verify every single thing we read, no matter how compelling the narrative. Finally, I hope ALL of us remember that we must fight for truth every day. Especially now as we’re all being bombarded with propaganda nearly hourly. My personal rule is this: If my cortisol levels are jumping, someone else is winning. Step back and remember how important your peace of mind is and how best to protect it while still being there for yourself and your community. And VOTE!!! Even if it’s for what you believe is the lesser of 2 evils. Vote like it was a hard-fought right that we will ALL lose if YOU don’t do your part.
  • unbiased listener
    A must listen. Listen all the way through, it is crazy what they document thoroughly and the investigation uncovers.
  • Anonee
    Too many ads splinter the narrative
    There are more ads in this story than I have ever experienced in a podcast. In a 28 minute podcast almost 8 minutes are adverts. And they are throughout the story making the narrative very short, only 20 minutes, and superficial instead of grounded in detail. These podcasts are like recaps rather than actual documentary presentation. My experience of reading books, articles, watching films about the assassination, is that each version seems authoritative - until the next which presents a different story. One can go loopy down all those rabbit holes. Any credible presentation needs to be grounded, documented with detailed references, and address competing claims with sound rebuttals. This version is thin, seemingly plausible but nowhere near the standard that must be met. I hope that they will present a denser version which can stand up on solid ground and address and rebut challenges.
  • JMicha33
    I liked that this podcast chose not to conclude a single narrative as the question of who killed JFK. The detailed look into the combinations of people involved and their motives I found credible and truthful. The belief that Lee Harvey Oswald somehow acted alone is completely debunked. Lee was involved, either knowingly or unknowingly, but it is made quite clear he was a patsy for the assassination of JFK.
  • S. Marquis
    So much I didn’t know - A Must Listen
    I’ve known that the Warren Commission has been heavily criticized but have largely dismissed the “conspiracy theories” as fringe nuttiness. I admire and trust Soledad O’Brien’s reporting and so gave this podcast a listen. A complicated story convincingly told. O’Brien and Reiner lay it all out, supported with interviews, documents, and their research combined with the work of others. They make the case for the “why” and get us the closest ever to the “who.” What is absolutely clear is the innocence of Oswald and the complicity and action of anti-Castro Cubans, organized crime, and the CIA. Listen hard.
  • Grassy-knoll
    Excellent investigative report!
    Great dive into the biggest cover up in history. My two questions are, when can we get more from this team and did this play a part in Bobby’s murder?
  • jwh1004
    An important history lesson of JFK and the 1960’s
    I enjoyed learning about the political environment during the time of JFK and the background, names and motives of all who may have been involved in the JFK assignation.
  • logicalprogressions
    The most in depth look into the story that I have come across.
  • Bergmash
    Fascinating and informative
    These podcasts are so intriguing and easy to listen to. The content is so compelling. Feel like I was hoodwinked as a young person in 60s and 70s. Well written and professionally produced. Thank you Soledad and Rob.
  • xk350r
    An Honest Question
    Why was this podcast marked explicit for a couple months and then unmarked? Did anyone else notice? Loved the podcast it really shone the light on who was involved and what actually happened. Not that this is absolutely proven to the last minute detail but great content and definitely something to ponder.
  • Deana Ballard
    The best JFK PODCAST
    I feel that this podcast is the most thorough and interesting investigation on JFK. I am enjoying hearing Rob Reiners voice too.
  • 11111000000111
    Thorough …except there was no mention of LBJ’s involvement? How could Reiner leave that out?
  • NetheriteGamerGD
    Me personally
    i disagree (im just a troll)
  • Le Danse
    Who Killed JFK?
    Content was good. Far too many repetitive ads made it unpleasant to listen to. Last chapter was short and anticlimactic. Cliff hanger stated we will tell you in the next segment who killed JFK. Did not deliver.
  • jjaskerr
    Outraged and Sad
    This is a tremendous and historical Podcast. I am deeply sadden and outraged, but not surprised in our Governments involvement in this assassination. Trust is at an all time low with young people, and old (I’m 60). I completely agree w Rob’s assertion that we MUST seek the truth in all accounts, but also rid ourselves of career politicians!
  • East Emerald
    Makes You Wonder..
    I am not a conspiracy theory type of guy but, I will admit to enjoying going down this particular rabbit hole. Even if it all turns out to be bunk, Googling people, places, events and theories mentioned in this podcast have left me more knowledgable than when I started.
  • lennyo21477
    Peter Jennings JFK Special
    I love the material, however Peter Jennings had a special in the early part of the 2000s that really explained the actual shooting. From the way they were seated in the car, to the shots from the 6th floor. This is well done, it’s just debunked by the special. I believe most folks have a hard time believing 1 man was able to take out JFK. One man with a gun that was bought out of a magazine killed the President.
  • tilghmac
    Why is it surprising that there would be more than one bullet if they say 3 shots were fired
  • ViewerOne
    Great series, but many obnoxious ads.
    ...otherwise, all five stars.
  • Dani0024
    Best podcast
    I love this podcast. It was very informative and different points of view brought to light many things that I was not taught in school or out of school about this. I would love to see the same people do this on many criminal acts that have happened in the US. They need one on Jimmy Hoffa next.
  • PT in Ohio
    Lots of information that the public didn’t have.
  • PD..
    So close
    I loved the content, but the episodes were too short and overloaded with too many annoying Paul Anka commercials. No one cares about Paul Ankas podcast after hearing about it once and most of those who might be interested in one generally speaking don’t listen to podcasts anyway.
  • Smoove7
    Waste of time
    Presents selective “evidence” which is all old, debunked garbage. An unfortunate discredit to Rob Reiner.
  • rosiecheeks05
    Enjoyed the podcast!
    Wish there were more episodes or another season
  • LouiseLikesIt
    JFK - fantastic details and research!
    So thoroughly researched! So detailed. Top notch. Teachers and professors of American History please learn this content! Actual NAMES of individuals involved in the assassination of JFK are exposed with in-depth background explanations.
  • Legendkiller595
    Excellent listen and I learned so much
    Don’t listen to these 1/2 star reviews from idiots this is a wonderful listen and they backup everything they say and talk to people still alive and look at official documents released over the years by the government
  • Africache
    A bit convoluted
    I struggled with this podcast. It presented lots of information in a bit of a random pattern which made it hard to follow. The dialogue was also a bit stilted which also affected the presentation of the facts.
  • purdywork
    Very important!
    Well done, all of you. We need this to continue to be known by all Americans. It reveals just how corrupt our government can be. They’ve done a great job dividing us. We need to be able to have good conversations with others whatever their political or religious views are, remembering government is so easily corrupted.
  • This Ken
    Not credible
    Too much distortion of facts. It raises a few questions that need more exploration but the Warren commission is more believable than this podcast.
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