
News #226Politics #80

Politics in America is transforming. We’re embarking on a new series to deepen our understanding of who we are, how we got here, and how we rebuild without repeating the mistakes of the past. Ron Steslow hosts academics, behavioral economists, social psychologists, politicos, philosophers, anthropologists, journalists, poets, and storytellers—and more—to discuss America’s political present and future and dive into the deeper problems we face as a nation. Email us questions or comments: podcast@politicology.com.

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Recent Reviews
  • Factory Rat
    Love Love Love - but …
    I love this. But regarding the recent debate, the host and guests seem to feel the ability to deliver an entertaining vaudeville act equates to the ability to run a country. We have jobs and a strong stock market - and no destructive trade wars or spats with America’s allies. And if Joe really did all this in his sleep, that makes him supernaturally potent!
  • ErmasDaughter
    Awesome Show!
    Awesome Show!
  • 1264 a B81259
    One of my favorite shows!
    I find this podcast to be worth my time, and I look forward to each episode. Balanced discussions, in-depth knowledge, needed in our current times. I have been enjoying the voice of Ron since the Lincoln Project days. Thank you Ron and all your regulars, especially Mike Madrid!
  • Lalliw
    I learn so much!
    I listen to a lot of podcasts and I always hear things on Politicology that I don’t hear on other podcasts. I’m still skeptical about Ron Steslow’s advocacy of crypto, but Molly McKew’s contributions on Ukraine should actually be blared from the headlines every day. They are so important! The long deep Plus segments really make me think (Ron, I’ve gone from absolutely against crypto and bitcoin to merely skeptical!)
  • cadler11
    I understand that you don’t want to delude people into thinking Biden will win easily. But you are depressing me. I listen to meidastouch, crooked media, and the bulwark. I also get Simon Rosenberg’s hopium substack. I need to hear more positive things to continue listening.
  • do' not have one
    great show
    love the weekly roundup
  • fake app frustration
    One of y favorites
    Love this balanced in depth podcast!
  • JadeTLG
    More live events, please!
    I just listened to the live broadcast with Mike Madrid and Ron Steslow. An hour wasn’t long enough! Simply wonderful and heartfelt. Mike obviously feels deep down to his core the hope that America use to extend to all hardworking immigrants. We need to embrace those feelings of hope once again. Ethnic diversity is a strength. Look all around us in nature. It is devoid of vulnerable monocultures. Instead, diversity abounds in every thriving ecosystem. I do have one assurance if global politics utterly fail future generations of H. sapiens: when humans no longer inhabit this planet with its complex life-supporting systems, the earth, along with the animals and plants, will stabilize naturally and continue without us.
  • dianagroth1227
    Leave us with a positive feeling and a laugh
    I love Mike Madrid! More Mike! Congratulations on your book.
  • jpjp2525
    Long time listener
    I’ve listened since the LP days and I appreciate there are always a wide range of voices and generally, Ron is a good moderator. I’ve tried to post a review on this before but it appears it was not posted. In this weeks episode, I appreciated Hagar’s willingness to shift her position on Israel/Hamas and acknowledge that it is no longer humane to have unwavering support. You could tell Ron was forcing himself not to interrupt. Between this and his comments about ‘jihad’ from a couple weeks ago (that another guest had to ask him to walk back), he’s clearly biased and phobic. I really want to stick with this podcast, it brings so much value to our collective political understanding but I want a moderator who understands how to restrain his own bias.
  • jonjazz
    Thank you
    Thank you for your thoughtful analysis and support of Israel. You should connect with Dan Senor from Call Me Back if you have not already.
    Smart, informative. What you won’t hear on mainstream media. Easy for a progressive like me to listen to and hear former Republican conservatives POVs. (note: they include voices from all sides, except Trump’s — because of the danger of his movement)
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxccccccccccc
    Thoughtful podcast
    Especially enjoy the podcasts in which Mike Madrid participates.
  • WattLond
    Always informative and especially important in these dire political times.
  • PlayOutsideNow?
    Excellent political analysis - informed, serious, insightful
    Tired of fear mongering or being talked down? This podcast respects your intelligence and breaks down complex ideas and situations, avoiding simple narratives, and showing a much more nuanced view of the complicated world we live in.
  • FromElkCA
    Essential listening
    Good to hear the perspective of people who are not Democrats but are no longer Republicans. So they basically just tell it like it is. Great views you won’t get elsewhere.
  • WalkingPrayingMom
    Love these guys
    This is a really engaging, thoughtful show. Appreciate the work…these guys feel like friends.
  • 😉💙🙃
    23 February 2023
    Your cover page today had the three of you sketched, and a small Politicology logo at the bottom. Better to have a large Politicology logo on the face, so we don’t overlook your podcast, as I did. Thank you.
  • Oco202
    Love it
    Great show, informative, digging in really, bringing different points of view. In an era of misinformation this is a podcast that will always value the truth
  • DrDK2
    Both Sides-ism
    I’m a progressive Democrat, but I admire The Lincoln Project. We must work together to stop Trumpism and its existential threat to American democracy and the loss of our freedoms. So I was surprised to hear you “both sides” a possible picture of classified documents in Biden’s garage. The issue with Trump is his obstruction of justice, refusal to return documents, lying about it, and then blaming the FBI while Trump plays the victim every day. None of that is equivalent to President Biden’s behavior. Your amoral Republicanism is showing.
  • scary misanthrope
    Best Political Podcast
    I listen to this podcast every week, it’s the most balanced, non-spin political podcast out there. Keep up the awesome work Ron!
  • belleboxer
    Always a great discussion
    Very substantive and thorough…to the staff: appreciate all your hard work sharing the tough information that I pray is being heard everywhere. Would love to see your show live if you ever decided to record at a live town hall and travel to various cities, I think it would be quite popular.
  • Learner A.
    Hagar Chemai
    A satirist speaking and laughing about the chain of command debacle at the Pentagon and White House, while Joe Biden is on vacation in the Caribbean and we and others are bombing in the Middle East - really?
  • BeardedNick
    Seriously - hope to meet you one day - LOVE this show!
  • Floof Toob
    I don’t always agree but that’s okay
    This is an excellent podcast. It’s important to listen to and understand different points of view. Even when I don’t agree with something, I never feel that the people on the podcast are speaking in bad faith or that their beliefs aren’t based on evidence. I’ve been listening to this for years, well before they changed their name.
  • Dardyer
    The best Show on podcast
    I love listening to smart stupid people. Any one on a plane has papers to get on the plane from HLS no migrants are walking over the border to any airport and getting on any plane without any government stamped documents. WOW. Why I knew I didn’t need a college degree. .. I’m going to spread the word for The American people that to Hear the Truth about Donald Trump that The Lincoln project tells the Truth About Donald Trump That ALL The MSM on a daily basis just refuses to Tell.
  • Meyer Family In Washington
    Tells you what you need to hear whether you like it or not.
    Fantastic combination of thoughtful and insightful discussion of political and and social issues and how they shape American and international relationships.
  • Souixb
    Politicology is a podcast. I search out each week. It brings a perspective that is considerably broader than most commentaries. I always go away with something to think about. Thank you all. You bring a place of calm sanity in a world of chaos.
  • DaniYogaTT
    I’m no longer obsessed
    I loved especially how Ron says the word “wow”. I’ve listened since Day One. Ron Steslow today Dec 8, 2023 has lost my loyalty. “The Left has to rethink the shade it’s throwing to the SCOTUS” vibes are wAaaaaaaay off. Hello the 303 creative and the Harper cases were brought forth on hypotheticals with no actual harms or litigants. Dummy!
  • OkDEG
    Very thoughtful
    Thanks for opening my eyes to so much confusion. I feel much more understanding to what is going on in the world.
  • WorriedModerate
    Happy to be introduced to your podcast!
    I just finished Episode 2 of the Holy War podcasts. Bravo. Thanks for the information and the insight. I believe you are right that this is a topic that needs more daylight, especially from those of us who are worried about the kind of America that the New Apostolic Reformation and their partner organizations like Wall Builders and other Christian Nationalist groups seek to bring forth with Christians being favored in the country. Thanks for putting this out there.
  • Kalfisher
    New to the podcast
    Just finished part two of the holy war series - wow. I listened to both episodes twice because I found them so packed with information and perspectives I haven’t heard anywhere, wasn’t on my radar. Super fascinating - great conversation great work! Thank you.
  • 2MnyPopUps
    Lincoln Project podcasts
    Good fair honest and informative. Many basic democracy items explained clearly. Lincoln Project is definitely a pro-Democracy group. If you love America L. P. Is Well worth your listening time and support JM -in San Diego POLITOCOLOGY If you love our Democracy. This is a great pro democracy movement that is committed to supporting and stringthing ours in these United States of America
  • Ingy1118
    I have to say…
    Thank you.
  • Meryl89
    Consistently a Top-tier Podcast!!
    Politicology has been on our Top 5 list of favorite podcasts for years, and we listen to over 100 podcasts too. We work from home so there's a playlist rolling almost 24/7. So to be on our Top 5 means Politicology beat out a ton of other pods. It's always high-quality, the audio is done right, the hosts sound great and know their stuff, and the guests are usually very interesting. Politicology is also 1 of only 3 premium subscriptions we pay for. Our sub renews every year and we have zero regrets. The Plus segments are THAT good. Also, Politicology Plus very reasonably priced; it's a great deal considering how much value the Plus segments have given us. Plus gives you the best stories, but without robbing the main podcast of content. You could say...It's always a "plus" Most importantly, Politicology routinely covers subjects that other, similar media sources don't even talk about. So if you're sick of hearing the same takes 10 times a day, subscribe today! Clearly, the people who make Politicology have their hearts in the right place and they're all incredibly smart. (Unlike other "opinion writers" that clearly learned everything they know/say from Twitter). And given the way the world is going? And the inescapable flood of cheap, terrible, propaganda-filled, narrative based, b/s content that's so infuriatingly common right now? Politicology is a breath of fresh air that deserves WAY more attention than it gets. So Subscribe to Politicology today! You just mind learn something new ^_~ ((and it's so incredibly important right now omg we only have 1 year left to wake up and get activated or everything we're upset about now is going to get so much worse... Regular people are stuck on a bullet train to destruction and nobody's doing anything to change it, only cashing in by making it worse; like dumping gasoline on fire in hopes they can earn a seat with an airbag before we crash..... Except for Politicology, and a few others.)) Drop the social media, turn the TV off, and try listening to this podcast. please?
  • TLA1017
    Thank you!
    Wow, thank you Ron Steslow for being one of the only currently sane voices out there! Everyone should be a subscriber to Politicology plus as the additional content is excellent too! Thank you for calling out crooked media on their disingenuous coverage of the Israel/Hamas war. I love that everyone that comes on this podcast is reasonable and can have positive thoughtful debate. Thank you for fighting extremism on both sides of the aisle! I respect you guys so much and wish everyone was as brave as this group - America needs you, so please keep doing what you do!
  • Dunklezeit
    Great show!
    Love to hear from Molly M again! So informative!
  • mtinshome
    5 stars to these shows, Ron Steslow and all of the contributors. This is the only political discussion source I listen to that doesn’t make me feel like I’m going crazy having to listen to crazy pundits and commentators spouting crazy positions. Well reasoned, logical, rational and thoughtful analysis and discussions. Started listening to Ron and Mike Madrid with the Lincoln Project but even the rest of the LP founders and contributors just kind of became rabidly political vs. political analysis and thought. Love ALL the Politicolohgy (and P ) contributors and the exchanges. Many times I wish the podcasts could run longer - especially Politicology . My only critical comment is that Lucy Caldwell needs to maybe dial back her caffeine consumption. Sometimes she gets talking so fast and high pitched it sounds like she might explode.
  • Love Politicilogy
    Honest and thoughtful
    Always honest, thoughtful, insightful
  • robin reese
    I love this show!
    Thank you for your great coverage of Israel human catastrophe. The artists you had on today left me inspired and in warm loving tears. In general, my favorites are Ron and Mike And Lucy and Susan and all the great guests (particularly Akhil Reed Amar) I don’t know what I’d do without all of you to hold in my heart.
  • Jon Holm
    Easy on the Framing, Ron
    Usually pretty strong discussion, but my biggest complaint is Ron often says “How should we be thinking about…” to a lot of his guests. I don’t like this framing. It’s a dictatorial lens and would prefer something more suggestive of their view point not how the audience needs to interpret the subject.
  • Yendorrivere
    The best!
    This is just the best political podcast period. It provides such a rich diverse in depth analysis of complex issues. The passion is addicting. I listen every week without missing a beat. With all the misinformation out there it’s so reassuring to have a source I can trust.
  • ZLB13
    Holy War…Wow!
    Excellent episode. Thank you for shining a bright light on this not well understood topic.
  • 3dogs3boys
    Holy war
    Just listened to part 1 of Holy War. Very enlightening and frightening. WOW! An amazing perspective and story that is long overdue.
  • Sandrare
    So Bad
    Episode I listened to was praising Biden as a statesman and how proud she was! Good grief!!! Reality may be tough but there is no way I’m holding hands and lending my ear to complete fallacies of truth and logic. Get a grip.
  • Lavadus
    I just listen to this weeks, replay of the interview on moral rebels, and was struck well it holds up. But it’s nature a podcast can easily slip from topicality to something fleeting or easily forgotten. This podcast often addresses topics that I find myself thinking about long afterwards.
  • Carissa9698
    Thank you !
    I listen weekly. This week i learned so much. I cannot thank you enough for doing the piece on Israel and Gaza. I had no idea that Israel did not bomb the hospital. Mainstream media has not even let us the American public know that ! Plz keep doing what you all are doing!
  • Emmon
    Thanks for what you do
  • walkingspanishdownthehall
    Great podcast!
    Love everyone on here. I learn so much! And Mike Madrid is brilliant btw. Thank you!!! ❤️
  • Tooltyme
    Love the show
    Love the podcast. Very insightful and interesting. I’ve always felt that we don’t have enough representation in congress. I think we need another 100 to make 535. It’s has a more equitable distribution effect to the system. Another thing is rules for voting and systems have to be the same across the country especially in national elections. Term limits isn’t going to work. Also PR and VI as well as DC need Senate representation.
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