Legal AF by MeidasTouch

News #58News Commentary #13

Hosted by MeidasTouch founder and civil rights lawyer, Ben Meiselas, national trial lawyer strategist, Michael Popok, and former Chief Assistant District Attorney of the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, Karen Friedman Agnifilo, Legal AF (Legal Analysis Friends) is a hard-hitting, thought-provoking look at this week’s most compelling developments at the intersection of law and politics.
Executive Produced by Meidas Media Network. Enjoy new full-length episodes every Wednesday and Sunday and occasional shorter breaking legal news hits throughout the week.

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Recent Reviews
  • f ummm FCC hmmm un sag
    Congrat on your new daughter and keep spreading truth and explaining what is happening in plain language.
  • 19541945
    Love the show ? Since trump is a convicted felon, according to his probation rules isn’t he supposed to stay away from other felons, if so how is it right for him to have felons join him on stage at his rally’s
  • goodvsevil
    About Team Magadonia/ Cannanigans
    Are they upset that Special Counsel (appointed by Garlard) is relatively independent; but they would like to turn it into a political counsel, appointed by the Senate, which is a political body?
  • beselice
    Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl to you and your wife!
  • martinschroman21
    Great podcast!
    Great argument about the Supreme Court not in the original constitution
  • howaboutthis1?
    Love Popok’s hot takes.
    👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻. I laughed out loud (while walking with the podcast) when Popok did his Tinman impression 🤣🤣🤣 I used to listen to Ellie Honig’s little Friday update on Cafe, but got increasingly annoyed with his commentary. Berating the GA AG for bringing her case, always being so negative about everything and everyone, except for his opinion. I stopped following him when his arrogance became more obvious than his opinion was worth Also Anderson relies on him too much on CNN
  • Tiniwinibikini
    Beavis and Butt-Head
    Matt Gaetz looks like “Butt-Head” from Beavis and Butt-Head. Very creepy. Yuck!
  • tmccaffr
    Thank you Popok. I appreciate your presentation and depth of knowledge.
  • Socty
    Top shelf podcast!
    I love these guys and gals who create these timely and factual reports that keep me informed on the daily machinations of the MAGA cult and how we can destroy them. Keep up the excellent work!
  • mrs mc gonagall's sister
    Love all the podcasts
    What would our country be today if your efforts didn’t happen. Thank you
  • NotTheRealBatman
    Good info, weird tone
    There are some legal insights here that I just don’t get anywhere else. As someone who never formally learned law, I appreciate how certain topics are presented with context and examples to help me not just understand but learn. But I’ve got to say sometimes the handholding is a bit too much and I feel a lot of time is spent reiterating the same points over and over again and the pace of the podcast suffers. Even weirder though is the self congratulations, and this is throughout MeidasTouch, where a pat on the back has basically become a segment in each of their podcasts. I often roll my eyes as they hammer some right winger’s ego and then immediately pivot into stroking their own. It’s just weird. Congratulations on all the success, it is well deserved, but it speaks for itself.
  • JulieD3
    Educational and entertaining!
    Love this podcast so much. It’s been interesting to hear actual legal professionals go through the ins and outs of the hush money trial. Very interesting and I’ve learned a lot! Really appreciate all of the Meidas Touch productions. Gives me hope in these bleak trumpian times.
  • Jorgerolis
    Best legal podcast
    I love the way u guys had teaching us about the law with real facts, keep up the good job, thank you for your time in each podcast
  • Biggixyz
    Thank you a thousand times!
    I would like to say thank you to Karen for pointing out the real two-tiered justice system that we have in this country by comparing the way that Trump and his Family were treated vs the way that Diddy’s and other familie of color are treated. It reminds me of the Chapelle skit Teon Carter’s Law and Order!
  • Bexterjohn
    Smoke or Sunshine,,,Get Real
    I’m blinded by your smoke and sunshine
  • Larry App
    A Plus-1 Lawyer
    Clarity and deep legal knowledge. He is a big winner‼️
  • Irish Lace
    So Repetitious!
    Popok brings some good, clear information and explanations of the relevant legal news of the day. Unfortunately, he repeats every point until I actually begin feeling insulted. It’s as if he either thinks his listeners are stupid or he just loves the sound of his own voice.
  • Hart Wilke
    Bumper Music
    Great podcast, but ads are popped in at random. One minute, you’re hearing about Trump’s crimes, and suddenly you’re hearing about silver-infused bedsheets inspired by NASA, hot chocolate mix with Nano-CBD, or Moink meats whose bacon is considered the best in the world by Mr Wonderful. Please! Take a breath between shifting gears! I’m getting whiplash!
  • fat fufu
    Irritating that Diana keeps on saying “you know” and “right?’ When she speaks Talks too fast
  • Foxposte
    Must read
    Always the best source for The Donald’s latest misdeeds. Delivered in an entertaining but honest manner, The Midas Touch and affiliated content is my go-to source for the latest news. Thanks for your dedication to keeping us informed!
  • mbgmbg1
    Did I miss where trump lost it?
    Please make your titles match the discussions.
  • Calculatorless
    Thank You..!!
    Mature, informative, educational conversation, discussed in an adult, civilized manner. Thank you..!!!
  • Cats feet
    Great Stuff!
    Is there a way to buy the ad free version? Why didn’t the contractors who worked for Trump sue him for the money he owed them?
  • CookieManster
    I knew it!
    She’s being schooled by the Federalist Society. All of her rulings have been workshopped by them. It’s really disgusting. She must recuse.
  • Coloradoorbust18!
    Thinking persons legal analysis
    So impressed by the depth of expertise & commentary. If you follow the news, but want a truly informed analysis of ongoing legal stories, this is the podcast for you. All my lawyer friends are listening! Love the show, but where do I find these daily trial summaries you talk about? Is it on a different podcast ? I’m very confused ?!?!
  • AbbyNemo
    Popok and Karen are a great duo
    I understand how difficult it is to keep abreast of current legal matters concerning our November elections, and beyond. Having said that, I don’t know how you all get extra hours in a day because I am having difficulty just keeping up with you fellas and gal. Just wanted to let you know that I am ecstatic to be one of your podcast members. Great work, informative and no nonsense.
  • 2dasea
    Karen Ben and Popok are brilliant, I feel like they are beloved family members!
    A voice for the honest, noble, thinking person, with the aim of bringing normalcy back to America.
  • Jill Bitt
    Karen and Popok Excellent
    Best show.
  • Aurelius66
    Initial summary
    Although I find your podcast very informative, I find your initial overview before getting into the substance waaay too long and extremely annoying. I want to yell..just get to it! Please… Either be more concise or skip the initial summary completely.
  • A UK fan
    A listener criticised KFA (not KAF as written) for not smiling enough and to tone it down - are you serious!! Your country is literally falling apart and thats all you’ve got. Im not surprised you have issues!! Wake up - KFA is correct and extremely concerned - if you want the really bad news delivered with a smile then watch a Hollywood movie - this is the REAL world we are living in and not everything comes with a happy ending - grow up!!
  • sfncar
    KAF is getting hard to listen to. She really does need to lighten up. Saying important things in a sharp, judgmental tone is not good. I want to listen but it’s disturbing. Not good. Please tone it down — learn to speak with a smile.
  • alcornell
    Timely, no-nonsense, clear to the non-lawyer
    Excellent discussions about the latest filings, court rules, dynamics & figures at play in the many cases relevant to our upcoming elections. The team are all a pleasure to listen to, and clear as a bell. These folks are giving me the best pocket legal education I could get without law school, god forbid. Thanks for helping me keep up, and making me a bit smarter.
  • Molly Jong Fast
    Bond judgement
    Where is Barbara the overseer on this?.
  • Tillie Schwabauer
    I had to turn the latest podcast off because I couldn’t stand the repetition. You’re taking over an hour to say what you could have said in thirty minutes.
  • shatu
    This podcast should be required listening for every US citizen. Informative of the law in an easy to understand way. Keep up the great work!
  • BAkinsWhite
    The most important podcast I’ve ever listened to! Thank you!
    I check for a new podcast twice a day. I appreciate your solid analysis without throwing gratuitous trash out in an attempt to balance the criminality with democracy.
  • NScholl
    Keep up the great work
    I always learn something and appreciate the vast knowledge and experience of the hosts. Keep on doing this!
  • Halloween 15
    Objective News
    It’s difficult to overstate the value of this podcast. KFA and Popok is monumentally informative and entertaining at the same time. The hosts have a synergy that results in analysis of complex subjects in a manner anyone can understand. Their shared charisma, I believe, can attract and retain an audience from every (adult) age and education level.
  • birdtrouble
    Thank you!
    This is exactly what America needs, truth and education about the legal system. These Midas touch podcasts and You Tube streams are better than any TV series because this information is important to our democracy and a counter balance to the nonsense and lies the GOP and their wannabe president spreads. Go MidasTouch Network!
  • Reewit
    Michael Popock
    Fantastic, insightful, educational about our justice system, that I only hope we can hold onto.
  • todd denier
    I follow because of the TRUTH you speak. Thanks is not enuf The Federalist Society, ALEC, Super Pacs, & the Heritage Foundation will ruin this country I think theyve set causation for Class Action against them. You’ve shined a klegg lite on this & I follow you because of the spotlight you’ve created Thank You
  • Novella55
    This is the place for factual legal information!
    I wouldn’t miss a single episode of this podcast. I never knew much about legal proceedings until I listened to these podcasts. Many thanks to Michael, Karen & Ben. Keep up the great work!
  • Another No-Nick
    Great show.
    Popok has a great sense of humor. Would like to see him as an msnbc legal analyst.
  • Mary Ancert
    Headline news
    Please don’t forget that people all over the world that danced in the streets when Joe Biden was elected president . Please don’t forget
  • alfarnz
    Highly recommend
    Best of the law podcasts. Very informative and entertaining
  • karfunoii
    Exemplary analysis… always!
    Keep up the excellent work!!
  • phunny girl
    Judge Canon
    If what Faron Cousins said—that Canon had the decision papers ready the same day of the oral arguments, that would indicate she had already determined how the case was going to proceed and would therefore be grounds for her dismissal from the case AND the bench—is true, should we expect Smith to finally go to the appellate court?
  • HyunAJ
    Totally agree with Ben on Fani. Popok was wrong again about Fani! Thank you!
  • Thatisvaliant
    Thank you , Karen, for telling dems the truth about the maga party. Enough trying to be polite to Republicans. This is war & their are no rules they respect.
  • gildedteig
    A Best Source for Legal Analysis
    My title expresses my appreciation of this program with Ben, Michael, and Karen. I check in daily for their assessment of breaking legal news. Each of them adds a distinct and knowledgeable take on events in courtrooms around the country. 🗽🇺🇸❤️🤍💙
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